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Breaking: Search Operation at 90

I care to say that right now I don't give a Rat about MQM but here in Urdu speaking community we have a sense of alienation.

You are in the year 2015. Get over your Urdu speaking community nonsense and find something better to form community bonds with.

Otherwise ask government to broker an accord with India and they can ship you back. Victim mentality bullshitters. MQMers can go to hell. People like you have destroyed Karachi. It should be a mega port city like Singapore, prosperous and wealthy. But its a complete shithole because some people can't let go of their Indian past and offer support to a political terrorist group who control the city through fear and death and gives nothing back.
I don't mind taking on TK's but recently brother of my close friend has been died in such an incident and he was an educated person a teacher and a working person. The one who killed him during snatching is a useless mole of society and guess he was not Urdu Speaker.

I am not saying that the brother of your close friend didnt die but how exactly did you know that they were not urdu speaker?

If the brother of your friend did die than who ever killed him should be brought to justice. I am preety sure rangers didnt kill him. I also believe that if rangers catch that guy they will not set him free
Whatever you may believe about the political wing of the MQM, it's clear to everyone that the militant wing (at the very least) needs to be destroyed.

By going your logic those who has snatched from my Brother (I thanked to Allah Almighty they didn't shot him) if are aligned with the Army are good to go for doing any thing. I care to say that right now I don't give a Rat about MQM but here in Urdu speaking community we have a sense of alienation.
I'm an Urdu speaker, your comment is nonsense.
By going your logic those who has snatched from my Brother (I thanked to Allah Almighty they didn't shot him) if are aligned with the Army are good to go for doing any thing. I care to say that right now I don't give a Rat about MQM but here in Urdu speaking community we have a sense of alienation.
MQM doesn't represents the entire Urdu speaking community
Can anyone living in Karachi inform me on how much crime has reduced?
It seems only if they counter MQM all the problems of Karachi will be solved.
What I understand is what ever is happening here is not good for the city in long term. They are alienating a certain community. If someone point towards the criminal and other elements then I am totally agree they exist but its all seems one sided :).

A few days back my brother with some relative has been looted at gunpoint and snatchers were not Urdu speakers (I am deliberately not mentioning it). Its an alarming situation if authorities didn't learn a lesson from their past adventures. This can stay for a while but can't be forever.

By going your logic those who has snatched from my Brother (I thanked to Allah Almighty they didn't shot him) if are aligned with the Army are good to go for doing any thing. I care to say that right now I don't give a Rat about MQM but here in Urdu speaking community we have a sense of alienation.

Is it job of Rangers or is it job of Local police station in that specific locality to eradicate snatchers and dacoits of that specific areas ?

And have you care to read the mandate given to Rangers ? There duties are to eliminate target killings and extortions. Not to takeover responsibilities of police
Nothing happening to Karachi: the city will rise after we purge this menace called MQM: they don't just have a militant wing, this is a militant outfit that showcases itself as a political one. Rest in piece to them.

And btw, expect Bhai to be babbling in a few hours. Cries the wolf!
You are in the year 2015. Get over your Urdu speaking community nonsense and find something better to form community bonds with.

Otherwise ask government to broker an accord with India and they can ship you back. Victim mentality bullshitters. MQMers can go to hell. People like you have destroyed Karachi. It should be a mega port city like Singapore, prosperous and wealthy. But its a complete shithole because some people can't let go of their Indian past and offer support to a political terrorist group who control the city through fear and death and gives nothing back.

:) your post shows your true inner side ... Nothing more to say ... Ask others to practice first which you are preaching me.

Its not us who are not forgetting our past :).
bhai wahan nhi london main hai ahahahahaha

Courtesy MQM and terrorists supported by PPP:

Ok but when ??? Its been decade we are facing this discrimination!

Really, bro? Right from 1999 to 2014? You call that period discrimination? I, too am an Urdu Speaker and trace Mohajir roots but I'll never ever sympathise with a party that's anti-state; not even if my own brother led it.
Nothing happening to Karachi: the city will rise after we purge this menace called MQM: they don't just have a militant wing, this is a militant outfit that showcases itself as a political one. Rest in piece to them.

And btw, expect Bhai to be babbling in a few hours. Cries the wolf!

I believe rangers pick awesome timing. I dont think bhai will be babbling for another 7-8 hours
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