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Breaking the Israeli Blockade


Jun 28, 2010
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Indian ship joins the ''audacity of hope'' against Israel's anti-Gaza blockade campaign

IndiaDaily - Indian ship joins the ''audacity of hope'' against Israel's anti-Gaza blockade campaign

An Indian vessel is set to join a new international campaign named ''The Audacity of Hope'' to press for an end to the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

According to media reports, An e-mail circulated by pro-Palestinian activists in the US said an American ship named after US President Barack Obama's autobiography, will join a flotilla of other vessels from Europe, Canada, India, South Africa and the Middle East in an additional attempt to break the Israeli naval blockade in early autumn.

American Right-wing columnists immediately seized on the involvement of Khalidi, whom they portrayed as a friend of Obama who was supporting Hamas.

The Columbia University History Professor, a US national born to a Palestinian refugee, Khalidi said "Given the national-religious hierarchy which determines what the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) can do to whom, the fact that the ship is American will make it harder to deal with it as the Mavi Marmara was dealt with," he said referring to the Turkish aid ship raided by Israeli Naval commandos on May 31, on which nine activists were killed in the ensuing fight. Khalidi characterised the blockade as a measure "imposed on a population of 1.5 million people who are effectively imprisoned, and most of whom are deprived of living a normal life".

Good job India.
Thanks .But this is not the first time we are helping them.We have helped them earlier too.

Any idea when Pakistan is going to send a ship ?

Pakistan should not get involved.
We might send a ship alright ...it might not be what Israeli expected :partay: a different kind of ship
We shouldn't have helped them.

We should send some Troops to help Israel.

What for? Firstly, they dont need our help. Secondly, i know India and Israel have a very good relationship, but that doesnt mean we should not help the Palestinians. We have always supported the palestinian cause and will continue to do so, all the while maintaining excellent relations with israel.

Besides, its not like we are sending weapons to palestine to hurt israel. we are sending medical supplies, food etc to help the people there. And helping the Palestinian cause will help Israel and its citizens as well, if it facilitates peace there.
If i remember correct when the Obama administration first tackled the whole issue of Israel/Palestine. The only thing they asked for is not a stop in construction but just a freeze in the west bank. To which Israel politely said screw you to the U.S.

Only after force was used and people killed the Israel decide to let "some" more supplies into Gaza and that was just after pressure from the majority of the world.
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