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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China

Pakistani Fighter

Jul 4, 2011
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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China
The fleet release clearance certification to BrahMos has paved the way for the pilots of the Indian Air Force (IAF) squadrons to use the missile during combat missions.

Shiv Aroor
New Delhi
June 16, 2020
UPDATED: June 16, 2020 12:31 IST

Shiv Aroor



As India inducts its first BrahMos-armed Su-30 jets today in Thanjavur, never get bored of this video of the first launch back in 2017. (Wait for it.)


6:10 PM - Jan 20, 2020
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The Su-30 MKI is a state-of-the-art all-weather multi-role fighter aircraft capable of undertaking varied air defence, ground attack and maritime missions.

Also Read | BrahMos with Su-30s to boost firepower to combat Chinese threat in Indian Ocean Region
Also Read | BrahMos missile test-fired by India
Also Watch | BrahMos missile tested successfully from IAF's Sukhoi fighter jet

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This is for anti ship mission. Not sure how it can work in Alpine.
CX-1 is not for PLA! It is used to simulate Brahmos size and speed. Probably to test interception. CX-1 never inducted or even considered for such applications, only used for shooting practice. Oniks was offered to China in 2000s and China reviews and rejected. Oniks is Russian export version of Brahmos which is custom build Indian version of Russian missile. PLA uses YJ-12 and YJ-18 for anti surface and much better missiles for targeting. For example DF-DZ or Wu-14 glide types and scramjet powered hypersonic missiles. For stealth, cruise missiles are better and cheaper. Or combine hypersonic with long range cruise flight profile with DF-100.
CX-1 is not for PLA! It is used to simulate Brahmos size and speed. Probably to test interception. CX-1 never inducted or even considered for such applications, only used for shooting practice. Oniks was offered to China in 2000s and China reviews and rejected. Oniks is Russian export version of Brahmos which is custom build Indian version of Russian missile. PLA uses YJ-12 and YJ-18 for anti surface and much better missiles for targeting. For example DF-DZ or Wu-14 glide types and scramjet powered hypersonic missiles. For stealth, cruise missiles are better and cheaper. Or combine hypersonic with long range cruise flight profile with DF-100.

Kind of waste to use on Indians.

Just send more covid to india.
Kind of waste to use on Indians.

Just send more covid to india.

I hope our leaders did not create COVID and spread it and they are surely wrong if they have. There are other ways to deal with enemies and I do not believe those theories. But CX-1 is garbage and even the concept is rejected. Too big, shit range, fast but big and doesn't turn well. Okay maybe the Oniks is much better made for the ramjet and rockets and whatever but this mig-21 style intake ramjet powered elephant missile is from the 1980s era of missile technology even though it showed in 1990s and service in 2000s. Why europeans and Americans and Japanese either don't use anything similar or like the Japanese they will build ramjet powered missiles using similar intake configuration like YJ-12 which is also similar to meteor air to air missile configuration intakes. There is reason we rejected Russian offer for Oniks. They wanted to sell us Brahmos as well just with different name and specifications. Even Kh-31 design base is better. At least can turn tighter and smaller target too nearly same speed and can have similar range. But CX-1 makes for okay simulated target.
This is for anti ship mission. Not sure how it can work in Alpine.

When Chinese can use hundreds of short range ballistic missiles or long range rockets to threat Indian targets, what else weapon does India have to strike land based target within 600km?

Unlike India fanboys dream, India ballistic missile force lack the training of massive tactic attack in a land war. And their short range missiles lack the accuracy for this mission.
Now it’s the turn of there Indian face saving BrahMos missile to achieve what for them? Nobody knows? Ground reality is of China has utterly kicked there arse from taking back there territory and Killing loads of there men. Instead BrahMos is taking centre stage of utter garbage headline.
Indian Army given emergency powers to combat Chinese aggression at LAC
Indian Army has been given emergency power to deal with complete freedom against any Chinese aggression at the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
Manish Prasad
New DelhiUpdated on: June 17, 2020 10:27 IST

Indian Army has been given emergency power to deal with complete freedom against any Chinese aggression at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The decision has been taken by the government in the aftermath of a violent clash that took place on Monday night which resulted in the martyrdom of 20 Indian soldiers including a Colonel rank officer.

The government has reportedly given Indian Army a free hand to act as they see fit in the Galwan Valley region where the clashes took place.

Chinese tabloid The Global Times has reported that the Chinese PLA carried out an exercise with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and towed artillery.

Indian Army and the Chinese PLA have been at loggerhead since last month when Chinese troops crossed the mutually agreed upon LAC and set up camp on Indian soil.

Does it mean that Indian government has no control of the Indian army now? Chinese army is always strictly under the Chinese government control in peace time and wars. A government giving the military a free rein is unthinkable in most countries in the world. What will Indian army choose to do next? Escalating this clash into a full scale war?
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