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Brazil Plans to Build Aircraft Carrier, Defense Minister Says

Yeah you are right we are nowhere that much capable but i doubt Brazil needs something in the league of supercarriers and the article says that Brazil will acquire it in next 15 years and considering our own 650000 ton carrier will be ready by 2020 i think we can easily provide them help.
You can say that it will not be world class but then there aviation sector is also not world class.

It will ready by 2020,making a aircraft carrier itself is something that most of the countries cannot even dream of.

Since when did the Indian built a carrier 6 times the size of the Nimitz??

Basically, carrier design followed which planes Brazilian are getting. Not too many Naval Aviation these day. Basically one can choose

Mig-29K -> Russian Carrier design
F-18E/F -> American Carrier design
F-35B/C -> American Carrier design
J-15 -> Chinese Carrier design
Rafale M -> French Carrier design

Most likely when the Brazilian picked up an aircraft design for their newest carrier, they would have to deal with the same country with the carrier design.

Interested to know, of the possibly 3 selection (France, US and Sweden) only Sweden did not have an individual aircraft carrier design.

And also helicopter destroyer or helicopter carrier cannot launch F-35B or Harrier Jump jet on 2 problems - Hardened Deck and Ski Ramp.

One requirement for S/VTOL is for the planes land vertically, and the engine nozzle would be directly blasting at the flight deck, if the deck was not hardened, the deck will burn thru.

And SVTOL aircraft cannot launch fully armed using vertical take off, so either the carrier have a 850+ feet runway, or they will need a ski jump.

So, both South Korea and Japan will not be competing with the Harrier shall Brazil decide to get some.
Yeah you are right we are nowhere that much capable but i doubt Brazil needs something in the league of supercarriers and the article says that Brazil will acquire it in next 15 years and considering our own 650000 ton carrier will be ready by 2020 i think we can easily provide them help.
You can say that it will not be world class but then there aviation sector is also not world class.

It will ready by 2020,making a aircraft carrier itself is something that most of the countries cannot even dream of.

You are correct in the sense we don't need a Super Carrier, but still, it needs to be reliable. For the records, Brazilian Navy is not happy at all with its current French built Aircraft Carrier.
It is a fact that we bought used from French Navy, but still, it is a piece of junk. Problems are so many that It stays more time docked than sailing.

Since when did the Indian built a carrier 6 times the size of the Nimitz??

Basically, carrier design followed which planes Brazilian are getting. Not too many Naval Aviation these day. Basically one can choose

Mig-29K -> Russian Carrier design
F-18E/F -> American Carrier design
F-35B/C -> American Carrier design
J-15 -> Chinese Carrier design
Rafale M -> French Carrier design

Most likely when the Brazilian picked up an aircraft design for their newest carrier, they would have to deal with the same country with the carrier design.

Interested to know, of the possibly 3 selection (France, US and Sweden) only Sweden did not have an individual aircraft carrier design.

And also helicopter destroyer or helicopter carrier cannot launch F-35B or Harrier Jump jet on 2 problems - Hardened Deck and Ski Ramp.

One requirement for S/VTOL is for the planes land vertically, and the engine nozzle would be directly blasting at the flight deck, if the deck was not hardened, the deck will burn thru.

And SVTOL aircraft cannot launch fully armed using vertical take off, so either the carrier have a 850+ feet runway, or they will need a ski jump.

So, both South Korea and Japan will not be competing with the Harrier shall Brazil decide to get some.

Considering we bought for our Air Force the new Gripen E/F, with full ToT, we are looking to develop, along with Saab, the Sea Gripen which is the navalised version of the Gripen E.
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I don't see why they would need one. They are easily the most powerful country in South America, have a decent navy and their air and ground counterparts are also competent. There is no real risk of conflict between South American states either.

Anyhow, all the best to Brazil lovely country and people.
I don't know if its best for Brazil to have India in this project but I wish all the best to Brazil. I want them to be a powerful nation and have very close relations with India. We need a partner in South America. :-)
I don't see why they would need one. They are easily the most powerful country in South America, have a decent navy and their air and ground counterparts are also competent. There is no real risk of conflict between South American states either.

Anyhow, all the best to Brazil lovely country and people.

Thank you for the compliments!
Regarding the Carrier, at this point, Brazilian Navy operates only one ship of this type: the Sao Paulo (former Foch sold used by France). Although it was refurbished, the ship is not reliable. We have plans to build two conventional aircraft carriers in our own shipyards and we are seeking foreign manufacturers for "assistance with project management." In other words, we need assistance in design planning and implementation, as well as very specialized engineering support in military shipbuilding.

