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BREAKING! Mars Orbiter Put In Orbit Successfully!!

suddenly some new recruits came up in china flag to bash india...........ohh easy way to shadow frustation...
No, I want to do business in India, sell you tableware, grab food to eat is uncivilized.
no you are interested in indian toilet..which you are pointing in your posts......so open a new thread will discuss there..and again shooooooooooooooooooo
NASA just lets India have the glory as NASA has done these many times before so its nothing special to them. They just want Indians to feel like they did it to inspire Indians. It's like a smart person doing a project and letting the dumb person take all the credit and the limelight.
hahaha...burn :flame:
your standoff was for the same purpose :yay::dance3:..but we did it..so now u can go:victory::victory:
Hey guys.... I heard in a news that they will release pic of mars....have they???
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