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British military’s online trolling unit fails to attract enough recruits


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
British military’s online trolling unit fails to attract enough recruits
Published time: 3 Jan, 2017 17:24Edited time: 6 Jan, 2017 09:52
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the Register show that the much-hyped unit is 40 percent understrength.

The unit is meant to be 448-strong with 182 full-time service personnel combined with 266 reservists. The current strength is just 276.

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New British army elite unit to hone social media and psychological warfare
This means the 77 Brigade, which is named after a famous WW2 jungle fighting unit, has a shortfall of 29 regular personnel and 143 part-timers. The figures suggest that in the last 12 months only 125 people were recruited.

A Ministry of Defense (MoD) spokesperson told the Register’s Gareth Corfield the army is “pleased with the rate of growth of the Brigade and that it is attracting trained personnel of the right knowledge, skill and experience required for its roles” and that the service had “no set recruiting targets” for the unit.

The shortfall in the reserve numbers is partly due to the recent increase in liability... but is, in the main, due to the fact 77 Brigade is a new formation and it takes time for this capability to be built up,” he added.

The Brigade, which the Register says is aimed at opposing hostile social media by “Islamist terrorists, Russian hackers and state-backed fake news and propaganda agencies such as Russia Today (RT) and Iran’s Press TV” was renamed in 2015 to invoke the famous unit – also known as the Chindits - which fought the Japanese in the Far East.

It is also reportedly used to undermine Britain’s enemies by spreading rumors and falsehoods to destabilize them politically.

Last year saw the unit sign up a major celebrity scalp in the form of Parachute Regiment officer-turned-heartthrob explorer Levison Wood.

The Afghanistan veteran who famously walked the Nile for one of his TV shows said at the time the unit is “not about infantry tactics, it is about winning over the hearts and minds. It is fascinating stuff.
"The Brigade, which the Register says is aimed at opposing hostile social media by “Islamist terrorists, Russian hackers and state-backed fake news and propaganda agencies such as Russia Today (RT) and Iran’s Press TV” was renamed in 2015 to invoke the famous unit – also known as the Chindits - which fought the Japanese in the Far East."

lolz calling others news agencies fake and propaganda ok what about bbc, skynews, and newspapers in uk.

what about recent pakistani killed by police on m62 then you decide to perform charactor assassination saying he had a gun and evil drug dealer. British police killed mark duggan now pakistani yasser becuase you say you had a tip off he was carrying gun but in the end we can see gun shot holes on his car windscreen and were is the gun?.
What about brazilian guy shot killed in london by british police few years back.

Yes british police do take bribes and drugs just ask those that have been drug dealers and done jail time.

combat 18 is allowed to recruit etc but if muslim has a group of people who are involved in military training they would be classed as terrorist.
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"The Brigade, which the Register says is aimed at opposing hostile social media by “Islamist terrorists, Russian hackers and state-backed fake news and propaganda agencies such as Russia Today (RT) and Iran’s Press TV” was renamed in 2015 to invoke the famous unit – also known as the Chindits - which fought the Japanese in the Far East."

lolz calling others news agencies fake about propaganda ok what about bbc, skynews, and newspapers in uk.
We already know how RAW's paid trolls on PDF spread lies. So govts have started officially supporting trolling and now it is a paid job.
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:D they should ask us we can provide our services provided the pay scale is good.
I can bet you will be good :lol: But there are quite a few better than you and mostly they are from our neighbour in the east.
am serious. it is a very serious thing like other modes of warfare
Yeah that's true but that will need teamwork.. and these trolls do, they are working in teams and guided by senior trolls ... I mean their mods :lol:
they could always outsource trolling to our neighbour , they excel at it :D
rt news..................next there gonna say were using apes to fly our typhoons over syria due to a shortage of pilots. or 10 year olds fly our predator drones as they have a vast experience playing CoD.
A message from Ministry of Truth:


We already know how RAW's paid trolls on PDF spread lies. So govts have started officially supporting trolling and now it is a paid job.

They do the same to their own people.

Also add our own Bubble butt's media cell and it is also very active and the kind of language they use is beyond the scope of this forum. I got really confused when I came to know that a woman i.e. Pakistan's PM daughter is heading it and that's where the Dawn-leaks originated. This cell trolls only Pakistani nation.
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