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Britain is STILL the world’s second most powerful nation!


Feb 21, 2015
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BRITAIN has maintained its position as the world’s second most powerful nation, according to an annual global league table published today.

In a rebuke to gloom-laden Brexit forecasts the Henry Jackson Society Geopolitical Index brands the UK as “a truly global power”.

The study ranks the UK ahead of both China and Russia; despite both regimes’ expansionist foreign policies.

It says Britain has a “military might” greater than China and a technology prowess “far in advance of Russia”.

The study attributes much of the UK’s comparative power to its diplomatic, financial and cultural capabilities and links around the globe as well as its recent boost in overseas investment, aid and military.

Only America finished above Britain in the league table of powerful nations. But the analysis warns that Britain’s second place is under “serious threat” from China due to its economic growth and naval investment.

The rankings find Britain has retained its unique capacity to “project and extend itself around the world” and the audit also says Britain’s fundamental capacities have faced no “discernible impact” from Brexit.

The audit’s chief analyst James Rogers said:“The pervasive spread of neo-declinism in Britain is wholly without foundation.

Brexit has had no discernible impact on the UK’s fundamental ability to apply itself around the World.

Although the UK is likely to retain its leadership role in Europe, it is also increasingly wedded to the so-called ‘Anglosphere’ - further investment in groupings like the Five-Eyes could help cement its successes.

China’s rapidly expanding geopolitical capacity poses a serious challenge to the West. Over the past year, China has added tens of thousands of tonnes to its Navy and if current trends continue – it will overtake Britain as a global power by as soon as next year.

If the rules-based order is breaking down, the UK should urgently invest in its armed forces’ projection capacities forward basing – not least in the Indo-Pacific region – if it seeks to halt this shift.

Urgent remedial action is also required – in 2019 – to secure Britain’s continued economic, industrial and technological leadership.

Without significant new funding for Research and Development, the UK risks falling dangerously behind in the new technological race.”
BRITAIN has maintained its position as the world’s second most powerful nation, according to an annual global league table published today.

In a rebuke to gloom-laden Brexit forecasts the Henry Jackson Society Geopolitical Index brands the UK as “a truly global power”.

The study ranks the UK ahead of both China and Russia; despite both regimes’ expansionist foreign policies.

It says Britain has a “military might” greater than China and a technology prowess “far in advance of Russia”.

The study attributes much of the UK’s comparative power to its diplomatic, financial and cultural capabilities and links around the globe as well as its recent boost in overseas investment, aid and military.

Only America finished above Britain in the league table of powerful nations. But the analysis warns that Britain’s second place is under “serious threat” from China due to its economic growth and naval investment.

The rankings find Britain has retained its unique capacity to “project and extend itself around the world” and the audit also says Britain’s fundamental capacities have faced no “discernible impact” from Brexit.

The audit’s chief analyst James Rogers said:“The pervasive spread of neo-declinism in Britain is wholly without foundation.

Brexit has had no discernible impact on the UK’s fundamental ability to apply itself around the World.

Although the UK is likely to retain its leadership role in Europe, it is also increasingly wedded to the so-called ‘Anglosphere’ - further investment in groupings like the Five-Eyes could help cement its successes.

China’s rapidly expanding geopolitical capacity poses a serious challenge to the West. Over the past year, China has added tens of thousands of tonnes to its Navy and if current trends continue – it will overtake Britain as a global power by as soon as next year.

If the rules-based order is breaking down, the UK should urgently invest in its armed forces’ projection capacities forward basing – not least in the Indo-Pacific region – if it seeks to halt this shift.

Urgent remedial action is also required – in 2019 – to secure Britain’s continued economic, industrial and technological leadership.

Without significant new funding for Research and Development, the UK risks falling dangerously behind in the new technological race.”

the sun is a tabloid gutter news paper owned by the murdochs.
Brought to you by www.thesun.co.uk
Although the UK is likely to retain its leadership role in Europe
LOL, Leadership role!!! Britain is totally Europe's leader. That's why they're trying to leave EU, You know, Because they're Europe's leader!
Sorry to burst your bubble but Britain always was and always will be under Germany. Try to imagine some b@lls for Germany, That's where Britain is at.
The pervasive spread of neo-declinism in Britain is wholly without foundation.
Five stages of grief:
Somebody is still having problems with moving on to the second stage!
"project and extend itself around the world"
Translation: I'm a nostalgic genocidal, I still want to go and wage genocides around the world.
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Self bragging at it's best. :enjoy:

Britain with a small economy size of USD 2 trillion compare to China and US. It can hardly conducted any meaningful overseas projection mission. The usage of trident ICBM even needs US for maintenance and approval.

Britain itself can hardly launch any major military project without collaborating other EU countries. RN fleet despite with future added 2 queen Elizabeth class CV can hardly muster a global project forces with very limited amphibious forces and destroyers. It's air projection is also very limited with only 10 C-17 and limited number of C-130J.
Russia only one satan2 icbm can wipe out britain from earth completely britain is small country
Britain lost it superpower status post WW2. It cannot change borders of any other country anymore. Its a shame that Britain has to rely on US missile and Nuclear weapons and their permission to use it. Though powerful to defend its homeland and Europe to some extent, its not powerful to take on any other nation in any other continents. Its time has come and gone.
Britain is still an "Integrator Nation". While it doesn't have the raw economic output that other nations boast about, it's strength is best understood as an Integrator nation. Its fingers in so many pies over the last 500 years, it has developed a keen understanding about the inner works of so many nations. It uses this knowledge and influence to either facilitate (for a price) the integration of these nations in the global economic system or to shun nations for not playing by the global economic order set by certain nations including Britain.

This can best been seen with the common wealth of nations (Which has even expanded to include nations that never were part of the British Empire). The Dubai "Miracle" is a Byproduct of British deals with the UAE.
British jingoism at it's best.


Also, pretty funny that 'The Sun' is still focusing on tonnage of naval vessels. HMS Dreadnought 2.0 must be under construction.
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Russia only one satan2 icbm can wipe out britain from earth completely britain is small country

That may be so, but Britain also has massive second-strike nuclear capability that would make much of Russia uninhabitable for the next Thousand Years.

TBH don't know if it would really be a thousand years or not, but you get my point.

Remember, nuclear war between nuclear Powers is not a one-way War. So let's not pretend it would be.
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