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[BREAKING SMOKING GUN] US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China

The US knew something

If this report is true then the CIA learned from Chinese sources that a "cataclysmic event" was about to hit China.

Then YOU have to explain why the Chinese leadership did nothing for the next 2 months AND suddenly decided to do a 180 and lock everything down. That would require something WORSE than a "cataclysmic event" to make them act.

Logic. Do you have any?
There is ZERO evidence for your lie.

China’s response to the outbreak of Covid-19 has been exceedingly transparent, swift, effective and lifesaving.

However, the narrative has been hijacked by a few Western media outlets to propagate a cover-up using nitpicked events that were twisted to fit their narrative.

The reason it has been succesful is because it aligns with pre-existing Western biases about China’s government being untrustworthy liars.

No, China didnt cover up the covid 19 outbreak

1) Sure that's why they arrested and threatened the doctor

2) WHO has been lying through their teeth about this and WHO was the only one China has been communicating to. the have completely shut out US and European CDC.


3) you are posting a dead link. Says so much about your source.

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All your points have been debunked in

No, China didnt cover up the covid 19 outbreak

I suggest you read it and stop making yourself look ignorant.


All your points have been debunked in

No, China didnt cover up the covid 19 outbreak

I suggest you read it and stop making yourself look ignorant.

None of my points have been debunked and you are posting the same dead link. see my screen shot
If this report is true then the CIA learned from Chinese sources that a "cataclysmic event" was about to hit China.

Then YOU have to explain why the Chinese leadership did nothing for the next 2 months AND suddenly decided to do a 180 and lock everything down. That would require something WORSE than a "cataclysmic event" to make them act.

Logic. Do you have any?

I said, "The US knew something was happening from the chatter they picked up from the Chinese."

That does not mean the Americans knew exactly what was happening. Which part of that you don't understand?
...That does not mean the Americans knew exactly what was happening. Which part of that you don't understand?

This makes no sense. The article clearly states the intelligence agency learned of potentially a "cataclysmic event" in China. They learned this, according to their claims, from Chinese sources.

Therefore, you need to evaluate the logic of this claim. The Chinese knew of a potential "cataclysmic event" and did nothing for 2 months. Then, did a 180 and did a lock down? Why? How does that even make any sense.

It's like being inside a house. You know the whole thing to burn to a crisp unless you do put out a fire...so you decide to watch a baseball game for the next 3 hours instead.


That's what you expect me to believe. It's so stupid.

Furthermore, there is ZERO evidence to even support the "cataclysmic event" claim when looking at the the Chinese data/experience because by the time China figured it out and ordered a lockdown, there were less than a dozen cases. Their subsequent handling, infection rates, cured rates, death rates, all support that conclusion. If a giant widespread infection did occur and was covered up for two months, there would be vastly more cases and deaths...and there isn't.

Here's the important part. Pay attention.

The ONLY way the CIA/intelligence agency could even predict the potential for a "cataclysmic event" is that the CIA knew what was going around in China before the Chinese did. This is why the article is so important. It establishes an extremely high probability of guilt on the usa eg biological warfare.

Why do you think the Chinese Government replaced the leaders of the Hubei Province?

Because they failed to stop it early. That doesn't mean they tried to hide it. They may have not known what the true nature was as the symptoms shared many similarities to other flus. You're jumping to conclusions.
So far, we have 4 trollish responses. None of them can deny the facts. None of them can answer the questions posted.

I'll let the audience decide who to believe.
Lol, the whole OP is a troll post.

“deny the facts”? Lol where did these facts pop up ? Some random news article ?

And if they anticipated, why didn’t USA prepare as well ? Enough with these conspiracies now. Grow up

Unless CIA releases a “Written statement” that we warned China in November, I would call this article a troll fake sh*t.
This makes no sense. The article clearly states the intelligence agency learned of potentially a "cataclysmic event" in China. They learned this, according to their claims, from Chinese sources.

Therefore, you need to evaluate the logic of this claim. The Chinese knew of a potential "cataclysmic event" and did nothing for 2 months. Then, did a 180 and did a lock down? Why? How does that even make any sense.

It's like being inside a house. You know the whole thing to burn to a crisp unless you do put out a fire...so you decide to watch a baseball game for the next 3 hours instead.


That's what you expect me to believe. It's so stupid.

Furthermore, there is ZERO evidence to even support the "cataclysmic event" claim when looking at the the Chinese data/experience because by the time China figured it out and ordered a lockdown, there were less than a dozen cases. Their subsequent handling, infection rates, cured rates, death rates, all support that conclusion. If a giant widespread infection did occur and was covered up for two months, there would be vastly more cases and deaths...and there isn't.

Here's the important part. Pay attention.

The ONLY way the CIA/intelligence agency could even predict the potential for a "cataclysmic event" is that the CIA knew what was going around in China before the Chinese did. This is why the article is so important. It establishes an extremely high probability of guilt on the usa eg biological warfare.

Because they failed to stop it early. That doesn't mean they tried to hide it. They may have not known what the true nature was as the symptoms shared many similarities to other flus. You're jumping to conclusions.

I feel totally fatigued talking to a moron after just 3 simple posts.
I feel totally fatigued talking to a moron after just 3 simple posts.

Imagine how painful it is for me trying to dumb this down for you...
....and you still don't get it.

I now know why CIA can get away with its crimes decade after decade with certain groups. They just can't learn. Very sad, indeed.
I think the official statement from the CIA that they know the outbreak in Wuhan since November is very interesting.

And their reason they know it from the China healthcare data and communication is flawed.

Because this is an undiscovered disease.

At maximum, what China knows is just like other countries, if it's not seasonal flu, it's just pneumonia.

Since the discovery of COVIC-19 was in late December, and in January, China was still researching this virus.

The way how CIA know it was a coronavirus outbreak in November is very interesting.

In October, there were US 5 military personnel who got sick and even need to be transported back to USA with a military airplane, instead of being treated in a local Wuhan hospital.

A military airplane for just seasonal flu symptoms...

Because they know all of them are infected with coronavirus, so they were able to make a prediction there will an outbreak in November in Wuhan, because it's highly contagious.

CIA didn't predict there will be an outbreak in October nor August, because the month after October is November.

And the location will be started around the Wuhan Oriental Hotel since that is the hotel where US military personnel stay, near the Huanan seafood market.

CIA really knows what kind of information needed to find in China healthcare database and communication, especially the location where needs special attention.

They are not looking for the coronavirus but information on a sudden increase in seasonal flu and pneumonia cases around Wuhan Oriental Hotel and Huanan seafood market.

Well, since China didn't know about coronavirus until late December, definitely it will be written or reported that way, seasonal flu and pneumonia.

But what is really interesting is... CIA knows what they are looking for since they know what it is.

As they know that they even need to call a military airplane to picked 5 sicked military personnel back in October for just flu symptoms.

How did the CIA know about it... well, Fort Detrick leak incident back in months earlier.

And then Event 201 in October, to simulate a coronavirus outbreak.

Event 201, whatever their official excuses and statements... It's quite suspicious.

Event 201 simulated, it's going to be massive.

Wuhan outbreak in November... it's going to be massive.
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If this report is true then the CIA learned from Chinese sources that a "cataclysmic event" was about to hit China.

Then YOU have to explain why the Chinese leadership did nothing for the next 2 months AND suddenly decided to do a 180 and lock everything down. That would require something WORSE than a "cataclysmic event" to make them act.

Logic. Do you have any?
Who said they didnt do anything?

They may have suppressed the news, but that doesn't mean they weren't actively trying to contain it.
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