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British Muslims fighting alongside Taliban

Khuda Baksh


New Recruit

Dec 16, 2008
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British Muslims fighting alongside Taliban, commanders claim - Telegraph


UK soldiers in Afghanistan have killed British Muslims fighting alongside the Taliban, commanders claim.
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If I recall correctly during the Second World War, there were people from Ireland helping the Germans too.

There have been persons from America who bought weapons and gave them to the IRA in the 70's.

I think it is all a matter of a personal nature.
If I recall correctly during the Second World War, there were people from Ireland helping the Germans too.

There have been persons from America who bought weapons and gave them to the IRA in the 70's.

I think it is all a matter of a personal nature.

It's mostly due to the fact that British Muslims of Pakistani origins have been radicalised and have failed to assimilate into the larger British society. That's why you see things like the London bombings of 2005.
y cant the world understand that terrorists dont have either a religion or a NATIONALITY
freakin closeminded people :tsk:
Britain should take measures to ensure it does not become a terror heaven.

It has a highly radicalized Muslim community, some of the worst hate mongering preaching anywhere in the world occurs in that land.

Time to shape up and face the danger head-on.
There are many mullahs in Britain who openly declare urge believers to declare war upon US_UK. Why the British government is not deporting them baffles me.
It's mostly due to the fact that British Muslims of Pakistani origins have been radicalised and have failed to assimilate into the larger British society. That's why you see things like the London bombings of 2005.

what do you mean by assimilation?
I think he means absorption or integration. Not everyone turns to this path of Talibanized Islam, but some obviously do. Sometimes conservative Pakistanis go there in the hopes of a better life, become culturally confused and insecure and the result is that they grab desperately to those who they thinking are fighting the western way of life.

This exact thing exists in India on a larger extent though, there is a sufficiently radicalized element in India to be a source of terrorism according to experts.
At present there is no khalafat in muslim world ,therefore there is no any fatwa from any muslim country to start Harb or War in Afghanistan,but individually from all over world, lot of muslims are participating in Harb or War in Afghanistan,it is as per their own will ,we should discuss this matter with any Mufti to get clear statement ,thay are right or wrong.. Afghan have right to fight and defend their country which they doing .
british pakistani have got to do nothing with pakistan. he was born there, brought up there, taught there. im not sayin they are not pakistani but their mind set is totally different than that of a person who was brought up in pakistan. i have come to UK few yrs back for my studies and i have noticed this myself. most of the muslims (british born) in UK are either too rigid or too liberal or secular or wateva word u wann use. i dont know that exact reason but if i try to make a guess i would say it might be that some of the ppl get frustrated when they see wat is goin on in the society while other become a part of it. if u look at the ppl who were involved in terrorist activities in UK, more than 90% of them were british born and not those who came to UK either for work or study.
btw if troops in afghanistan are also confronting britishers, y doesnt US starts bombing UK aswell lik how it does in FATA.
There is no calling in Koran or elsewhere for such guys to go to Afghanistan and shoot at their country men after having lived in the same country as them all their life and enjoying all kind of benefits....

Having met few guys here and after listened to their views, I felt ashamed to be sharing religion with them…..They are an equal hazard for Non-Muslims and Muslims as well and an embarrassment to people of their own faith...

These types who find themselves with siding with Taliban deserve no hospitality back at home or in any other part of the world, the only hospitality they deserve is that provided by a rope and noose.
I think PakmanUSA made an excellent point - there's always individuals that do these sorts of things when their country is at war. A couple of Irish for example in World War II was given, but there were actually anglo-english people that were vocal about their support for Hitler. It's not really anything signficant, and to be expected that a small minority are going to do some stupid things.

Regarding the ones who are brainwashed. They do exist. It's difficult to say whether they're Pakistani or Indian in origin, for example, there's many Indian Muslims in Tablighi.

However, I think things that push them in this direction are
1) Poverty, feeling of alienation.
2) Import of illiterate Mullahs and Maulanas.
3) Failing themselves, looking for some sort of sanctuary.
4) Perhaps more, can't be bothered to fill this in yet.
if u look at the ppl who were involved in terrorist activities in UK, more than 90% of them were british born and not those who came to UK either for work or study.

Pakistan definitely doesn't deserve the credit, or discredit for the actions of those brainwashed in the UK.

It's not surprising if there's connections to Pakistan from the UK.

Most Muslims in UK are of Pakistani descent, they go for holidays to Pakistan, to then pin the blame on Pakistan sounds shallow to me, when the Mullahs in the UK are the ones giving them these ideas. Why on earth Bakri and Abu Hamza were tolerated for so long in the UK is beyond my imagination.
Problem: UK muslims fighting British troops in Afghanistan

Solution: 5.56 round between their eyes.

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