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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

China is the big fish, to catch now and its kinda true do you hear ISIS in the headlines or Al Qaeda(Old School) nah its all about China China China
I have noticed that. Few years ago we had global frenzy around the "Muslims" but now that is subsiding. Increasingly China with Russians thrown in are taking the limelight. If this is real then all I can say is "great".
I have noticed that. Few years ago we had global frenzy around the "Muslims" but now that is subsiding. Increasingly China with Russians thrown in are taking the limelight. If this is real then all I can say is "great".

The War on Terror was just used as a excuse to cement American standing on the geo-political stage, boy Kissinger really f..cked up had he not open China up in the 1970s and 1980s 1990s the US would have been the mighty king maker on the stage as for Russia, I dont trust them they only alligning with PRC cause relations with USA are at a lowpoint if Trump ditches NATO,Ukraine and Georgia politically which is possible post 2020 Russo-American reapprochment might screw the PRC and Eurasia in particular
I think they will be successful if they decimate a large number of top leaders of the Taliban. They are less likely to play extra nice with the Taliban, unike the US army.
You know you touched something profound there. Could we be seeing the age "Moslem terrorists" drawing to a close? Just like we saw the gradual shift from Cold War to WOT is it possible we are seeing the begining of a Cold War v2 with the new enemy being China? It certainly looks like it.

I heard this once... Lets identify the enemy:

First as communism.
Then as Islamic terrorists.
Then as rouge nations or deep state
Then as asteroids.
Then as aliens.

Obviously their all just are build-ups that lead up to the final unknown card. Interesting, no?
Economics are the glue that will keep the peace in Afghanistan IMHO. It will also motivate all actors to prevent bad actors interfering in economic development. Isis-K is the TTP; an enemy of all nations of the world. If Afghans reconcile with peace talks; the Isis/TTP threat can be more effectively addressed. Pakistan needs stability in its region. 40-45 years of instability in Afghanistan is more than enough. Also the central government is weak, so dealing with each Afghan region/province for some kind of security/political arrangement has to be reached so development that helps locals, transit nations, and foreign markets in a fair and equatable way. What kind of economic arrangement can be done to prevent "Afghanistan going to shit in a year"? (from 3:00 on wards;

P.S. Pakistan needs to push for processing some or a large part of the raw materials that pass through its territory, wither they are for western markets or Chinese markets.
So TTP are now defenders of Islam? Baitullah Mehsud is now a Shaheed?
TTP was Fitna that's why they lost in end against Pakistan Army. If they were true Mujahid they would have never lost. Taliban are true Fighter of Allah and no one can defeat them even NATO, Russia, USA and Blackwater.
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Dictation on what? The major issue between Pakistan and America in post 9/11 and all the issues that came about, relates to Afghansitan. When this issue is resolved, there wont be much to argue from both sides.

In all this, India will be the major loser, not just from investment point of view but more importantly from its national security as well. With no American shoulder to fire its guns from towards Pakistan, the future is bleak for India in Afghansitan. American-Indian nexus to use Afghan soil to spread terrorism in Pakistan, with India acting as front office while America staying behind the closed doors, that game is no longer viable. With India refusal to send it troop to support American ally in Afghansitan didn't go well with the Americans. Western world also now know the stupidity of propping India against China as Doklam standoff proved India meek and week surrender is not worth pinning hopes on India to act as bulwark against China. With India failing to achieve the objectives on both against Pakistan and China, its utility has diminished.

India left to fend for itself in Afghansitan is a very real scenario, something Pakistan has been patiently waiting for. What impact American withdrawl will have to India own national security with Pakistan western flanks become secure again, its something I am sure the south block in New Delhi understand.

we have to wait and see what will happen in future in Afpak region

Pakistan already in in Chinese camp .

Yes You're right. Infact Pity on you
7000 out of 150,000 deployed in Afghanistan ....

You know you touched something profound there. Could we be seeing the age "Moslem terrorists" drawing to a close? Just like we saw the gradual shift from Cold War to WOT is it possible we are seeing the begining of a Cold War v2 with the new enemy being China? It certainly looks like it.
To keep intact lazy NATO partners ...Getting updated system without spending penny from there pocket.
if they come it will empower Taliban more and let afghan neighbours to intervene more and more .
I reckon if Black Water gets into Afghanistan, Pakistan will treat them as Black Water Private Limited instead of American National Soldiers, and that won't be a pretty picture for strategy setters.

State Military has rules to follow. Black Water is private entity with no rules and compulsions attached. So be ready
State Military has rules to follow. Black Water is private entity with no rules and compulsions attached. So be ready

You will be surprised your wish is granted before you asked. Pakistan is in effective control of the situation in Pakistani borders and beyond. Just watch out and find who's upset with these moves.
LOL we will see. This Erik fool thinks he can achieve what the US and NATO forces combined couldn't achieve in the past 17 years. That too with limited resources LMAO

LOL the unconventional method will kill and humiliate so many Afghans that the Taliban will become much stronger. We have already seen how effective the unconventional method was in Iraq LOL This Erik Prince took such a beating that he went into hiding. His contractors were killing ordinary Iraqis left and right. Iraqi militias were slicing these so-called contractors into miniscule pieces. Erik talks a lot and his record proves that he is nothing, but a little liar.

China, Iran, Pakistan and Russia will bury Erik Prince and his CIA so deep into the ground that everyone will have a very hard time finding where they are. The US is fighting many foes in Afghanistan. If the US goes the unconventional route it will be buried in Afghanistan. Mark my words.
You are referring to the incident in Fallujah in 2004: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Fallujah_ambush

And what were the consequences?

American armed forces destroyed Fallujah in response, and the mastermind of the Fallujah incident (Ahmad Hashim Abd al-Isawi) met his end in 2009.

Blackwater significantly expanded its footprint across Iraq after the incident in Fallujah, and its agents not only helped American armed forces in defeating Iraqi insurgency (2006 - 2008), but TERRORIZED Iraqi people on a massive scale through several years.

Blackwater is a powerful agency, with ample counter-insurgency experience under its belt (Iraq and Somalia), and can deliver in situations where a regular army might be hesitant. Blackwater can be tasked to complement Afghan National Army to rollback advances of Afghan Taliban across Afghanistan, and Afghan Taliban will loose any leverage it have on the negotiation table afterwards. STRATEGY make difference on the ground; coalition does not.
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