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BREAKING! Mars Orbiter Put In Orbit Successfully!!

Somalia could have a joint project with NASA to orbit Mars and Somalia could be the known for sending an orbiter to Mars.
That doesn't mean Somalia achieved it by itself.

When India does this independently, then we can truly appreciate them.

Joint projects are nothing but to be proud of.

What parts of the project were joint?

Was the orbiter manufactured by NASA? If not what parts were manufactured by India or assembled in India? This would be a better argument in case of not being happy with India launching an orbiter to Mars. Saying they used NASA Maps and western computers to perform the task is just not a deal breaker for me. Its the will to do it that I will appreciate and so should you.

We are proud of our joint projects with you. Lets just agree to keep the topic to the Mars mission.
If it was that easy, then why doesn't India do it? It copies AK-47s, why can't it copy a semiconductor foundry? If you could, you would, but since you can't, you don't.
And this is related to thread how???
The onus remains on "those" to identify which American technology/parts were used in the MOM....Just by simply twisting and trashing the topic does not help/
I'm really proud and congrats to ISRO. However, we shouldn't be boasting about the first country maiden attempt crap. The fact is that we were able to learn from the 30 odd missions that failed.

So did the recent Russian and Japanese missions, it certainly is an achievement that an organization out of the third world did this. Boasting is lame anyway, humility is better regardless.
Chinkis or unke all weather friends Minkis ko laga raha hai in ki Indians unki G@@d mara lenge... isliye congratulations dene bhi nahi aa rahe is thread par.:(
par koi unhe samjhao ki aaj hamara mood awesome hai..ham jayada bakchodi nahi karene:D:bounce::taz:

Take it easy mate. Have fun here but do not insult others. Congrats for MoM btw :tup:
Congratz MOM :-):chilli::smitten: And i thought it was Evening oh well ill see the youtube video :undecided:

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