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Breaking News: Taliban have operationalized atleast two helicopter


Mullah Omar Rahimahu Allah ...
living large in Jannah inshallah

Stupid Arrogant Bush lives to tell the tale of defeat against mujahedines .
where are the sad conspiracy theorists ?
where are those who associated CIA or KGB or any one else with the almighty Allah swt ?
CIA funds CIA arms .....
the US and Russia and China combined could never stop Islam
Islam WILL RULE THE WORLD and I am not just exited , its in the book, this is just the beginning
Taliban dont need helicopters

they dont even need fighter jets

just a man with a gun thats all
An indian friend of mine who never talked on kashmir yesterday called me and while conversing actually mentioned about kashmir for the first time , he is like the special status has been revoked what did or can Pakistan do ? He said people are going there , buying properties , i said its still a disputed region according to UN . He said whatever , india took the step already , what has Pakistan done ? Nothing , nothing.. In reality it seems Pakistan elites have compromised.

kashmir has gone to india,
all is well ,, for billionaires,
the public can go and lick the same sausage made in papa john,s den
And - dont forget the motorbike !!
the yankees foolded everyone
while back scenes deals was take aghwa--nistan ,talib,s
orders are not to fire a single bullet
thats what happened

but educated idiots around the world think other wise,,,,
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