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BrahMos successfully test-fired for 2nd consecutive day

It's a standard practice for any country that has a cruise missile, so as to enhance and improve said missiles.

You see, barring "some", no country is competent enough to induct a cruise missile after only a handful of tests while hardly ever testing it after induction.

Besides, shouldn't you be happy that we are wasting our BrahMos?

You don't need to test imported missile Brahmos aka yakont which is in service of many countries.
You don't need to test imported missile Brahmos aka yakont which is in service of many countries.

Yet we are testing it while other countries which have bought Yakhonts aren't.

I know you would hope that it isn't the case but BrahMos is getting made in India subsystems almost every year replacing the Russian ones.
That's just fact.

India Test Fires BrahMos Supersonic Missile Fitted With Indigenous Seeker
The missile hit its target with “pin-point accuracy,” according to India’s defense minister.


By Franz-Stefan Gady
March 28, 2018

The Indian Ministry of Defense’s (MoD) research arm, the Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO), and the Indian Army have test fired a supersonic BrahMos cruise missile fitted with an Indian-made seeker at the Pokhran test range in Rajasthan on March 22, the MoD said in a statement.

“The precision strike weapon with indigenous seeker flew in its designated trajectory and hit the pre-set target,” the statement reads. According to Indian Defense Minister Raksha Mantri, the BrahMos missile, fired from transporter erector launcher, “hit the target with pin-point accuracy.”

It was the first time a ground-launched BrahMos equipped with an indigenous seeker — developed by BrahMos Aerospace and DRDO, and manufactured by state-owned Electronics Corporation of India — was successfully tested. BrahMos missiles currently in service with the Indian military are fitted with Russian-supplied seekers for terminal guidance. However, India has been working for a couple of years on developing a new indigenous seeker that would eventually replace the Russian-made system as a result of contractual disputes between Moscow and New Delhi.

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The BrahMos missile program is a joint venture between India’s DRDO and Russian rocket design bureau NPO Mashinostroyeniya. India supplies the BrahMos’ inertial navigation system and fire control system, and Russia the ramjet propulsion system and seeker. As a result of the successful March 22 test, future BrahMos missiles will now likely be fitted with the new Indian-made seeker. (India’s defense industry has also been working on other missile seeker technologies for the BrahMos missile, according to sources.)

The two-stage BrahMos missile — named after the Brahmaputra River in India and the Moskva River in Russia – is a derivative of the Russian P-800 Oniks over-the-horizon supersonic anti-ship cruise missile. The land-launched and sea-launched variants of the BrahMos are already in service with the Indian Army and Navy. An air-launched variant is expected to become operational by the end of 2018 with the Indian Air Force. As I reported previously:

The air-launched version is lighter (2.55 tons) than other variants and features additional rear fins for aerodynamic stability. The missile’s range is estimated at around 290 kilometers (180 miles). (…) With top speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3, the BrahMos is thought to be the world’s fastest cruise missile currently in service.

The IAF will retrofit up to 40 Sukhoi Su-30 MKI multirole air superiority fighters to carry and launch the air-launched BrahMos missile. The IAF is slated to test an extended-range (ER) air-launched variant of the missile, reportedly capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 800 kilometers, by the end of 2018. (The ground-launched ER variant has already been tested last year.) As I speculated this January:

The new 800-kilometer range BrahMoS-ER could be an indication that India will deploy the BrahMos as part of the air component of its nuclear triad. Analysts believe that the BrahMos can be modified into a nuclear-capable missile. The Indian MoD until now has not publicly confirmed that it is seeking a nuclear capability for the supersonic cruise missile.

The last test firing of an air-launched BrahMos missile took place in December 2017.


BrahMos to attain 76% localisation in six months
PTI | May 6, 2018, 18:02 IST
File photo

PUNE: BrahMos, the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile, will be achieving 75 per cent localisation in the next six months from the current 65 per cent domestic components that goes into its production, a top BrahMosAerospace official has said.

