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Breaking: Chinese bulldozers removed from Doklam, All road construction stopped.

These retired diplomats is just another Tom, dick, Harry. His words are nothing.
For you:
Lets analyse it

So the current status is:

1) Indian Army has been withdrawn
2) Chinese Army is still patrolling the area
3) Road construction status is "pause" or halted for now.
Facts as till date, and been true for years:

Point #2 .... Chinese patrolled the area, so did Bhutan. And so does IA from Doka-La post of India.

Point #3 .....Indian contention was only of No Construction i.e. no change of status quo.

Let analyse it with Demands made by both china and india.

India demanded:
1) Both parties to go back and withdrew together to disengage
2) Then we can discuss about anything i.e road construction

Point 1. India demanded both encroaching parties, subsequent to Chinese moves to construct a road and 'escorting' Bhutanese Army troops away from area, withdraw. This included and was not limited to Indian Army troops which moved forward from their post at Doka La into the plateau (not an Indian territory) but also Chinese construction crew as originally present as also PLA troops moved into bolster numbers. Subsequently, return to discussion on resolution of the matter through dialogue as agreed by the tripartite agreement of 2012.

Please be very clear on what has been the Indian position. So, Point 2 was the original aim and raison d'etre of the whole stand off.

China Demanded:
1) First withdrawal of Indian troops
2) After that we will talk about road.

Chinese demanded withdrawal of Indian troops without cessation of road construction activity at their end. Also, they contended the irrelevance of India in a dispute, as per their own admission, between Bhutan and China.

If, as per their own statement, it is a dispute between Bhutan and China, then doesn't their unilateral act of construction of a road through the disputed territory, by the mere act itself, portray an intent of aggression and coercion towards a very small neighbour? Is it, by their own admission, not in violation of their professed claim of peaceful settlement of dispute? Is it, by their own admission, not an act of aggression and 'war' when military forces were moved in?

The Chinese demands as portrayed by you above, while true, exactly highlight the antithetical position, nay the complete volte face in Chinese attitude when India became involved. From an intent to unilaterally change the status quo using military forces physically occupying territories, which by their own admission, is a disputed territory, it found itself in a position wherein it cut a sorry figure as a responsible power.

Let us really look at this as a military exercise:
1. Aim To construct road in a disputed territory and physically occupy the same by pointing out to existence of road without any type of protest by the other party.

2. Result Road not constructed. Status Quo maontained.

3. Lesson Early detection of plan to construct road and obstruction by Indian forces prevented accomplishment of task, thereby leading to failure of mission objectives/directives as formulated.

I really do not understand where did you get the notion that Chinese are at an advantage here.
lets underline the key word "retired"````lol, those inferior complex Indian, really know how to mentalmusturbate themselves over their failure`:lol:

Q: The Indian government's announcement is that there is a "mutual disengagement" of the troops between the two countries. You haven't mentioned the pullback of the Chinese troops. You mentioned only the pullback of the Indian troops. How do you explain?

A: The Chinese side has made it clear that the Indian border personnel and equipment that trespassed into China's territory have all been withdrawn to the Indian side of the border. The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols in the Dong Lang area. China will continue with its exercise of sovereign rights to protect territorial sovereignty in accordance with the stipulations of the border-related historical treaty.

Q: The Indian government's announcement is that there is a "mutual disengagement" of the troops between the two countries. You haven't mentioned the pullback of the Chinese troops. You mentioned only the pullback of the Indian troops. How do you explain?

A: The Chinese side has made it clear that the Indian border personnel and equipment that trespassed into China's territory have all been withdrawn to the Indian side of the border. The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols in the Dong Lang area. China will continue with its exercise of sovereign rights to protect territorial sovereignty in accordance with the stipulations of the border-related historical treaty.

