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Britain issues anaphylaxis warning on Pfizer vaccine after adverse reactions

Yes, the scientists do not not know what they are doing, but you know what you are saying.

Tell your scientists to hurry up cause the death and infection toll is only getting worse. Now even the vaccine is showing terrible side effects. Is this the vaccine that everyone was waiting for?

If you believe in your scientists so much I want to see you take the vaccine.

These vaccines are produced without proper trial buddy. It takes years of testing for proper vaccines. I can assure you that many people around the world are going to boycott these untested vaccines. Healthy people are not going to risk pumping this crap into their bodies. You don't even know what they do inside the body. We might find out in years to come, but you are the expert here who believes in the miracles of a vaccine produced in a few months.
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Tell your scientists to hurry up cause the death and infection toll is only getting worse. Now even the vaccine has terrible side effects.

If you believe in your scientists so much I want to see you take the vaccine.

These vaccines are produced without proper trial buddy. It takes years of testing for proper vaccines. I can assure you that many people around the world are going to boycott these untested vaccines. You don't even know what they do inside the body. We might find out in years to come.
Please read up a bit on science during your time off from trolling Indians.
Please read up a bit on science during your time off from trolling Indians.

LOL your Indian buddies are trolling on PDF. Get your facts right. Just wait and see how we burry your Indian friends very soon. You will cry rivers.

Secondly, you got nothing to say except irrelivant oneliners. Fool. If your vaccine is such a miracle and success people wouldn't be boycotting it already. What kind of a vaccine would be halted and show such terrible allergies and side effects?

Again, you take the vaccine and show everyone here that you believe in your own lies. Until then stop ranting like a fool.
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These vaccines are going to be like the shit on that freaky TV show Utopia, They're going to sterilize people, I'm getting a Utopia vibe here.

Only a mad person would rush and take these vaccines. If the side effects are already this severe early on, we can only expect far worse in the longer term.
Only a mad person would rush and take these vaccines. If the side effects are already this severe early on, we can only expect far worse in the longer term.
Are you saying Chinese vaccines should be the ones you should mad dash for it?
Are you saying Chinese vaccines should be the ones you should mad dash for it?

Chinese vaccines have been tested on millions of people outside of China, and your pathetic west media just try your best to dig the dirts on any negative news about them.

However so far the only negative case reported is one unrelated sucicide case in Brazil, after that case, Brazil ordered tens of millions of dose of vaccines from China.

Since even your pathetic anti-China media could not dig any further dirts on millions of cases who took Chinese vaccine out side of China, I am pretty sure they are very safe, and much safer than the death-trap German mRNA vaccines who needs -70 degree C to store.

mRNA vaccine is inherently unsafe: they simply send a RNA agent to generate necessary protein against the virus, so itselfs works like some "friendly" virus, but nobody know it for sure that such RNA agent wont generate unnecessary or even harmful proteins under the right conditions.

Many people refuse to eat food that built by DNA-ediiting techs, mRNA is one step further, they edit your own proteins.

Thats why no mRNA vaccines have been used before, China has our own team working on mRNA vaccines, but its a low priority and only as a last resort in case if everything else failed.
Can anyone explain me how can a vaccine be created and rolled out to people in record breaking 6 months time..
Has this ever even happened in human history? This only raises questions on the less than adequate testing.

What is at stake here?
Yes, the scientists do not not know what they are doing, but you know what you are saying.

The scientists are themselves in conflict among themselves.Much of which never comes on mainstream media

Do you even read ?
Chinese vaccines have been tested on millions of people outside of China, and your pathetic west media just try your best to dig the dirts on any negative news about them.

However so far the only negative case reported is one unrelated sucicide case in Brazil, after that case, Brazil ordered tens of millions of dose of vaccines from China.

Since even your pathetic anti-China media could not dig any further dirts on millions of cases who took Chinese vaccine out side of China, I am pretty sure they are very safe, and much safer than the death-trap German mRNA vaccines who needs -70 degree C to store.

mRNA vaccine is inherently unsafe: they simply send a RNA agent to generate necessary protein against the virus, so itselfs works like some "friendly" virus, but nobody know it for sure that such RNA agent wont generate unnecessary or even harmful proteins under the right conditions.

