The head of Hizb-ul-Tahir in the UK Anjem Chouldray has long been suspecte of having links with the Finsbury Park cleric Abu- Hamza. When British troops were returing home from Afghanistan they had a parade in Luton in april 2009 and several Hizb-ul-Tahir members held up banners saying "Briitish troops go to hell" and " we will kill you all".
A couple of weeks later the Salafi centre was burned down in Luton in what was suspected to be a BNP arson attack in retalliation and several Hizb-ul-Tahir members were beaten up by right wing British Nationalists.
Several Muslims in the Luton community chased Hizb-ul-Tahir out of town and they are said to fear the BNP growing popularity.
A couple of weeks later the Salafi centre was burned down in Luton in what was suspected to be a BNP arson attack in retalliation and several Hizb-ul-Tahir members were beaten up by right wing British Nationalists.
Several Muslims in the Luton community chased Hizb-ul-Tahir out of town and they are said to fear the BNP growing popularity.