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BREAKING: Taiwan foreign minister Joseph Wu: We are ready!!! If China wants to launch a war!

There is no chance Taiwan joins the mainland Chinese fold, so peace talks won't work. So go in militarily if China is so confident.
Being confident doesn't mean you will just do it. there is a right time and place for everything, China didn't take over Hong kong and Macau untill 1997 and 1999, do you think China didn't have the ability to take them back from UK and Portugal before that?
China is a smart and business savvy country, she weighs the pros and cons before actions, China never wants some ruins back and never kills goose that lays golden eggs. Taiwan is still one of the top trading partners of the mainland China.
Being confident doesn't mean you will just do it. there is a right time and place for everything, China didn't take over Hong kong and Macau untill 1997 and 1999, do you think China didn't have the ability to take them back from UK and Portugal before that?
China is a smart and business savvy country, she weighs the pros and cons before actions, China never wants some ruins back and never kills goose that lays golden eggs. Taiwan is still one of the top trading partners of the mainland China.
Sure. Whatever you say.

Invasion or not, it's US civil war, it's their domestic affair, wasn't it?
You're the one who objected to me using the word invasion.

Also, there were a lot of considerations. The confederacy considered itself a separate nation, and the Union only went to war when the confederates fired the first shot, otherwise they were okay with the South seceding from the rest of the US as the constitutional interpretation at the time allowed for such a thing.

Anyway, it's a whole academic topic that's far too complicated for this conversation.

Because it is not the best time for China to invade. China's goal is not Taiwan, China's goal is to become the dominant superpower in the world. Taiwan is an important part of this goal, but China is not fully ready to abandon dollars yet.
So why pointlessly show bravado on an internet forum about useless shit that will not even occur?

Seems counterproductive.
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The confederacy considered itself a separate nation, and the Union only went to war when the confederates fired the first shot, otherwise they were okay with the South seceding from the rest of the US as the constitutional interpretation at the time allowed for such a thing.
Really? If the south didn't fire the first shot US federal government would just allow it to become independent? who told you that? and if today some states want to leave US , are they really allowed to do so? I don't know about US constitution, but neither PRC nor ROC constitutions allow secession from the country.
And yet China has not invaded Taiwan, and Russia is losing.

You can say apples and oranges all you want, but the principle remains the same. You tried to use human suffering as an excuse to condemn Ukraine and Taiwan, so don't try and change your meaning now.
China WILL invade Taiwan, if Taiwan does not accede peacefully. It is not really a matter of if but a matter of when and it will be when things are in China's favour; China will act on its own terms and when it does, most will be left speechless.

As for Russia losing........a country with a few thousand NUKES does not lose a war to a petty neighbor. Russia can annihilate Ukraine a few dozen times but that would be pointless, it is doing what it wants to do and taking its sweet time doing so but in the meantime, Ukrainian cities are being razed to the ground........and that IMO is not justified on the Ukrainian leadership and Government. They should sue for peace and make sure that they do not indulge in activities which threaten Russia.
Really? If the south didn't fire the first shot US federal government would just allow it to become independent? who told you that? and if today some states want to leave US , are they really allowed to do so? I don't know about US constitution, but neither PRC nor ROC constitutions allow secession from the country.
Bro, read up on the American Civil War. Lincoln was very unpopular during the time, and a war with the south was considered political suicide as they had a huge amount of political support in the North from conservative members of congress.

If you don't know about the US constitution, at from back then, please don't use this example next time.

China WILL invade Taiwan, if Taiwan does not accede peacefully. It is not really a matter of if but a matter of when and it will be when things are in China's favour; China will act on its own terms and when it does, most will be left speechless.

As for Russia losing........a country with a few thousand NUKES does not lose a war to a petty neighbor. Russia can annihilate Ukraine a few dozen times but that would be pointless, it is doing what it wants to do and taking its sweet time doing so but in the meantime, Ukrainian cities are being razed to the ground........and that IMO is not justified on the Ukrainian leadership and Government. They should sue for peace and make sure that they do not indulge in activities which threaten Russia.
The fact that you think nukes will be used is hilarious.

You have zero idea what nuclear fallout is, and how it will inevitably spread to the Russian mainland if nukes are used.

Ukrainian cities are being razed to the ground because the Russians are committing war crimes.

And yet, the Russians are still losing the war, no matter how you want to pretend otherwise.

Your argument is bad.
Bro, read up on the American Civil War. Lincoln was very unpopular during the time, and a war with the south was considered political suicide as they had a huge amount of political support in the North from conservative members of congress.

If you don't know about the US constitution, at from back then, please don't use this example next time.
KMT was also very unpopular during the Chinese civil war, that's why they were defeated and fled to Taiwan, If you don't know about ins and outs of this Taiwan issue, please avoid this whole Taiwan topic altogether.
Do I guess if India invades Pakistan, then Pakistan should just give up because it would devastate Pakistan's people and country, right?

Have you no sense of honor and patriotism?
You are comparing 2 entirely different scenarios. Do you have any idea why Putin was forced to invade Ukraine?

The architect is the US. The US and its dogs(NATO) want to surround Russia and point weapons at it. The distance between Moscow and Ukraine's border is less than 600 km. What did the world except Putin to do? He was of course going to defend Russia.

Russia is protecting its self interest and future preservation.
And yet China has not invaded Taiwan, and Russia is losing.

You can say apples and oranges all you want, but the principle remains the same. You tried to use human suffering as an excuse to condemn Ukraine and Taiwan, so don't try and change your meaning now.

You're changing the subject.