"As of today 65 per cent of the value (in BrahMos) is created in India. We started with a very low 10-12 per cent indiginsation and today we have reached 65 per cent. In another six months, we would be close to 75 per cent," BrahMos Aerospace managing director and CEO Sudhir Mishra said at the handing over ceremony of the prototype Quad launcher manufactured by L&T Defence, the defence arm of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) here over the weekend.

"Last March, we flight-tested the indigenously made seeker, and booster also would be shortly tested in about two months. We would be reaching to a localization of about 85 per cent in this," he said.

The Quad launcher is designed for supersonic cruise missiles in an inclined configuration on-board our navy ships. The launcher provides superior firepower as compared to the twin cannister, deck mounted launchers and has the capability to support and launch four missiles in a single or salvo mode.

The new Quad launcher is suitable for warships which have space constraints to accommodate a vertical launch module.

"With this smart launcher, eight missiles (four on the right and four on the left side of the ship) can be launched simultaneously. Though we are yet to get the order from the navy we have started work. We have invested in technology, knowledge and future business. We are just waiting for the order," Mishra said.

He said the Quad launcher can go not only to INS Delhi class of ships but to any ship in the world where it can position the quads launcher with a bit of tweaking in the mechanism.

"With some tweaking here and there, tomorrow when we export BrahMos, which we wish happens soon, we would be integrating the launcher on foreign vessels also ," he added.

"We have been associated with the development of BrahMos programme since 2000, when as part of the composite team led by the DRDO, we engaged with Russia and embarked on this vast project. As proven partners of all variants of naval missile launchers for BrahMos, we took up the design of the unique Quad Launcher and released the prototype in 18 months. The Launcher underwent rigorous testing prior to receiving of production clearance. L&T will now take up the bulk production of the Quad Launchers," Jayant Patil, whole-time director (Defence) and member of L&T Board said.

As a leading industry partner of BrahMos Aerospace, L&T has been closely involved in the design, development and production of the launchers and fire control systems for naval platforms as well as development and production of key aero-structural sections of the formidable BrahMos Weapon System.


will go hypersonic (in future) @cyclops

Well, yes.
That was implied.
You don't need to test imported missile Brahmos aka yakont which is in service of many countries.
Just because your only contribution to JF-17 is paint job with some cheap Chinese paint, don't assume every country does the same.

We have something called CAG which gives out the actual indigenous content of any weapons system made in India and they don't mask any details. Most pakistani members who mock Tejas for most of it's subsystems being procured from other countries is a report given by CAG even though current indigenous content in the Tejas is 60% by value and 75.5% by numbers.

You guys believe an Indian source when that news is something that suits to mock India but would refuse to do the same if the same source/news is favorable to India.

Just because your only contribution to JF-17 is paint job with some cheap Chinese paint, don't assume every country does the same.

We have something called CAG which gives out the actual indigenous content of any weapons system made in India and they don't mask any details. Most pakistani members who mock Tejas for most of it's subsystems being procured from other countries is a report given by CAG even though current indigenous content in the Tejas is 60% by value and 75.5% by numbers.

You guys believe an Indian source when that news is something that suits to mock India but would refuse to do the same if the same source/news is favorable to India.

Lols your each of your so called indigenous program failed miserably fro Arjun to Tejas and subsonic cruise missile and talking about super sonic tech lolssss
What you have done is paint job.....and declare this anti ship missile super sonic cruise missile which is actually a anti ship non-nuclear missile.
Sir naam rakhney se koi Papa nahien ban jata, papa baneny k liye bachay paida karney padtey hien :lol:
Only one missile will stop 1000+ Bhramins my friend. it is known as shaheen point at Delhi with a nuclear war head loaded on it. lol
And Brahmin is an expensive missile you pay very heavily to Russia for this missile are you sure of that 1000+ number?

Because 200 which India purchase costed $919 million and as long as i remember no other purchase was passed after it by Cabinet committee

Majority of Brahmos system is Indian and day by day we are making ourself less dependent on Russia in Brahmos system except propulsion and fuel system
Majority of Brahmos system is Indian and day by day we are making ourself less dependent on Russia in Brahmos system except propulsion and fuel system
At least one of these tests had Indian fuel management system.

