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British Firm Claims to Develop ‘Petrol from Air’



New Recruit

Mar 10, 2012
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A British firm called Air Fuel Syndication has claimed to develop petrol using air and electricity using what it calls a ‘revolutionary technology’. The technology being talked about here is called the ‘air capture’ technology, which helps create synthetic petrol from air. Experts in this field reckon that this technology could potentially hold the key to fighting the problem of global warming and climate change.

So how this technology works? In a nutshell, the air capture technology works by mixes CO2 with sodium hydroxide and electrolyses it to produce pure carbon. After this they capture water vapor with the help of a dehumidifier and electrolyses it to produce hydrogen. The Co2 and hydrogen is then used to create methanol, which in turn gives birth to petrol.

The company claims to have already produced 5 liters of petrol using this process in their small refinery located in Stockton-on-Tees. The process can become completely carbon-neutral if electricity from renewable energy is used.

The technology has already been validated by various experts in this field. Air Fuel Syndication will now work on building a bigger refinery with the aim of producing 2 tonnes of fuel everyday in the coming two years and achieving refinery size operation in the next 15 years.

British Firm Claims to Develop
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Kindly check for the news before posting new thread..........
Already posted .

Kindly check for the news before posting new thread..........

Ok Sorry for that. I did not find my self this news so posted for every one informaiton. Anyway thread can be merged or closed if alredy posted.
its being done in USA for some time..
They use mirrors to converge sunlight and a similar chemical reaction using sunlight...
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