Yeah thats a perfect face saving statement...Next year you can take plea of summer then of rain and then Sun orbiting earth, aliens eating pizza etc as an excuse of not building road :lol:
So how can you withdraw when the Chinese did not 'AGREE' to stop road works? MEA did not mention a single word nor did MOFA. :rofl:

Q: The Indian government's announcement is that there is a "mutual disengagement" of the troops between the two countries. You haven't mentioned the pullback of the Chinese troops. You mentioned only the pullback of the Indian troops. How do you explain?

A: The Chinese side has made it clear that the Indian border personnel and equipment that trespassed into China's territory have all been withdrawn to the Indian side of the border. The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols in the Dong Lang area. China will continue with its exercise of sovereign rights to protect territorial sovereignty in accordance with the stipulations of the border-related historical treaty.

So how can you withdraw when the Chinese did not 'AGREE' to stop road works? MEA did not mention a single word nor did MOFA. :rofl:

I hope you realize that china's sovereign rights is to patrol the area and Bhutan sovereign right is the patrol the same area :D .......... sorry make that, India will patrol the same area.

All three Nations will exercise their Sovereign rights in that area ....... which means they will ALL patrol in that area.

Though china is the only one boasting about it. :lol:
This means China has to be only satisfied with patrolling. No road building.
Until I see an official statement, it's just your opinion. Fact is there is no announcement by both MEA and MOFA in this regard. What I do know is India unilaterally withdrew without a single Chinese commitment. Prove me wrong. I am open to corrections.
Fake news, a shitty third world army cannot stop the Chinese.
LOL madrasa man is angry because indian shitty army hold three months Chinese land and Chinese do nothing bechari cheerleader ka tu sapna he tut gea, anyway indian shitty third world army fucked you in 1947-48, 65, 71, 99 & siaehen now you can judge how your marde moien gazi army's standard abb tu tumari bajane main bhi mza nhi ata
I hope you realize that china's sovereign rights is to patrol the area and Bhutan sovereign right is the patrol the same area :D .......... sorry make that, India will patrol the same area.

All three Nations will exercise their Sovereign rights in that area ....... which means they will ALL patrol in that area.

Though china is the only one boasting about it. :lol:
India will patrol? India had never patrolled that area until the recent incursion. :rofl:. All along India had been a good boy respecting the border until this Hindutva Modi came in. Now he got kicked back like a puppy.

Bhutan can of course patrol that place, China has no issue with that, it's only India who can't enter that place. You want us to patrol in Kashmir too? Two can play the same game. :rofl:
93,000 Pakistani soldiers did not surrender in 1971 because….?

US congressman, Charles Wilson (famous for Charlie Wilson’s War) in a discussion with Pakistani diplomats in Washington DC remarked.

“……In 1971, it was certainly not possible for the 35,000 Pakistani troops in Dhaka to fight against the combined strength of 200,000 Indian army and the more than 100,000 Indian-trained Bengali guerillas.”

Pathetic rundians rewriting history to get rid of 1000 years slavery, as they are starting it from root level at primary and secondary textbooks

Hindu right rewriting Indian textbooks
Ahmedabad, Gujarat - You cannot blame Bhavana Vaja, 12, for telling you that the first aeroplane was invented during the mythical Dvapara Yuga, when the Hindu God Ram flew from Sri Lanka to Ayodhya in India with his wife Sita and brother Laxman in a Pushpaka Vimana - a swan-shaped chariot of flowers.

very simple loser have always ACCUSES
India will patrol? India had never patrolled that area until the recent incursion. :rofl:. All along India had been a good boy respecting the border until this Hindutva Modi came in. Now he got kicked back like a puppy.

Bhutan can of course patrol that place, China has no issue with that, it's only India who can't enter that place. You want us to patrol in Kashmir too? Two can play the same game. :rofl:

LOL...if India did not patrol then how did India know about the chinese road ? :cheesy:

Are you saying that Bhutan complained to India and Indian troops came there ? :P

You are already doing patrolling in kashmir you moron. :lol:

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