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Breaking : French media report man decapitated in suspected 'Islamist attack'

Those little kids and women that got blown up, what do they have to do with Government and military policies of their respective countries?
What makes you think that it had anything to do with the country's govt or military policy? You think the perpetrators don't know that the people who died today had nothing to do with any military issues? They killed because they hated whom they killed. It's that simple. Of course, then the rest of the muslim world can talk about India "oppressing" Kashmiris or China "oppressing" Uighurs or whatever. As your can see on this very thread.

Interesting to see the Chinese and Russians would have gotten along with the U.S FOR IRAQS INVASION. Yet our European ally France was the only country among the P5 that was completely against any invasion whatsoever. Interesting..........
That's when Americans derisively began to call them "Cheese eating surrender monkeys." France was the only major power that opposed the Iraq invasion.
Terrorism against innocent people is NEVER justified, no matter what.

If someone is waging a war against your country or people, then you can fight back against their armies or military assets.

Not go into a crowded marketplace in a random country on the other side of the planet and blow yourself up. That makes zero sense. (Or a supermarket, or a train station, or a Mosque, or a Church, or an airplane, etc.)

Those little kids and women that got blown up, what do they have to do with Government and military policies of their respective countries?

If there is a Hell, these people and those that support them will be burning in it for the rest of eternity.

As i said, your leaders also ought to be very careful about their relations with your religious neighbors, since many of the people there hold such views and sympathize with their oppressed Muslims brothers in other non Muslim countries. :drag:

That's when Americans derisively began to call them "Cheese eating surrender monkeys." France was the only major power that opposed the Iraq invasion.
I know France was the only major power that sternly opposed U.S invasion of Iraq. I find it interesting that the so called 'independent anti imperialistic/upcoming powers' Russia and China were not so opposed to it compared to France.:pop:
When an individual is "known to the security services" why don't the security services act? These organisations appear to me to be immensely overrated.
2 Reasons come to mind... fear of being labeled racist and constitutional restrictions (freedom of speech etc). Same happened in UK where they did not arrest people who were abusing teenage girls
I've always said what is disturbing to me and in so many ways baffling is the silence from Muslims when the GOD's name they so dearly adhere to is used when such be-heading or other terror activities is conducted. See the hypocrisy; one draws a cartoon of the Prophet, all hell will break lose, but the so called religion of peace allows "Allah"'s name to be used when a muslim decides to be-head an innocent person. It leads me to believe a majority of muslims very silently acknowledge this Jihad, although will not carry out such an act themselves.
I know France was the only major power that sternly opposed U.S invasion of Iraq. I find it interesting that the so called 'independent anti imperialistic/upcoming powers' Russia and China were not so opposed to it compared to France.:pop:
France had a lot of self interest at stake. It wasn't any devotion to principle, it was simply because France used to have a lot of business deals with Saddam's Iraq. The other countries did not have any such issues.

France's Saddam deals revealed | World news | The Guardian
BBC News | DECISION MAKERS AND DIPLOMACY | Iraq: the French connection
I find it very unfortunate that with this constant invading of third world countries by Western forces and their support to barbaric muderers who are close to Al-Qaeda etc, just so that they could get an edge over someone they don't like, this maniac is rearing its head.

Why can't West just let countries live the way they are living? Who gives a F* if Saddam did this or that to his nation or Gaddafi tortured his way to power. At least these people kept the terrorism in check and majority of their nation were happy with them.

But now thanks to Western meddling everywhere the terrorism has gone all global. And most of the sufferer are normal peace loving people every where around the world.

Is there an end to this maniac anytime soon, or will we have to live with this for decades until robots take over the world?
More fantastic spreading of Islam, oh but the west have been attacking the ME, yeah well get some sense in you and skip the religious bullshit and move into the 6th century then we can try to get you into the 21st, much of the world had a thousand years of destruction at Islams hands and ISIS current actions are straight out of early Islam
As i said, your leaders also ought to be very careful about their relations with your religious neighbors, since many of the people there hold such views and sympathize with their oppressed Muslims brothers in other non Muslim countries. :drag:

I know France was the only major power that sternly opposed U.S invasion of Iraq. I find it interesting that the so called 'independent anti imperialistic/upcoming powers' Russia and China were not so opposed to it compared to France.:pop:
Of course we kept quite then. when we see Americans jump into a trap with fire, why should we stop it? instead we would add some oil to make the fire burning stronger.

