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By Chris Hughes 12/04/2010


Iran is buying an ultra-sophisticated missile system from Russia to protect its nuclear sites.

The S-300's surface-to-air rockets can hit many targets at once, including in-coming cruise missiles, making any Western or Israeli strike on Iran much more difficult.

News of the multi-billion pound deal with Moscow has caused fury and fear among Western powers as they desperately try to stop the country developing nuclear weapons. An intelligence source told The Mirror: "In the game of bluff and counter-bluff this is bad news for Israel and the West.

"The new missile system will hugely empower Tehran which already has a fairly inflated view of its military and defence capability.

"This has everyone worried -Israel because it knows the US is currently not up for attacking Tehran and the US because it knows Tehran has the upper hand."

The S-300, which Iran has been trying to buy since 2005, can hit a target at 100 miles and will be delivered to them within months.

It is a massive blow to Israeli defence chiefs who fear Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, below, is building up a nuclear capability to attack them.

Pentagon chiefs have already written up a detailed plan to strike as many as 100 targets if they have to destroy Tehran's nuclear installations.

Bunker-buster bombs would hit underground complexes and Hellfire missiles targeted to kill the country's top scientists.

Mikhail Dmitriyev, head of the Russian Federal Agency for Military Co-operation confirmed delivery of the S-300 is imminent. Russia's stateowned news agency RIA Novosti said: "Contracts have been signed."


Iran will complain to the UN after President Barack Obama failed to rule out a nuclear attack on it.

The US leader has left Iran off a list of countries it has pledged not to target with atomic weapons.

Washington accuses Iran and North Korea of exceeding international limits on nuclear arsenals.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Obama's "remarks mean the US government is a villain government that can't be trusted".

They are in negotiation there is still no official conformation from the russian side as far as news reports are concerned.

Man we're heading back into cold war i think

If Russia sides with Iran, it could recieve a harsh backlash from international community. Also if deal goes through it will only serve to even catalyse the process of an eventual strike. I hope it doesnt come to that but if this goes through Iran will be closing a lot of diplomatic doors and im afraid so will russia. Indian opposition to the sanctions might be in light of this descion too. This might sound really far fetched but we might be entering a cold war II.
They are in negotiation there is still no official conformation from the russian side as far as news reports are concerned.

Man we're heading back into cold war i think

If Russia sides with Iran, it could recieve a harsh backlash from international community. Also if deal goes through it will only serve to even catalyse the process of an eventual strike. I hope it doesnt come to that but if this goes through Iran will be closing a lot of diplomatic doors and im afraid so will russia. Indian opposition to the sanctions might be in light of this descion too. This might sound really far fetched but we might be entering a cold war II.

Russia is pushing for sanctions against Iran, so this is indeed strange. There was reports that Russia was reluctant to sell Iran the S-300 and as a result Tehran was getting frustrated because of it.
Some thing is really cooking here. Why this news when Russia and even China are considering the sanctions? Is it mere propaganda stuff or there is substance to this news?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has stated that initial US plans to deploy a regional missile defense shield in Bulgaria don’t threaten Russian nuclear forces.

Lavrov however added Tuesday that Russia may back out of the START 2 nuclear weapons pact, if the US continues to step up its missile defense shield program beyond Bulgaria and Romania. “Linkage to missile defense is clearly spelled out in the accord and is legally binding,” he continued.

With respect to Bulgaria and Romania Lavrov said; “we think that when consultations are under way as ordered by the presidents of Russia and the U.S. between Russian and American experts on issues of missile defense, it would be best to avoid such surprises.”

April, 6, 2010
Russia Links Nuclear Pact to US Missile Shield Program: Russia Links Nuclear Pact to US Missile Shield Program - Novinite.com - Sofia News Agency

I think its a political move to assert some pressure on Western counterparts in regards to missile shields deployment in Bulgaria or along the lines of other deployments.
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Russia is pushing for sanctions against Iran, so this is indeed strange. There was reports that Russia was reluctant to sell Iran the S-300 and as a result Tehran was getting frustrated because of it.