Only propulsion will remain Russian, mostly because Russia wants it to remain a partnership, meaning money maker.
Great thing to have in anti ship mijjile...

Don't know what's use of it in land attack version??

Why not?
If AMRAAMs can be converted to SLAMRAAMs and Sea Sparows why can't Brahmos be used as a LACM, SLCM, ALCM & AShM role?

It is still a mijjile, all you would need to do is alter its trajectory a bit, it is not doing something drastically different in the LACM role as compared to a AShM role.

Lols your each of your so called indigenous program failed miserably fro Arjun to Tejas and subsonic cruise missile and talking about super sonic tech lolssss
What you have done is paint job.....and declare this anti ship missile super sonic cruise missile which is actually a anti ship non-nuclear missile.
Sir naam rakhney se koi Papa nahien ban jata, papa baneny k liye bachay paida karney padtey hien :lol:

Truth is bitter we know.
Just because you have been told nonsense in your echo chamber doesn't make it true.
BrahMos successfully test-fired for 2nd consecutive day
By PTI | May 22, 2018, 10.55 PM IST


The defence ministry said the missile has established itself as a major force multiplier in modern-day complex battlefields with its "impeccable" land-attack and anti-ship capabilities.

BrahMos supersonic cruise missile was successfully test- fired from an integrated test range in Odisha's coastal Balasore district for the second consecutive day today, validating its strike capability, the defence ministry said.

The missile was launched from a mobile autonomous launcher at 11.45 hours and itsuccessfully flew in its pre-set trajectory "fulfilling its mission objectives," the ministry said.

"Through this launch the critical indigenous components including fuel management system and other non-metallic airframe components have qualified to form part of the missile," Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of BrahMos Sudhir Mishra said.

BrahMos is a joint venture between India's DRDO and NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM) of Russia. It has a maximum speed of Mach 2.8 to 3, and it is believed to be the one of the world's fastest cruise missiles currently in operational use.

It was successfully test- fired yesterday from the integrated test range as part of service life extension programme. The life extension trial of BrahMos was conducted from a static inclined launcher, proving the efficacy and longevity of the system.

During today's launch, the major sub-systems manufactured indigenously under the 'Make in India' initiative were tested, defence sources said.

BrahMos has emerged as the ultimate weapon of choice in modern warfare with its unmatched speed and precision, they said.

DRDO Chairman S Christopher congratulated the team involved in successful flight test, calling it a major milestone in the indigenisation of the BrahMos system.

The scientific advisor to the Defence Minister and DG (Missiles & Strategic Systems) G Satheesh Reddy congratulated the scientists for successfully developing the multiple sections of BrahMos and proving them in the mission.

The defence ministry said the missile has established itself as a major force multiplier in modern- day complex battlefields with its "impeccable" land-attack and anti-ship capabilities.

they are up to something i am sure . the time has come .
So what was updated? Range speed? or Payload? any thing that was new? No nothing new just same old missile trying to kill fish in ocean. Lecture when you update something not before.

The range is being graded to 800km, it's seeker is being replaced with Indian monopulse seeker, a quad pack inclined launcher for older ships(with limited space) using only a dual launcher is being tested, being launched for MKIs, specific metalic alloys being homegrown, work on propellants, etc.

Lols your each of your so called indigenous program failed miserably fro Arjun to Tejas and subsonic cruise missile and talking about super sonic tech lolssss
What you have done is paint job.....and declare this anti ship missile super sonic cruise missile which is actually a anti ship non-nuclear missile.
Sir naam rakhney se koi Papa nahien ban jata, papa baneny k liye bachay paida karney padtey hien :lol:

Hilarious coming from you guys, you're the head master chief of the paint job.
Lols your each of your so called indigenous program failed miserably fro Arjun to Tejas and subsonic cruise missile and talking about super sonic tech lolssss
What you have done is paint job.....and declare this anti ship missile super sonic cruise missile which is actually a anti ship non-nuclear missile.
Sir naam rakhney se koi Papa nahien ban jata, papa baneny k liye bachay paida karney padtey hien :lol:
What else can be expected from a madrassa educated bum:cuckoo:
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