If you're so confident that China will win and/or face very little resistance, then why hasn't China gone into Taiwan yet?

And the Unionist invasion of the confederacy was absolutely called an invasion. Learn the definition of invasion first before you use it.

There is no chance Taiwan joins the mainland Chinese fold, so peace talks won't work. So go in militarily if China is so confident.
Because we are afraid your mighty nasty master, big bro US.

If it wasn't your master, we would have taken back Taiwan 70 years ago

If we start attacking, the conflict with the US will turn into WW III, so it's important to weaken your master's allies first

We are waiting for a reason, when your master completely starts to support Taiwan's independence one day, we will do it, so that your master will have no one to stand with him.
KMT was also very unpopular during the Chinese civil war, that's why they were defeated and fled to Taiwan, If you don't know about ins and outs of this Taiwan issue, please avoid this whole Taiwan topic altogether.
I do know about the issue, and you're making shitty comparisons, as usual.

You're making the split a big deal, not me.

What I'm saying is that if China is soooooo confident, stop posturing and do something. Stop this nonsense about "not being ready" when all the propaganda you post keeps talking about Chinese superiority over western systems and how Taiwanese people would just surrender on mass, while the superior Chinese twch would penetrate Taiwanese defenses.

Stop talking and prove it. Prove your propaganda was real.

On a side note, when do you go to sleep my dude? Do you get paid overtime? I hope those government benefits are worth the lost sleep, considering I see you post almost 24/7.

You are comparing 2 entirely different scenarios. Do you have any idea why Putin was forced to invade Ukraine?

The architect is the US. The US and its dogs(NATO) want to surround Russia and point weapons at it. The distance between Moscow and Ukraine's border is less than 600 km. What did the world except Putin to do? He was of course going to defend Russia.

Russia is protecting its self interest and future preservation.
Putin was not forced to do anything.

Russia was already surrounded by NATO.

Ukraine never wanted to join NATO until after the Russians invaded Ukraine.

Ukraine wanted to join the EU which is what started this entire mess in the first place.

These are similar arguments that India will make against Pakistan in case of war.

My comparison stands, your argument is shit and devoid of facts.
Do I guess if India invades Pakistan, then Pakistan should just give up because it would devastate Pakistan's people and country, right?

Have you no sense of honor and patriotism?

Comparing apples and oranges.

Pakistan has capability to fight the Indians. We are a nuke power.

Ukranians and Taiwanese are sacrificial sheep ready to go through meat grinder.

Do I guess if India invades Pakistan, then Pakistan should just give up because it would devastate Pakistan's people and country, right?

Have you no sense of honor and patriotism?

Don't paint everything with the same brush.

Russia is at fault as Ukraine is an indepedent country

Kashmir is a disputed territory

Taiwan is a province of China.
Because we are afraid your mighty nasty master, big bro US.

If it wasn't your master, we would have taken back Taiwan 70 years ago

If we start attacking, the conflict with the US will turn into WW III, so it's important to weaken your master's allies first

We are waiting for a reason, when your master completely starts to support Taiwan's independence one day, we will do it, so that your master will have no one to stand with him.

This guy isn't towing the line about Chinese superiority. Please report him to your nearest commisar for re-education.

If you think the US will weaken any time soon, you're mistaken. The stronger China gets, the more pressure the US and its allies will increase.

Also, the longer China waits, the more defenses Taiwan adds.

Don't know why you're making this nonsense which can be easily dismantled.

This guy isn't towing the line about Chinese superiority. Please report him to your nearest commisar for re-education.

If you think the US will weaken any time soon, you're mistaken. The stronger China gets, the more pressure the US and its allies will increase.

Also, the longer China waits, the more defenses Taiwan adds.

Don't know why you're making this nonsense which can be easily dismantled.


I believe Canada will not be the last ally of the United States :yahoo:

A fantastic mysterious confidence pdf think tank,

Comparing Taiwan's army with Ukraine, hahahahao_O

I wish you could speak Chinese, at least you can go to Taiwan chinese forums and see what Taiwan province ppl say about their own army fighting
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If Taiwan was a communist country, or this was a war to liberate his home country from an outside colonizer, then I can trust the words of this guy.

But remember, Taiwan and Ukraine are "free" country/region, i.e. there is absolutely no noble ideology for people to sacrify himself and even his family, the likes of Ho Chi Minh (no family, no private asset, even no home), Mao Zetung (his eldest son lost life in Korea war, he sent him there) and millions of other examples in the struggle for freedom during colonial era. And while freedom in 1900 - 1960s had noble meaning, "freedom" in 2020s has quite a sick meaning.

In Taiwan and Ukraine, money and individualism talks. I am pretty sure that the big mouthed like this guy would be among the first ones to escape to a safe country together with his assets and then, would fight China from there by his mouth and the bloods of other Taiwanese, while he and his family enjoy the life and go shopping. Individualism and freedom, Western style, can only create the distorted human, mentality speaking and never noble ones.

We Vietnamese witnessed that in 1975.
what do you even mean by that
Are you seriously saying that individualism is bad? western liberalism offsets nationalism?
western liberalism defines 21st century but i agree that there are some morals which are intrinsic to us and some moderation is needed to preserve a just order but unjust force and enforcing your views on someone is a no.
Ukraine is epitome of nationalism and fighting fiercely to protect their homeland and freedom, people are literally fighting and dying for their nation there. What do you mean by people not having a noble ideology to fight for?
There are all types of people everywhere with their own sense of morality the system of governance won't change that in communist nations and oligarchies the rich and influential buy positions or just exclude themselves from actual onground happenings.
All in all you gave a flawed argument.
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