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BREAKING: The IDF enters a state of alert for The next 24 hours #IsraelAlert #Soleimani

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Forget about us Darius jaan.

Even our brothers in Iran have very strict rules about not intermarrying with you for a reason.

We do not want those LOVING genes in our bloodlines.

The bloodlines of Muslim Iranians today is an Islamic commonwealth that traces the journey of each set of foreign loins that traipsed through the land post the fall of Sassanid Persia.

Cheers, Doc

An excerpt on the current conditions of parsis in india..
"However, the population has decreased due to a low birth rate, and the community is deeply divided over how to fight off what some consider the threat of extinction. On one side, an orthodox contingent insists the Parsis will flourish only if more young people marry within the community and have more children. Opposing them, a smaller group of reformists insist the Parsis must open themselves up to intermarriage, adoption and even conversion. There are about 61,000 Parsis in India of which two-thirds live in Mumbai, according to Jehangir Patel, the editor of Parsiana Magazine. He said about 30 percent marry outside the community each year."

You keep talking about a parsi revival when your own community is under threat of extinction and intermarrying with other religions. You boast of iranian parsis not inter marrying while 30% of your own community is marrying outside.

No offense but you come off as really delusional
am wondering is why am I not banned from this place
told you already that compared to me, you are highly valued here , in response to which you said: "They obviously think I'm a better poster than you are."

there must be something about you that is loved by the powers that be, even when you accuse Hazrat Muhamad Sahib and his Sahaba of being rapists.

on the other hand when I post in their defense 3 or 4 retards line up to show me their mod-powers (cuz religious discussion is against the rules)

you are real special, no doubt!
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Doc, it seems your head is still stuck in the *** of a cow in New Delhi or something. I explained to you that Iranians kept their genetic make up largely from bronze age up until now and you come and claim that a few indianized Iranians in India are more Iranian than the native Iranians in Iran. Feel free to research about genetic make up of Iranian society and more importantly, look up at the DNA tests done by Iranians nowadays.

Tell the truth like a good pious Zarthosti Darius jaan.

Do Iroon Zoroastrians intermarry with you?

I mean for us not intermarrying in India you get to say obviously not, they are Hendi.

But why not in Iran?

After all you are still the same as our early Old Iranian Farmer right?

Cheers, Doc
Thread has been discussed to length, time to lock it up.
I got no time to clean up the mess you people make every minute
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