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BREAKING!! PM Modi Assured No Demographic Changes Will Be Done To J&K: Altaf Bukhari


May 9, 2019
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United States
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured that there will be no demographic change to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Apni Party president Altaf Bukhari said on Saturday, who met him along with 24-member delegation in New Delhi.
"PM Modi said no demographic changes will be done. He is a man of commitment. His heart beats for people of Jammu and Kashmir," Mr Bukhari said.

"He understands what the people of Jammu and Kashmir want. He appreciated when we said that we want the same laws as the rest of the country," Mr Bukhari added.

"The prime minister has assured us that the issues pertaining to domicile, land, and jobs will be addressed soon. Nobody will take away the lands and jobs of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He also said that a law will be brought for this soon. The prime minister told me that they do not want to disempower the majority," he said.

When asked to comment on the abrogation of Article 370, Altaf Bukhari said: "I don't think we need to say a lot for something which is before the Supreme Court. Political parties have gone to court. It has been challenged."

"Only the Supreme Court or a political consensus between PM Modi and the opposition can restore Article 370," added Mr Bukhari after meeting PM Modi.

On foreign media reports that the abrogation of Article 370 will cause violence, Mr Bukhari said: "First of all, I'll give credit to the people who did not choose to come on the road. Secondly, credit definitely also goes to the planners."

Aiming to provide relief to the people "facing challenges since August 5 last year," former People's Democratic Party (PDP) leader Altaf Bukhari launched his party on March 8, also the International Women's Day.

"I didn't leave the PDP. I wish them all the best. Politics is a medium of service. We are common people ... Our party is new. People are the same. Hum puraane khidmatgaar hain," he said.

"We have also requested the release of everyone in preventive detention," Mr Bukhari added.

That Same Butcher assured Mehbooba mufti ....he will not proceed such things that can change the present status quo of kashmir. same promised led (Mehbooba - Modi) alliance in Kashmir Gov.

Rest is History
A Butcher assures the caged Lambs that they will not be Slaughtered!

With CoronaVirus spreading and there is one case in Ladakh @BHarwana the imprisonment of PakKashmiris in IoJK is a Genocide waiting to happen...

The Butcher life is numbered...

Kashmir getting freedom is not about how but about when.

As the night becomes darker, the ominous signs of dawn is there.
Bukhari is the New Indian Puppet in Kashmir. Modi wants the Kashmiri people to forget all the abuse of the last year in particular and accept that Status Quo; because now he has to look good to the world on human rights and deal with the coronavirus. In a few months he will be back to his old ways.
His promises have been broken in the past. India's promises have been broken in the past. India doesn't honour UN commitments, let alone words uttered by the butcher himself. A snake is always a snake is always a snake. If it lives in your garden, the only way to stop it biting you in the dark one day is by cutting its head clean off.

I'm curious though, why has Modi himself lent credibility to Pakistan's narrative that the demography of Jammu and Kashmir is a concern at all? Surely he shouldn't even mention this question unless he is under pressure to issue such a denial.

If it's true that Modi has been forced to deny demographic change in Jammu and Kashmir, which was always one of Islamabad's concerns, then this is further compelling evidence of Modi's uncontrollable amateurism every time he opens his mouth.

From "internal matter" to "I accept it is not an internal matter because I am responding to Pakistan's narrative".
goes/went both way

the bug is a good excuse to come together or co operate at the very least.
Hang on, numerous overtures have been made by Pakistan and Khan in particular regarding "coming together". From Pulwama, to Kashmir, to Kartarpur, to denial of arts and sports exchanges, to attacks on Muslims, to attacks on Pakistani businesses abroad for hosting Indians, to attacks on Indians for daring to do business with Pakistanis.... there is absolutely ZERO evidence that BJP has any agenda other than the Hindutva one it is pursuant to presently.

Indeed, BJP rightly and proactively identified Pakistan as an existential threat to extremist Hindutva ideology. Due to this early recognition, BJP has abrogated, cancelled, reneged on, reversed and attempted to erase every association with Pakistan and India's own Mughal heritage. Modi has himself rejected all opportunities for cooperation or coming together of our nations and has turned his own nation into one controlled by ignorant saffron zombie hordes to happily serve his cause. Meanwhile the subservient Indian media gladly touts the party line out of fear or tacit agreement or perhaps both.

There is no animosity between simple innocent civilians, and clearly corona virus doesn't discriminate but whatever joint action to be taken or not taken against corona virus is independent of any overarching concept of coming together. Pakistanis are well aware of Shah's, Modi's and Yogis's militant rhetoric against Pakistani non-aligned civilian institutions (e.g. mixing politics with sports and arts routinely, surgical strikes in non-military issues etc), so we will pass on any suggestions of aman ki asha for now thanks. Reversal of past misdemeanours would be the only way to build genuine confidence between Pakistan and India, not just some Modi-style hug fest.
Do you thibk they have a choice when their biggest supporter Pakistan has abandoned them ....
Bukhari is the New Indian Puppet in Kashmir. Modi wants the Kashmiri people to forget all the abuse of the last year in particular and accept that Status Quo; because now he has to look good to the world on human rights and deal with the coronavirus. In a few months he will be back to his old ways.

Same Kashmiris sold your SSG commandon in 1965 ...revealed your presence in 1999 ...they literally lost all hopes when your back stabeed Taliban after 9/11...
Dont you think Kashmiris read history
This Bukhari appears to be some newly hired pimp.
Forget any assurance from Modi, J&K is not any metro city nor employment hub like Bangalore, Chennai or Hyd that people will die to go to that place...This demographic issue is used for internal Kashmir politics...Even local Kashmiri are coming to different cities in India in job..
@PakSword @Slav Defence @The Eagle @Dubious @SIPRA @Verve @Reddington @seven0seven @Rafi @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui

A Butcher assures the caged Lambs that they will not be Slaughtered!

With CoronaVirus spreading and there is one case in Ladakh @BHarwana the imprisonment of PakKashmiris in IoJK is a Genocide waiting to happen...

GoP needs to Hammer this on the WorldStage... yet sattoooismo is going on.

Make the world problem owner now... make the West responsible for its cirminal silence!

If anything... Indians are fully capable of spreadking/infecting the PakKashmiris and withhold treatement...as they have done till now.

With Hospitals already in lockdown... we must at least raise our voice here on PDF @WebMaster

May Allah be Protector of PakKashmiris!


The plan is to make settlements just like Israel did. India has the same agenda. How can BJP revoke 370a and lose election in kashmir. They plan to win in kashmir and for that demographic changes are necessary. If anyone thinks or trusts bjp he is a fool. Politician is the name of a person who is assigned to tell lies.
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