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Breaking- Indian consulate in Kandahar remains functional

InshaAllah the terrorist attacks on Pakistanis will stop now that Indian are fleeing Afghanistan
Maybe Pakistan should incentivise the closing of this embassy....
I am sincerely hoping IA will deploy atleast a corp size formation to support the ANA in their fight against the taliban.

Imagine this move will do for pr back home for the hinduvta crowd.

Come on india. Atleast RSS should be deployed in afghanistan.

India evacuates some staff from Afghanistan's Kandahar consulate due to deteriorating security situation
10:01 IST

New Delhi [India], July 11 (ANI): Due to the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan's Kandahar, some staff of the Indian embassy has been evacuated, said diplomatic sources on Sunday.Meanwhile, the emergency services of the consulate remain operational.However, diplomatic sources stated that reports of shutting of Indian Consulate in Kandahar, Afghanistan are incorrect. And the mission remains functional, they added. India had earlier hinted that it will bring back its nationals and officials from Afghanistan if the security situation worsens as the Taliban is making advances and capturing more provinces.
India has its embassy in Kabul along with the consulates in Kandahar and Mazar where it has over 500 staff deployed.

I don't think India needs to be afraid. Everything is fine on the ground.
Some Hindu jotishi told Modi that Afghanistan is the place India need to use against Pakistan for it to dismantle.

Looks like a fake jotishi....
Can't remember where did I read this.
Some Hindu jotishi told Modi that Afghanistan is the place India need to use against Pakistan for it to dismantle.

Looks like a fake jotishi....
Can't remember where did I read to this.

I know it's a long shot but can you find the thread from last year where those indians on PDF were claiming that the americans would NEVER EVER leave afghanistan? I can't seem to find it myself.
Indians were indeed part and parcel of occupation forces in Afghanistan. Americans were dependent on Indian expertise for understanding local Afghan politics, traditions/thinking, Pakistan's interactions with Afghans (especially Taliban), and effectively using terrorism against both Afghan and Pakistani people. Event though not a formal member of Nato, India was more crucial to Nato mission than many Nato member countries. Indians were fully involved in creating massive terrorist infrastructure in Afghanistan and then using that terrorist infrastructure to train, support, and launch terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

India apparently launched many development projects in Afghanistan but those projects were used as a cover for sending terrorist master-minds who in reality belonged to special terrorists cells within infamous Indian agency RAW. These so-called development projects were used for planning and providing logistic support for terrorist attacks, to recruit local agents, and launching terrorists into Afghanistan and Pakistan. These projects served as the conduit and nerve system on the ground within the terrorist infrastructure created by the occupying forces including Indians.

Occupiers invade Afghanistan, installed puppet government in the occupied country, killed hundreds of thousands of Afghans for more than two decades, and then decided to leave in humiliation at the end. Indians joined hands with the occupiers in doing the dirty work and causing all that death and destruction. So, Indians played as the enemies of Afghan people. The peace deal was signed between Afghan Taliban and occupying forces. Americans abandoned the Afghan puppet government as well as their partners in terrorism, Indians. Nato is leaving but the puppet government and terrorist Indians are left to face the consequences in Afghanistan. Both of these parties are the enemies of Afghan people and should be dealt with as such. Afghan Taliban need to treat these Indian terrorists sent by terror Mata India to kill Afghans and Pakistanis and eliminate them all before they flee back to their terror Mata India.
Another new day - another tweet in the form of a Topic started by PDF's resident loser: @Akatosh

Man, you are in more dire need of a bl*w-j*b than any person i've ever come across.

Your Topics are so pathetic & misguided (just like IAF's Spice-2000) that if you compile all of them, it gives one the idea that you've entered the mind of an @$$h0le.
Indians were indeed part and parcel of occupation forces in Afghanistan. Americans were dependent on Indian expertise for understanding local Afghan politics, traditions/thinking, Pakistan's interactions with Afghans (especially Taliban), and effectively using terrorism against both Afghan and Pakistani people. Event though not a formal member of Nato, India was more crucial to Nato mission than many Nato member countries. Indians were fully involved in creating massive terrorist infrastructure in Afghanistan and then using that terrorist infrastructure to train, support, and launch terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

India apparently launched many development projects in Afghanistan but those projects were used as a cover for sending terrorist master-minds who in reality belonged to special terrorists cells within infamous Indian agency RAW. These so-called development projects were used for planning and providing logistic support for terrorist attacks, to recruit local agents, and launching terrorists into Afghanistan and Pakistan. These projects served as the conduit and nerve system on the ground within the terrorist infrastructure created by the occupying forces including Indians.

Occupiers invade Afghanistan, installed puppet government in the occupied country, killed hundreds of thousands of Afghans for more than two decades, and then decided to leave in humiliation at the end. Indians joined hands with the occupiers in doing the dirty work and causing all that death and destruction. So, Indians played as the enemies of Afghan people. The peace deal was signed between Afghan Taliban and occupying forces. Americans abandoned the Afghan puppet government as well as their partners in terrorism, Indians. Nato is leaving but the puppet government and terrorist Indians are left to face the consequences in Afghanistan. Both of these parties are the enemies of Afghan people and should be dealt with as such. Afghan Taliban need to treat these Indian terrorists sent by terror Mata India to kill Afghans and Pakistanis and eliminate them all before they flee back to their terror Mata India.

The whole purpose of the war and the invasion of Afghanistan was to curtail the growing power of China and denuclearize Pakistan. Twenty years later, China is a global superpower that is set to become the world's first ever global hyper power and Pakistan has more than enough nukes to wipe india of the face of the earth and universe FOREVER. That nuclear arsenal is growing each month too. Pakistan, the Taliban and our other allies have emerged victorious from this war but at a price of innocent Pakistani civilians and our economy.
Some Hindu jotishi told Modi that Afghanistan is the place India need to use against Pakistan for it to dismantle.

Looks like a fake jotishi....
Can't remember where did I read this.
This is the that Jotshi:

Pakistan is not safe, till this guy is alive. If ISI can't kill this guy, then ISI is nothing but another leach on the fabric of Pakistani economy.
Taliban NEVER forget. Especially against idol-worshipping heathens.......... :azn:

Have to say, failing to keep a pro Indian Afghan Government in power is the biggest failure of Indian power and diplomacy in the last 20 years. They has 12 "consulates" at one point, invested billions, trained many Afghan officers and had US/NATO security umbrella for 20 years and now are running out of Kandahar with their dhotis between their lags. After Ghani falls (a matter on months now, not even a year or so), they will have zero influence in the Afghan end game. Zero.

F**king wanna be Supa Powa.....

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