Mark my words, this event is just the begining for france, a well-deserved result from it so eagerly overthrowing Gadafi and turning libya into a warmbed of extremists.
Not again sick of Muslims running around killing innocents, RIP.
You are not sick of America Destroying Saddam ruled bathist iraq and supporting anti Assad forces in syria hence creating this DAESH shit?
You are not sick on European seculars destroying Qazzafi and creating jihad shit hole out of a progressive African nation?
Or you are not sick of Uncle Sam Supporting Saudi Arabia and Israel and constantly creating Shit in Middle east and asia?

There was no Islamic terrorism before Ruskies and Yankees decided to launch their shit power games in middle east or was their any?

As i said, your leaders also ought to be very careful about their relations with your religious neighbors, since many of the people there hold such views and sympathize with their oppressed Muslims brothers in other non Muslim countries. :drag:

I know France was the only major power that sternly opposed U.S invasion of Iraq. I find it interesting that the so called 'independent anti imperialistic/upcoming powers' Russia and China were not so opposed to it compared to France.:pop:

Oh wow a british is here to lecture China.

USA and British are the ones who supported / created all those fundamentalists to fight against Soviets.

They are the ones supporting all those fanatics against Asad.

As long as these savages serve their purpose they are described as insurgents or Mujahideen (euavalent to USA founding fathers), but sooner or later when the inevitable happens and these very same scums turn their guns on their masters, all the hell breaks lose.

If anyone, USA, Britain and France are the major cause of terrorism in the world as we know it and they should fully be held accountable for that!
. .
Of course we kept quite then. when we see Americans jump into a trap with fire, why should we stop it? instead we would add some oil to make the fire burning stronger.

Mark my words, this event is just the begining for france, a well-deserved result from it so eagerly overthrowing Gadafi and turning libya into a warmbed of extremists.

LOOL So you are also looking for reasons to justify these terror acts? Guess some Pakistanis and Turks here where right/correct to say you deserve all what the uygurs are doing in your country. LMAO:rofl: You also deserve it. Hopefully we will soon be hearing more news like this.:

Nearly 100 dead in terror attack, China says - CNN.com
At Least 18 Dead in Ramadan Attack on Police Checkpoint in Xinjiang
Third knifeman still at large after Guangzhou railway attack that left 13 injured | South China Morning Post
East Turkestan : Uyghurs attack chinese farmers trading center | dossiertibet

A well deserved result from your government oppression of innocent peace loving Uygurs.:cheers::enjoy:
Yet our European ally France was the only country among the P5 that was completely against any invasion whatsoever. Interesting..........

France had a lot of self interest at stake. It wasn't any devotion to principle, it was simply because France used to have a lot of business deals with Saddam's Iraq. The other countries did not have any such issues.

France's Saddam deals revealed | World news | The Guardian
BBC News | DECISION MAKERS AND DIPLOMACY | Iraq: the French connection

Sorry guys but you missed my post #28 on that :
'Punish France, Ignore Germany, Forgive Russia' No Longer Fits | Brookings Institution
Germany was as opposed as we were! The reason why history remembers France is because of the UNSC veto right.
A German View of the Iraq War - 2003-12-12

Both of our nations were in the end right on that invasion but that stopped neither to send troops to Afghanistan?
I personally had friends talk me out of stupid endeavors or call me out and thank them for their care.

Good day both and all, Tay.
LOOL So you are also looking for reasons to justify these terror acts? Guess some Pakistanis and Turks here where right/correct to say you deserve all what the uygurs are doing in your country. LMAO:rofl: You also deserve it. Hopefully we will soon be hearing more news like this.:

Nearly 100 dead in terror attack, China says - CNN.com
At Least 18 Dead in Ramadan Attack on Police Checkpoint in Xinjiang
Third knifeman still at large after Guangzhou railway attack that left 13 injured | South China Morning Post
East Turkestan : Uyghurs attack chinese farmers trading center | dossiertibet

A well deserved result from your government oppression of innocent peace loving Uygurs.:cheers::enjoy:

Ugh, don't tell me you are a terrorist supporter now?

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