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British engineers create petrol from air and water


Oct 4, 2012
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British engineers create petrol from air and water

(Reuters) - A small British company has developed a way to create petrol from air and water, technology it hopes may one day contribute to large-scale production of green fuels.
Engineers at Air Fuel Synthesis (AFS) in Teeside, northern England, say they have produced 5 litres of synthetic petrol over a period of three months.

The technique involves extracting carbon dioxide from air and hydrogen from water, and combining them in a reactor with a catalyst to make methanol. The methanol is then converted into petrol.

By using renewable energy to power the process, it is possible to create carbon-neutral fuel that can be used in an identical way to standard petrol, scientists behind the technology say.

"It's actually cleaner because it's synthetic," Peter Harrison, chief executive officer of AFS, said in an interview.

"You just make what you need to make in terms of the contents of it, so it doesn't contain what might be seen as pollutants, like sulphur," he said.

The work is part of a two-year project that has so far cost around 1 million pounds.

The green petrol will not appear on forecourts any time soon, though.

"We can't make (the petrol) at pump prices, but we will do eventually," Harrison said. "All we need is renewable energy to make it, and so when oil becomes a problem we will be able to make a contribution to keep cars moving or to keep aeroplanes moving."

AFS said it was confident the technology could be scaled up to refinery size in the future. Each of the processes that go into making the fuel already take place separately on an industrial scale.

For now, however, AFS plans to build a commercial plant in the next two years that will produce around 1,200 litres a day of specialist fuels for the motorsports sector, Harrison said.

British engineers create petrol from air and water | Reuters

:yahoo:I wonder whether Pakistan's Water Car Engineer will sue them for stealing his idea.:lol:
5 litres over a period of 3 months. If they devise a profitable manufacturing process, i for one would be thoroughly disappointed.

Its time we moved away from petroleum products to meet our energy needs.

Green power !

Does anyone have access to any journal publications by these guys ? If you do, can you post it in here ?
5 litres over a period of 3 months. If they devise a profitable manufacturing process, i for one would be thoroughly disappointed.

Its time we moved away from petroleum products to meet our energy needs.

Green power !

Does anyone have access to any journal publications by these guys ? If you do, can you post it in here ?

Here is their website.

Air Fuel Synthesis | Renewable energy | Air to Liquid Fuels | carbon neutral | aviation fuel | low carbon | electricity | hydrogen | atmospheric carbon dioxide

Some of their downloadable documents


http://www.airfuelsynthesis.com/images/stories/pdfs/sae arizona.pdf

http://www.airfuelsynthesis.com/ima...ion and recommendations for good practice.pdf

Looks interesting.
GoolLuck british Engineers at least they are keeping the hopes of the people alive........:smokin:
Does it follow the laws of Thermodynamics or is it termed as Zionist conspiracy by the engineer?
Does it follow the laws of Thermodynamics or is it termed as Zionist conspiracy by the engineer?

No it doesn't.Although it might sound too good to be true.It really is true.Basically they are making hydrocarbons by mixing CO2 and Hydrogen.



Air is blown into a tower filled with a mist of sodium hydroxide solution. The carbon dioxide in the air reacts with some of the sodium hydroxide to form sodium carbonate.

This sodium carbonate is then electrolysed to release the carbon dioxide, which is collected and stored
A dehumidifier condenses water out of the same air passed into the tower, with this condensed water then passed into an electrolyser where it is split into hydrogen and oxygen.

The carbon dioxide and hydrogren are reacted together to make a hydrocarbon mixture, with reaction conditions varied depending on the kind of fuel required.

The product can then be mixed with the same additives used in current fuels to ease starting, burn cleanly and avoid corrosion problems. Otherwise it can be blended directly with gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel.

Real question is the commercial viability of the process.All the electrolysis process will consume so much energy,by the time they produce petrol they will consume more energy than they produce.So which means in order to be commercially viable they need some
cheap renewable energy source.I short they can't make petrol by using the energy made from burning petroleum products.But the beauty of this system is that it is literally carbon-neutral returning to the air the same carbon dioxide that was take out.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...solve-worlds-energy-crisis.html#ixzz29qw4kDZw
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What nature took billions of years to change plant and life matter into hydrocarbons, some fool thinks that he can accelrate the process to three months.

Do not believe it one bit.

That person had to be taught a lesson in Chemistry that extracting hydrogen from water is a hugely expensive and power consuming job. There is no easy out of it. So is taking Carbon out of Carbon dioxide. Both water and Carbon dioxide are tightly bonded to Oxygen. Seprating them is immensely difficult.
What nature took billions of years to change plant and life matter into hydrocarbons, some fool thinks that he can accelrate the process to three months.

Do not believe it one bit.

That person had to be taught a lesson in Chemistry that extracting hydrogen from water is a hugely expensive and power consuming job. There is no easy out of it. So is taking Carbon out of Carbon dioxide. Both water and Carbon dioxide are tightly bonded to Oxygen. Seprating them is immensely difficult.

For centuries chemists believed organic compounds can only be produced by living organisms.But they were proven wrong when Friedrich Wöhler synthesized oxalic acid, a compound known to occur only in living organisms, from cyanogen.These are just Hydrocarbons why can't they be synthesised??

About the commercial viability.You will never know,If we can find some cheap renewable energy such as geothermal,Solar or Wind power whole process could become viable.
Water can power cars agha was right , they just mIxed aIr wIth water
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