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Breaking News!!! Jailed Norwegian killer Breivik demands a Playstation 3


Feb 9, 2014
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Breivik is currently in solitary confinement in a prison in Norway, after being sentenced to 21 years in prison for killing 77 people in Oslo in July 2011.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, who was responsible for a bomb and gun attack in Oslo that killed 77 people in two seperate attacks and fashioned himself as a crusading knight on a mission to save Europe from the scourge of Muslim immigration, has reportedly demanded better video games to play in jail.

Calling the conditions of his prison 'torture-like', he demanded a computer in place of a typewriter, as well as a Playstation 3 as an update to his Playstation 2, along with the right to choose his own games. He also requested a sofa to replace the “painful” chair in his cell and a weekly allowance of £60.

In a written letter Breivik told the Norwegian authorities, "You've put me in hell ... and I won't manage to survive that long. You are killing me," adding, "If I die, all of Europe's right-wing extremists will know exactly who it was that tortured me to death. That could have consequences for certain individuals in the short term but also when Norway is once again ruled by a fascist regime in 13 to 40 years from now."

Threatening to go on hunger strike if his demands are refused, he said: "The hunger strike won't end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (the Norwegian Correctional Services) stop treating me worse than an animal."

Breivik is currently in solitary confinement in a prison in Norway, after being sentenced to 21 years in prison for the July 2011 massacre.
The F? he is even allowed to use a PS2 in prison? It's not Breivik's fault anyway, it will be the stupidity and the shamelessness of a govt if it will give in to such demands from such idiots.
Calling the conditions of his prison 'torture-like', he demanded a computer in place of a typewriter, as well as a Playstation 3 as an update to his Playstation 2, along with the right to choose his own games. He also requested a sofa to replace the “painful” chair in his cell and a weekly allowance of £60.
Dude the girl doesnt even know what is pain! :unsure:

Apparently living in a 5 star hotel is torture like while sitting on a chair instead of the floor is painful?! Even in Prison he is trolling his govt! :rofl:

Tell all the homeless from USA to migrate to Norway and commit a crime to get good food, bed, meals, TV and even Entertainment.
Tell the poor of every country to apply!

In a written letter Breivik told the Norwegian authorities, "You've put me in hell ... and I won't manage to survive that long. You are killing me," adding, "If I die, all of Europe's right-wing extremists will know exactly who it was that tortured me to death. That could have consequences for certain individuals in the short term but also when Norway is once again ruled by a fascist regime in 13 to 40 years from now."
Talk about blackmailing the govt....I sure hope they consider sending him to Africa....or maybe Guantanamo prison for a paid "vacation"
Threatening to go on hunger strike if his demands are refused, he said: "The hunger strike won't end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (the Norwegian Correctional Services) stop treating me worse than an animal."
:blink: that is some case of wacko! I am sure alot of people would like to be kept like this "pet"

LOL!! Who gave him a PS2 in the first place?
His parents spoilt him to become a nonsense! And now the country is reforming him by listening to all his wishes....strange law!
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I could imagine him playing GTA and running over all the black and brown people in the game.
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