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BREAKING: Massive Taliban attack on Kandahar Airport!

As soon as a peace initiative is revived suddenly a attack happens. this is becoming the norm now.
Well, I'm sure it's because Afghanistan intervened in Syria ,bombing poor innocent Syrians.:(

Anyway, RIP to the victims

News_Executive ‏@News_Executive 4m4 minutes ago
UPDATE: A number of militants that have stormed the civilian and military airfield, reports of many casualties and hostages. #Developing

News_Executive ‏@News_Executive 53s53 seconds ago
UPDATE: Taliban released a picture claiming to show the group that attacked #Kandahar airfield. #Afghanistan

Picture of the group which attacked Kandahar.
Afghan govt has no control on Afghanistan.. So please initiate peace talk and throw Indian out of Afghanistan...
Good luck to Afghan forces, kill these SoBs.
SoBs are sitting in dehli HQ of certain rogue agency kiddo bomb them for creating unrest in afghanistan

So that the massage can be delivered to their masters.
lol ANA is not good enough kid they have lost zabul recently and majority of herat sooner or later taliban gona stage an assault on indian herat consulate cant you see indians are worried about the backlash of 14 years of support to the terrorism inside Pakistan
Most likely Indian involvement to sabotage the recent peace approach by Pakistan-Afghanistan.

Source: BREAKING: Massive Taliban attack on Kandahar Airport!
Yaar, the Pak military isn't as short sighted as you. Think about it.
Who suffers from better relations with Pak-Afghan?
Well, lets see... Not china, not america, not India and no one at all...except...hmmm the illegitimate Taliban who have been dethroned!
The last thing the Taliban want is Pakistan to recognize afganistans new govt. which they already did. Pakistan is Afghanistan's big neighbour with huge Pushto-Taliban culture in Pakistan as well!
RAW on leesh. ISI on leesh, according to Sharif.
You have to take into account interest groups. The Taliban is loosing its power or was any ways and being de legitimised internationally even though they control what 1 3rd of Afghanistan and huge influence in Pakistan even Punjab.

Afghan govt has no control on Afghanistan.. So please initiate peace talk and throw Indian out of Afghanistan...

Source: BREAKING: Massive Taliban attack on Kandahar Airport! | Page 2
BAD idea. Who is in control? Taliban? will they let in any business? Only thing Taliban will create is more Taliban, not jobs or economies. Unless you count drugs as legitimate source on income which ends up in Punjab anyways.
India should do more. Alot more on the farming side to help develop proper irrigation because Afghanistan still in the stone ages with this stuff.
China wants to go in big, but the Taliban will shoot them too, and you guessed it any one else.
We are essentially dealing with dethroned warlords. Who wants to negotiate with these a$$holes?
Also, India isn't responsible for Pakistans misfortunes since the start of the "war of terror". CIA is alot more involved than RAW because India backed out in 1997 but still have connections, not via Afghanistan, but Iran and not to mention the former USSR republics.
See, this is about burden sharing, and Afghan govt. is a global burden especially America's. If we don't hold Afghan govt. and fund ANA then the option is Taliban, and more OBL raids into Afghanistan and perhaps Pakistan.
You get the point?
Peshawar school massacre was the changing point.

lol ANA is not good enough kid they have lost zabul recently and majority of herat sooner or later taliban gona stage an assault on indian herat consulate cant you see indians are worried about the backlash of 14 years of support to the terrorism inside Pakistan

Source: BREAKING: Massive Taliban attack on Kandahar Airport! | Page 2
Ok but what about the 10 years of PA support for droning Taliban? any backlash to that?
PA is more worried about Taliban in Afghanistan than India is. Even if the Taliban take power they will destroy aghanistan or if they reach out in agreement to go into LEGAL politics to form govt. then you have a different story.
Terrorists are made in parts of Pakistan. With or with out ISI knowledge. Problem with these "cells" is that they hire any one, and the contractor could work for the opposition.
This is Pakistans problem. Pakistans backlash.
You don't see India blaming Paksitan for Naxalite, or bodo movement do you?
Pakistan is fighting to bring order inside its own territory.. Period!
Yaar, the Pak military isn't as short sighted as you. Think about it.
Who suffers from better relations with Pak-Afghan?
Well, lets see... Not china, not america, not India and no one at all...except...hmmm the illegitimate Taliban who have been dethroned!
The last thing the Taliban want is Pakistan to recognize afganistans new govt. which they already did. Pakistan is Afghanistan's big neighbour with huge Pushto-Taliban culture in Pakistan as well!
RAW on leesh. ISI on leesh, according to Sharif.
You have to take into account interest groups. The Taliban is loosing its power or was any ways and being de legitimised internationally even though they control what 1 3rd of Afghanistan and huge influence in Pakistan even Punjab.

BAD idea. Who is in control? Taliban? will they let in any business? Only thing Taliban will create is more Taliban, not jobs or economies. Unless you count drugs as legitimate source on income which ends up in Punjab anyways.
India should do more. Alot more on the farming side to help develop proper irrigation because Afghanistan still in the stone ages with this stuff.
China wants to go in big, but the Taliban will shoot them too, and you guessed it any one else.
We are essentially dealing with dethroned warlords. Who wants to negotiate with these a$$holes?
Also, India isn't responsible for Pakistans misfortunes since the start of the "war of terror". CIA is alot more involved than RAW because India backed out in 1997 but still have connections, not via Afghanistan, but Iran and not to mention the former USSR republics.
See, this is about burden sharing, and Afghan govt. is a global burden especially America's. If we don't hold Afghan govt. and fund ANA then the option is Taliban, and more OBL raids into Afghanistan and perhaps Pakistan.
You get the point?
Peshawar school massacre was the changing point.

Ok but what about the 10 years of PA support for droning Taliban? any backlash to that?
PA is more worried about Taliban in Afghanistan than India is. Even if the Taliban take power they will destroy aghanistan or if they reach out in agreement to go into LEGAL politics to form govt. then you have a different story.
Terrorists are made in parts of Pakistan. With or with out ISI knowledge. Problem with these "cells" is that they hire any one, and the contractor could work for the opposition.
This is Pakistans problem. Pakistans backlash.
You don't see India blaming Paksitan for Naxalite, or bodo movement do you?
Pakistan is fighting to bring order inside its own territory.. Period!
with all the fake propoganda by india and by its kids the fact is 90 percent of afghani taliban do not fucking care about PAkistan their only worry is NATO and hindu forces in afghanistan and secondly PAkistan is the main player and afghanistan is our backyard so be nice to us before building any shit in Afghnaistan that is why your minister is now being dragged into talks by worried indian RAW agency and modi
Taliban didnt stop attacks even when they were having talks with America in Qatar, they dont halt their fight during talks.
Taliban didnt stop attacks even when they were having talks with America in Qatar, they dont halt their fight during talks.

Source: BREAKING: Massive Taliban attack on Kandahar Airport! | Page 2
Well, there are no talks because the Taliban no 1 goal is first be legit govt. IE no democracy in Afghanistan.
They don't want to power share.
Every time they want to negotiate, the Taliban demand first they be recognized and legit govt. which the current ELECTED govt. does NOT because they know what would mean they are NOT legit. Legal terms used as an excuse. What the Taliban want is supreme power as they had in the 90s. America and obviously the rest of world, CHINA included to not want only Taliban.
That is why getting Afghan people involved in elections is important. They may not be paying much tax, but atleast they are learning how to properly spend money.
Last time these aholes were in power they blew up the buddha statues. If they get that kind of power again, they will kill a whole lot of people, and I think they will hit Pakistan''s minorities.
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