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Breaking News : Afghan Army starts operation against TTP

No I still stand by my views and I still support Afghan Taliban fight against USA and NATO. I still stand by How TTP was born I stand by each and everything I have said.
Then why blame RAW? cause you are a two faced moron?
I have deep suspicions about this. Afghan Govt and Afghan Army are sheltering TTP, how would they do any operation. Basically they are attacking Afghan Taliban and renaming it has Pakistani Taliban.
I think Fazlullah has escaped . He's not in Kunar or Khost or any areas near the Pak border. He may have escaped to further inland Afghanistan. Or even Uzbekistan. But I doubt he's in an around Kunar.
TTP has issued statements in the past that LET is attacking them in Kunar and is using name of Afghan Taliban. LET has indeed presence in Kunar province. there were also reports of their fighters getting killed in ISAF airstrikes in Kunar. Also LET itself was formed in Kunar province in 1990 (with base in Mureekay near Lahore), so they have some operational base in some villages of kunar, with support from local Wahabi/ahle-hadith elements.

Kunar and Nuristan are not controlled by TTP , the two provinces are under shadow governors of Afghan Taliban, they are the most numerous and powerful ones. Afghan Taliban are the ones who have allowed TTP as well as LET in the region, even though both groups are enemies of each other but they are supporting Afghan taliban in their war against Afghan and NATO forces.

Perhaps those "Punjabi speaking Taliban" the Afghan commander talked about were LET guys. LET is a Punjabi organization, with a few pakhtuns serving as cannon fodder opposite to the TTP. As much as Afghanistan government is blamed by the Pakistanis, I read that Kunar is under Hekmatyar, and it is actually the "good taliban" offering assylum to the "bad taliban". Raheemullah Yusafzai says that Mullah Omar personally hates Fazlullah, but the good talibans still offer him asylum. With that said, Afghan establishment actually did allow him freedom from arrest for they wanted revenge for the mistakes Pakistan made in the 90s and under Musharraf and Kayani.
Breaking News is coming that Afghan Army has started operation against TTP 21 dead till now and it is being reported Afghan Army is facing around 1500 of TTP. The operation is being done in Kunar.
is this in a particular villiage/city?? area.
is this in a particular villiage/city?? area.
Kunar Province
AsimBajwaISPR @AsimBajwaISPR · 4m4 minutes ago
Afgn CGS,ComdISAF acknowledged successful,non discriminatory ZarbeAzbOp.Appreciated Pak's gains saying terrorist NW seriously degraded-3/3

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AsimBajwaISPR @AsimBajwaISPR · 6m6 minutes ago
Coordinated ops in respective areas by both sides,intelligence sharing discussed.Measures to further improve Border Coord discussed-2/3
AsimBajwaISPR @AsimBajwaISPR · 6m6 minutes ago
Afgn CGS,ComISAF with COAS,expressed grief on Psr act.Both assured full support in fight vs terror,in eliminating terrorist on Afgn soil-1/3
I have deep suspicions about this. Afghan Govt and Afghan Army are sheltering TTP, how would they do any operation. Basically they are attacking Afghan Taliban and renaming it has Pakistani Taliban.

Yup that's precisely what it is. This whole thing is just drama.
Afghans are fighting the Afghan taliban. They won't harm ttp.
mark my words
most of what we wanna know is lost in the articles being printed
just read the article below
main points are what is important
Afghan forces launch operation in areas bordering Pakistan

Kunar has been the scene of fierce fighting between local forces and the Afghan Taliban for the past 10 days.

The Afghan Taliban have stepped up their attacks as NATO wraps up its combat operations, which end on December 31.

Afghan forces launch operation in areas bordering Pakistan

the basic game is still the same

Do people on here honestly believe ANA can do an 'operation'?

LOL you are clutching at straws. If you want to get Fazullah and kill TTP then PA has to do it itself and verify the kills.

It's not just that they can't do an operation against ttp
it's that they won't do an operation against ttp
this whole thing is a lie
needless to say we should not take these things at face value
nothing's going on

either way i wish for the best
TTP leadership will soon become history ... Afghan Taliban should take care of themselves , or else last thing they will remember is the sound of F-16's before they torn in to pieces ..
Truly its a great step and its the one thing we have been crying about here. A joint operation where we kill them and drive them towards Afghanistan where they kill them. A sort of pincer move by both countries which will hopefully eradicate this once and for all.
TTP leadership will soon become history ... Afghan Taliban should take care of themselves , or else last thing they will remember is the sound of F-16's before they torn in to pieces ..
You folks don't want to learn at all.. Stop differentiating good or bad else good of today will become bad of tomorrow and come back to haunt you. Choice is Pakistan's and I hope they will help Afghqnistan forces in clearing Afghan Taliban as well..
You folks don't want to learn at all.. Stop differentiating good or bad else good of today will become bad of tomorrow and come back to haunt you. Choice is Pakistan's and I hope they will help Afghqnistan forces in clearing Afghan Taliban as well..

when did i say good or bad taliban ?? and for you , good taliban and bad taliban is not started by Pakistan but USA ... do some research and than talk ..for us the only good taliban is a dead taliban
Afghanis only need some danda from Raheel to start operation as soon as possible. :rolleyes:
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