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British didn't colonize Hong Kong People

British didn't loot Hongkong unlike their plunder of India.
Stupid enougn of you , they loot our lands. 
I have lived for nearly 14 months in Hong Kong,does that help ? :unsure:
Why not a referendum in AP, what you think? We will consider it in Hongkong if you guys do it first. Easier said than done. Now get alife somewhere else will make you a better future. Hong Kong is a automous regime under PRC control, when you have any say in it? A citizen of a country colonized by british for hundreds year call others dictatorship, you feel good hah?
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Stupid enougn of you , they loot our lands. 

Why not a referendum in AP, what you think? We will consider it in Hongkong if you guys do it first. Easier said than done. Now get alife somewhere else will make you a better future. Hong Kong is a automous regime under PRC control, when you have any say in it? A citizen of a country colonized by british for hundreds year call others dictatorship, you feel good hah?
Stop connecting random dots before comprehending others post.
HK'ers always whine about the good old times under the crown :rolleyes:

Anyway the rest is a standard template to rant issued to the Chinese.
You always percieve China with predjudice. It's exactly you connect random dots, you've already have your anwser before you type, 
Why not wasting time here Since your world view was established by the "free" media in western country.
You always percieve China with predjudice. It's exactly you connect random dots, you've already have your anwser before you type, 
Why not wasting time here Since your world view was established by the "free" media in western country.
I thought the thread was about Hong Kong.


Prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience o_O

How about taking a trip through Lok Ma Chau and try finding it yourself.

Not sure what's so prejudices in my post,that too against China :suicide2:
HK'ers always whine about the good old times under the crown :rolleyes:
That's not true. There was widespread revolt across India in 1857 against British, all the Indian revolutionaries declared old Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar as their symbolic leader who was exiled to Burma after the suppression of the revolt. Throughout those period some sort of anti-British revolt was brewing across India, there is a huge list of it.

The Western educated leaders started the new phase of anti-British movement in early 1900s.
Can you please share the history of India and how the British colonized India. Did the British start off with just trade and eventually colonization? Just a brief history would do.
Can you please share the history of India and how the British colonized India. Did the British start off with just trade and eventually colonization? Just a brief history would do.

British started their first factory in Surat(Gujarat). After 1707, Mughal Empire started to breakup, many subedars(governors) of Mughals became independent princely states. Although Maratha Empire replaced them in many parts of India and even Delhi fell to them in 1758 but third battle of Panipat with Afghans weakened them.

British and French strategy was to sell advanced European weapons to infighting princely states, weaken them in the infighting and increasing their influence. Portuguese were involved in religious persecution and forced conversion, they were eliminated in initial phase of colonialism, later French were eliminated by British. In Bengal, British get the patronage of Mir Jafar(now a synonym of Traitor) against Nawab Sirajud Daulah and thus they conquered Bengal easily introducing dual system(rule of nawab and tax collection by British). Later they introduced direct British rule. Bengal was their first conquest and paved the way for the conquest of rest of India. Some princely states to save their kingdom sided with British accepting British suzerainty and helped them to defeat other princely states. Many princely states were British creations in the power struggle. So, finally by 1857 there were 565 princely states and perhaps 16 provinces ruled by British.

The 1857 revolt stated after the use of gunpowder packet greased with cow and pig's fat which had to be bitten with mouth and thus insulting to Hindus and Muslims. This lead to the revolt among British Indian soldiers and the revolt was further joined by other princely states who were fed up of British rule so they together declared Bahadur Shah Jafar as their emperor. It took British one year to suppress it, it ruined the East India Company and Queen Victoria took the direct control of India.

By 1885 Indian national congress was formed but they had simple administrative demands. In 1905 British divided Bengal on communal lines, this lead to widespread protest forcing British to shift the capital to Delhi from Calcutta. By 1920, Congress got new generation leader Gandhi and it became stronger anti-British movement in India.
HK'ers always whine about the good old times under the crown :rolleyes:

HK is good under the foreigner than under the fellow Chinese.

Chinese under Christian KMT and Communist CCP, were one of the darkest period in Chinese history. It just quite surprising that some fellow members here are fanatically worshiping one of them.

While British preserving Chinese culture in HK that lead HK into one of the world most importance city. Christian KMT and Communist CCP were trying to destroy Chinese civilization, China from world greatest empire and civilization into worse than Africa. This is the historical fact that people can't denied.

It's time for China to restore Chinese civilization and care about ourselves.
It's time for China to restore Chinese civilization and care about ourselves.
That can only be expected from the Chinese middle class,the Nouveau riche and the really affluent in mainland are way too *cked up and confused.
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HK is good under the foreigner than under the fellow Chinese.

Chinese under Christian KMT and Communist CCP, were one of the darkest period in Chinese history. It just quite surprising that some fellow members here are fanatically worshiping one of them.

While British preserving Chinese culture in HK that lead HK into one of the world most importance city. Christian KMT and Communist CCP were trying to destroy Chinese civilization, China from world greatest empire and civilization into worse than Africa. This is the historical fact that people can't denied.

It's time for China to restore Chinese civilization and care about ourselves.
It was corrupted Qing dynasty who led China to the dark age. Strange enough Qing is a Chinese traditional culture advocate. Hk has no industry. It's a parasite of mainland Chinese.
It was corrupted Qing dynasty who led China to the dark age. Strange enough Qing is a Chinese traditional culture advocate. Hk has no industry. It's a parasite of mainland Chinese.

You can't blame everything to Qing dynasty. There was a period that Qing did the best to China.

It was the Christian Taiping rebellion that destroyed China at the time. Then continued with Christian rulers of KMT and then the Communists.
Enough craps in this thread, like you guys know a lot. Hongkong is a part of PRC, no one can change it. If UK wanna be in the ruler position agian, bring its force to fight.
HK has always been part of China.

Who give a damn whether British colonized HK people or not.

The British empire after the first opium war force China to ceded in perpetuity HK island and later Kowloon. And later again, New territory was leased for 99 years.

in 1 July 1997, when the 99 years lease for New territory was due, China demanded that all territory INCLUDING those that were ceded in perpetuity to be return to China.

Britain has to comply because that empire that defeated China one hundred or so years ago are not what it once was.

In Chinese thousand years old history, we have seen countless of those barbarian. They came and thought that they were king of the world, and before long, most if not all has disappeared without a trace.

But China is always here.
You can't blame everything to Qing dynasty. There was a period that Qing did the best to China.

It was the Christian Taiping rebellion that destroyed China at the time. Then continued with Christian rulers of KMT and then the Communists.

Why you dislike KMT?
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