This report had no official remarks that could ascertain the title it put forth. The deal hasn't been scrapped yet but Russia is increasingly leaning towards not providing Iran the s-300 system. Much of it depends on what sort of diplomatic deal is reached between the US and Russia. One thing for sure, Russia wont just be pissing off the americans and europeans, most of the gulf will be miffed that includes the majority of arab countries.

Lets wait and see where this ends up, we're all walking on a very tight diplomatic rope here. Obama will have to do some major persuasion, the only thing that he has as a plus point is ahmednijad. Chances are if Russia "delays" this deal for a bit longer, he will make some rash descion/statement that will surely strain the Iran/Russia relations. He has already threatened to take you guys to the international court :lol:
Okay, so the Yankees can sit on thousands of nuclear assets, Israel can have them, but no Iran?

This is seriously screwed up.
This rumor of S300 has been flying for 2-3 years ... Iran has built its own defence systems now ... in that time frame :blink:
I sense another war in the world....
War on Terror is almost over.

The new war would be....

Block I

Block II


Now uptill now its not clear where Pak , India and Isreel will go or they will play neutral
According to Tom Cooper who is very knowledgeable and credible, Iran already has 4 battalions of the S-300, which is 16 batteries and 64 launchers.
I sense another war in the world....
War on Terror is almost over.

The new war would be....

Block I

Block II


Now uptill now its not clear where Pak , India and Isreel will go or they will play neutral

Pak and Israel will side with US and India will remain non-alligned like previously.
Iran already has S-300 systems of varying ages but there is little commonality...

Furthermore UK mainstream press news isn't to be blindly trusted, standards have slipped and they seam to print all sorts of crap with no substance or knowledge behind their accusations, this has been infuriating me for decades, I always knew that reports were always exagerated but after serving in Northern Ireland and finding out first hand what's going on and then reading highly exaggerated and for the most part untrue accusations in the newspapers the next day I realised the true extent of the lies

UK media is just as bad if not worse than US media.
Croatia has recently sold advanced S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran, a newspaper in Zagreb reported this week amid conflicting opinions in Israel over whether Teheran has obtained the advanced anti-aircraft system. According to the Web magazine Necenzurirano, Libyan Naval ships were also docking in the Croatian port city of Kraljevica to transfer the system to Iran. Israeli defense officials could not confirm the report but said that Croatia is known to have obtained a number of S-300 systems following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The system was reportedly dismantled several years ago although its exact fate was never publicized. The S-300, a Russian system, is one of the most advanced multi-target anti-aircraft missile systems in the world today and has a reported ability to track up to 100 targets simultaneously while engaging up to 12 at the same time. It has a range of about 200 kilometers and can hit targets at altitudes of 27,000 meters. Israeli officials have not said whether Iran has obtained S-300 systems but has called on Russia not to sell them to Teheran. A top IAF officer recently said that it was not yet clear whether Iran had the system. Ronen Bergman's The Secret War with Iran, published Tuesday in the US, repeats the claim made in the Hebrew version of the book, published last year, that the Iranians already have S-300s. "Iran has purchased an enormous number of anti-aircraft missiles from Russia, some of which, according to Mossad sources, are S-300 missiles, considered among the most advanced in the world. These missiles have been deployed around Bushehr and other strategic targets," Bergman writes. The author continues: "In August 2006, during the war in Lebanon, Israeli satellite photograph decipherers detected changes at several locations in Iran, suggesting strongly that Iran was stepping up its nuclear project. Moreover, many additional anti-aircraft missile batteries were deployed at nuclear sites, and existing ones were replaced with S-300 missiles... By September 2006, no fewer than 26 anti-aircraft missile batteries had been placed around the centrifuge installation at Natanz...."

Website: Croatia has sold S300 to Iran

Iran has the S-300 and America and Israel know this, they're not telling the world because they want countries to support sanctions, thinking if they don't sanction Iran, America and Israel will attack Iran.

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