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Brainwashing" China’s New Leadership Takes Hard Line in Secret Memo"


Nov 18, 2010
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HONG KONG — Communist Party cadres have filled meeting halls around China to hear a somber, secretive warning issued by senior leaders. Power could escape their grip, they are being told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursing through Chinese society.

These seven perils were enumerated in a memo referred to as Document No. 9 that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, China’s new top leader. The first was “Western constitutional democracy”; others included promoting “universal values” of human rights, Western-inspired notions of media independence and civil society, ardently pro-market “neo-liberalism,” and “nihilist” criticisms of the party’s traumatic past.

Even as Mr. Xi has sought to ready some reforms to expose China’s economy to stronger market forces, he has undertaken a “mass line” campaign to enforce party authority that goes beyond the party’s periodic calls for discipline. The internal warnings to cadres shows that Mr. Xi’s confident public face has been accompanied by fears that the party is vulnerable to an economic slowdown, public anger about corruption and challenges from liberals impatient for political change.

“Western forces hostile to China and dissidents within the country are still constantly infiltrating the ideological sphere,” says Document No. 9, the number given to it by the central party office that issued it in April. It has not been openly published, but a version was shown to The New York Times and was verified by four sources close to senior officials, including an editor with a party newspaper.

Opponents of one-party rule, it says, “have stirred up trouble about disclosing officials’ assets, using the Internet to fight corruption, media controls and other sensitive topics, to provoke discontent with the party and government.”

The warnings were not idle. Since the circular was issued, party-run publications and Web sites have vehemently denounced constitutionalism and civil society, notions that were not considered off limits in recent years. Officials have intensified efforts to block access to critical views on the Internet. Two prominent rights advocates have been detained in the past few weeks, in what their supporters have called a blow to the “rights defense movement,” which was already beleaguered under Mr. Xi’s predecessor, Hu Jintao.

Mr. Xi’s hard line has disappointed Chinese liberals, some of whom once hailed his rise to power as an opportunity to push for political change after a long period of stagnation. Instead, Mr. Xi has signaled a shift to a more conservative, traditional leftist stance with his “rectification” campaign to ensure discipline and conspicuous attempts to defend the legacy of Mao Zedong. That has included a visit to a historic site where Mao undertook one of his own attempts to remake the ruling party in the 1950s.

Mr. Xi’s edicts have been disseminated in a series of compulsory study sessions across the country, like one in the southern province of Hunan that was recounted on a local government Web site.

“Promotion of Western constitutional democracy is an attempt to negate the party’s leadership,” Cheng Xinping, a deputy head of propaganda for Hengyang, a city in Hunan, told a gathering of mining industry officials. Human rights advocates, he continued, want “ultimately to form a force for political confrontation.”

Analysts say the campaign carries some risks for Mr. Xi, who has acknowledged that the slowing economy needs new, more market-driven momentum that can come only from a relaxation of state influence.

The condemnations of constitutional government have prompted dismayed opposition from liberal intellectuals and even some moderate-minded former officials. The campaign has also exhilarated leftist defenders of party orthodoxy, many of whom pointedly oppose the sort of market reforms that Mr. Xi and Prime Minister Li Keqiang have said are needed.

get in line brown shirts! else it is off to labor camps

I guess the 50 cent gang has its marching orders too!
Götterdämmerung;4664712 said:
I thought China is commi, how come they are wearing brown shirts, the ideology on the opposite side of the commies?

here you go .
Götterdämmerung;4664712 said:
I thought China is commi, how come they are wearing brown shirts, the ideology on the opposite side of the commies?

I swear, this idiot is the most incompetent, childish, and uneducated person on these forums.

He implies that you are a fascist, you ask him why seeing as how China is supposed to be "communist" and he replies with the typical ad hominem "50 cent Commie" response.

The guy is nothing short of a moron, and I think he does it intentionally to pretend he has integrated fully into the prideful ignorance of American culture. In short, he is far more a loser than you anyone here initially expected.
I swear, this idiot is the most incompetent, childish, and uneducated person on these forums.

He implies that you are a fascist, you ask him why seeing as how China is supposed to be "communist" and he replies with the typical ad hominem "50 cent Commie" response.

The guy is nothing short of a moron, and I think he does it intentionally to pretend he has integrated fully into the prideful ignorance of American culture. In short, he is far more a loser than you anyone here initially expected.

His problem is his lack of education and coupled with lack of intellect, it becomes a perfect desaster. He is the first person I have ever read who could combine fascism and communism into one without even realising the contradiction. Hahaha
Götterdämmerung;4664782 said:
His problem is his lack of education and coupled with lack of intellect, it becomes a perfect desaster. He is the first person I have ever read who could combine fascism and communism into one without even realising the contradiction. Hahaha

Oh look the two of you in the background... so bad azzz looking in those suspenders!

No brown shirts in china you claim? .... lol



Boy, you are just too stupid you even understand what I said. I have never said there are no Nazi-freaks in China, but that communism and nazism are contradictory. Germany is a democratic state but that does not mean we don't have our communists and neo-Nazis.
Götterdämmerung;4664957 said:
Boy, you are just too stupid you even understand what I said. I have never said there are no Nazi-freaks in China, but that communism and nazism are contradictory. Germany is a democratic state but that does not mean we don't have our communists and neo-Nazis.

and you and your cohort were too stupid and assumed I said the political system was about nazism. I simply said brown shirts ( you guys here) should get in line. I even further cleared up what I meant, by following it and saying " I guess the 50 cent gang has its marching orders too!"

given that you guys are always bringing peoples skin colors, and other racist jargon, the bill fits

You had premature you know what moment and assumed I was talking about the political system.
Götterdämmerung;4664957 said:
Boy, you are just too stupid you even understand what I said. I have never said there are no Nazi-freaks in China, but that communism and nazism are contradictory. Germany is a democratic state but that does not mean we don't have our communists and neo-Nazis.

Come on man, open your eyes, a couple of idiots worshipping nazism is clearly a sign of things to come. I mean hitler only started with seven.

It is very clear nazi is the next ideology of china, and these are the guys to do it. Fingers crossed maybe we'll see the next leader who speaks like he's boxing.
Oh look the two of you in the background... so bad azzz looking in those suspenders!

I had to save that picture. I stared at it for a few minutes and wonder if these guys realize the intellectual inconsistency of what they are doing. May be there is something profound and subtle there and am not 'deep' enough of a person to see it. :lol:

I thought the British skins were stupid and silly looking enough and I got into their faces and told them so. But I think that if I ever meet a Chinese skinhead, I think all I could ever feel for the loser is pity. It is one thing to adopt the suit and tie to do business, after all, we are talking about a common denominator of mankind: wealth. But what is there about the skinheads movement that have anything in common with other cultures?

Of the guys in the picture above, I really do not know which one looks more silly.
jayatl, why can't you own up to getting asswhipped on your ignorance? i mean, it's not like you had any credibility on this forum, but when you confuse the basic symbolism behind two polar-opposite ideologies and refuse to admit it, you're only contributing to the notorious stereotype of the indian braggart who has a pathological aversion to admitting his faults, something which your countrymen may not appreciate :disagree:
jayatl, why can't you own up to getting asswhipped on your ignorance? i mean, it's not like you had any credibility on this forum, but when you confuse the basic symbolism behind two polar-opposite ideologies and refuse to admit it, you're only contributing to the notorious stereotype of the indian braggart who has a pathological aversion to admitting his faults, something which your countrymen may not appreciate :disagree:

you have hurt my feelings. :cry: :pissed: :usflag::sniper::china::sleep:
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