Many people refuse to eat food that built by DNA-ediiting techs, mRNA is one step further, they edit your own proteins.

Thats why no mRNA vaccines have been used before, China has our own team working on mRNA vaccines, but its a low priority and only as a last resort in case if everything else failed.
So the whole Chinese population should be immune now since you tested outside of China to make sure it works?
These vaccines are going to be like the shit on that freaky TV show Utopia, They're going to sterilize people, I'm getting a Utopia vibe here.

Vaccines are not tested for carcinogenic, impairment of fertility and mutations of your cells. That is printed on many inserts of the vaccines in instructions, warnings and proper use.

I wonder why...

Kenya's Catholic bishops: Tetanus vaccine is birth control in disguise

Nov 11, 2014
by Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service

NAIROBI, Kenya — A disagreement between the Catholic church and the government over a tetanus vaccine aimed at women in their childbearing years has clergy urging people to shun the injection, saying it's a stealth population-control ploy.

On Tuesday, the bishops appearing before the parliamentary health committee said they had tested the vaccine privately and were shocked to find it was laced with a birth control hormone called beta human chorionic gonadotropin.

"We are calling on all Kenyans to avoid the tetanus vaccination campaign because we are convinced it is indeed a disguised population control program," said Bishop Paul Kariuki, chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops' health committee.

The tangle began in March, when bishops became suspicious about the vaccine, which was targeted at women in the reproductive ages of 14 to 49, and excluded boys and men.

An ordinary tetanus shot can protect a person for 10 years, with a booster available for those who have suffered an injury.

The bishops also wondered why the campaign was being rolled out in phases and in secrecy.

"To our surprise, the Ministry of Health confirmed it had not tested the vaccine, having trusted it, since it originated from WHO [World Health Organization], a credible organization in matters of health," Kariuki said.

The government insists the vaccine is safe. WHO and UNICEF have sponsored the campaign, which targets 2.4 million women. The government began providing the shots in October 2013.

"We have explained the science behind targeting the women," said James Macharia, health ministry Cabinet secretary. "We have embarked on the campaign to speed up the elimination of the disease among women in the reproductive age."

According to the bishops, when the ordinary tetanus vaccine is combined with b-HCG and given in five doses every six months, the women develop immunity for both tetanus and HCG, a hormone necessary for pregnancy. Subsequently, the body rejects any pregnancy, causing repeated miscarriages and eventually sterility.

In 1995, WHO proposed a similar campaign in Kenya, but the bishops protested, demanding that the vaccine be tested independently. Instead of submitting a sample for testing, WHO stopped the campaign, Kariuki said.

WHO carried out similar vaccination campaigns in Mexico in 1993 and in Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994.

"What is immoral and evil is that the tetanus laced with HCG was given as a fertility regulating vaccine without disclosing its contraceptive effect to the girls and mothers," said Wahome Ngare, a member of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association.

Bill Gates describes vaccines true purposes:

I "thought" vaccines were about making people live longer and being able to have more kids because they are healthier. Bill Gates disagrees because Gates knows what vaccines are supposed to do: vaccines are supposed to decrease world population. Benign vaccines should be increasing population.

Two out of two different vaccines tested, had birth control in them. What else do vaccines do, scary stuff that get people killed who look into Western nefarious vaccines makers.

Remember in many countries, you can't sue vaccine makers. Who would take anything, where they spike chemicals to reduce population and worse things, and where you can't sue for damages.

It took 30 years of testing to make one vaccine, and we are supposed to trust something novel that modifies your proteins in the body and was railroaded into production after about 1 year of development and study, whose previous vaccines have birth control in them.

You don't even want your enemies to get vaccinated. These things are made so bad.

People losing their fertility is not gonna make news. Never has.
So the whole Chinese population should be immune now since you tested outside of China to make sure it works?

Since the cases are so low, China don't have the needs to take the vaccines for their entire population, but still there are millions of Chinese have taken the vaccines now.

Besides, the reason why China needs international patients for their vaccines is simply because, there are not enough patients in China for a clinic trial on any of the vaccines China made.
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