I don't know if its best for Brazil to have India in this project but I wish all the best to Brazil. I want them to be a powerful nation and have very close relations with India. We need a partner in South America. :-)

Yeap! We are Bric partners
Thank you for the compliments!
Regarding the Carrier, at this point, Brazilian Navy operates only one ship of this type: the Sao Paulo (former Foch sold used by France). Although it was refurbished, the ship is not reliable. We have plans to build two conventional aircraft carriers in our own shipyards and we are seeking foreign manufacturers for "assistance with project management." In other words, we need assistance in design planning and implementation, as well as very specialized engineering support in military shipbuilding.

Yeap! We are Bric partners

Yes bro we are but , i wanted to say that we should have closer relations or more high level and people to people contact. Or maybe i am saying all this because i have a soft spot for Brazil. I had a Brazilian girlfriend for sometime :p:smitten:
And also helicopter destroyer or helicopter carrier cannot launch F-35B or Harrier Jump jet on 2 problems - Hardened Deck and Ski Ramp.

The hardened deck can be incorporated into the design.
Not an unsolvable problem as the US has obviously the same issues.
Ski ramp is not necessary as the US will be using F35B's without ski ramps.

Mig-29K -> Russian Carrier design
F-18E/F -> American Carrier design
F-35B/C -> American Carrier design
J-15 -> Chinese Carrier design
Rafale M -> French Carrier design

Brazil is currently flying US A4 Skyhawks off their French carrier so they will mix and match if they have to.
Problem is who has the free time to build them a carrier or help them build it themselves.

I think China and India are too busy themselves with their stuff to build one for Brazil.
That leaves countries with helicopter carriers. France, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Japan.

Spain is building one for Australia and France is building one for Russia. They have the time.
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Since when did the Indian built a carrier 6 times the size of the Nimitz??

Basically, carrier design followed which planes Brazilian are getting. Not too many Naval Aviation these day. Basically one can choose

Mig-29K -> Russian Carrier design
F-18E/F -> American Carrier design
F-35B/C -> American Carrier design
J-15 -> Chinese Carrier design
Rafale M -> French Carrier design

Most likely when the Brazilian picked up an aircraft design for their newest carrier, they would have to deal with the same country with the carrier design.

Interested to know, of the possibly 3 selection (France, US and Sweden) only Sweden did not have an individual aircraft carrier design.

And also helicopter destroyer or helicopter carrier cannot launch F-35B or Harrier Jump jet on 2 problems - Hardened Deck and Ski Ramp.

One requirement for S/VTOL is for the planes land vertically, and the engine nozzle would be directly blasting at the flight deck, if the deck was not hardened, the deck will burn thru.

And SVTOL aircraft cannot launch fully armed using vertical take off, so either the carrier have a 850+ feet runway, or they will need a ski jump.

So, both South Korea and Japan will not be competing with the Harrier shall Brazil decide to get some.

He means IAC-2, 65,000 tons.

I think Kochi Shipyard is the only one making carriers in India. That ship yard is booked with IAC-1,2, in the future possibly 3.

Mig-29K -> Russian Carrier design

Migs are compatible with any STOBAR Im sure.

So Russian, China, and Indian designs.


Since Brazil choose the Griphen, they should look into the sea griphen maybe?


And China and Russia will be busy building for themselves so i think India is the safest option considering we also cooperated in AWACS.
You underestimate our ship-building ability. Two of ours are building/preparing to build AC, two other shipyard have the ability and certification, and one more have the ability but not get certification at the moment.
Anyway, I think France rank first and Spanish/Italy rank second.
You underestimate our ship-building ability. Two of ours are building/preparing to build AC, two other shipyard have the ability and certification, and one more have the ability but not get certification at the moment.
Anyway, I think France rank first and Spanish/Italy rank second.
Yes i underestimated China and overestimated India but your competition is with America you cant afford to build aircraft carriers for other nations and in near future.
Yes i underestimated China and overestimated India but your competition is with America you cant afford to build aircraft carriers for other nations and i near future.

With that much capacity, they can. And it will give them a lot of experience for their future projects.
interesting.. Will it be roughly the size of an American Nimitz class? Or a little smaller or bigger?
Oh common now you already knew that India cant build something in the league of super carriers.:)
First one has displacement of 45000 tons and second one will have displacement of 65000 tons.

Btw just noticed that you have been promoted to think tank :o::o: ,When the **** this happened???

With that much capacity, they can. And it will give them a lot of experience for their future projects.
I dont think that so,first let them build there first aircraft carrier.

Since when did the Indian built a carrier 6 times the size of the Nimitz??
Where i said that??
I dont think that so,first let them build there first aircraft carrier.

Where i said that??

They have huge infra to build one, have a lot of experience in ship building, already built/reffited one ACC. I am not saying it would be without kinks, but they can amaze you with the progress.
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