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BrahMos Cruise Missile Sub-System Failed During July Test

Good to know that only one subsytem failed. The important thing is that all the others worked. No matter. We need to do some more tests until we get it right.

Be wary of excuses

I want to make the point that we only know for certain the Brahmos missile test failed. The Indian government is probably trying to save face and may not necessarily be telling the truth about "only one subsystem failed."

The only way to prove it is to have a series of successful tests. I wouldn't trust any politician or general and their excuses.

If only one subsystem failed then let's put in a new "fixed" subsystem and hold the test tomorrow. Why wait two months with no impending test?
Be wary of excuses

I want to make the point that we only know for certain the Brahmos missile test failed. The Indian government is probably trying to save face and may not necessarily be telling the truth about "only one subsystem failed."

The only way to prove it is to have a series of successful tests. I wouldn't trust any politician or general and their excuses.

If only one subsystem failed then let's put in a new "fixed" subsystem and hold the test tomorrow. Why wait two months with no impending test?

The tests are scheduled at a certain rate. If a new subsystem is to be tested in place of another one, it'll happen only on the scheduled test, not in the middle. And what's your silly point now?

I've known several instances where chinese cruise missiles like C-802/803 "failed" in testing. That doesn't mean that they're always a failure. In wartime, missiles are fired only with proven subsystems. New ones are not tested rightaway in combat, so I don't see where and how this affects its battlefield role and deployment/effectiveness.

Now you may come up with your excuses.
होंगे कामयाब होंगे कामयाब हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन हो हो हो मन मे है विश्वास पुरा है विश्वास हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन॥धृ॥
The new subsystems are the culprits. Better work on them nicely.

every new system is bound tohave some glitches in begining

we need to work on them, and DRDO must be alrady working on those glitches

BTW i think these Brahmos test was also test bed to test new subsystems and guidance system for Nirbhay missile
Be wary of excuses

I want to make the point that we only know for certain the Brahmos missile test failed. The Indian government is probably trying to save face and may not necessarily be telling the truth about "only one subsystem failed."

The only way to prove it is to have a series of successful tests. I wouldn't trust any politician or general and their excuses.

If only one subsystem failed then let's put in a new "fixed" subsystem and hold the test tomorrow. Why wait two months with no impending test?

Indian media always likes to highlight DRDO failure .....dont frgt its the indian media that gave it various petnames......So most probably that wont lie...............

If a missile test fails....you dont immediately conduct test the next day !!! .......you do a comprehensive review of the missile data obtained and retest every component to see how will it integrated ....then do a simulation to verify and then initiate development of a test missile with neccessary adjsutment and changes
That's not a big new's i think it's india's old habit almost first five test of every missile must fail! LOL whole world know about india's nuclear n missile technology! GO INDIA GO keep failin...

first 5 tests? how? except 1st test, all other tests of A 3 were successful, same with A 4

and Brahmos has been tested several times successfully by India
hey Indians donn u know USA, UK and Russia stole Pakistan's has missile designs to make their own "Indigenously" developed missiles. See u can even see the similarities between them. These so called First world country do not even have the technical skills to modify the designs. I wonder how many of Pak & Chini scientist were abducted to modify the paint jobs. And all those talks of missiles having range greater than 10K km, they are just myth, in same class as aliens or OBL living in Pak. How can any one develop such a missile without Pakistan ever developing them.

I sincerely hope this brahmos or watever its called is a RAW-KGB propaganda. India is filled with toiletless people how can it even manufacture railway engines, even that is a RAW conspiracy.

How fool Indians are they believe everything that media/RAW says. Have anyone seen DRDO building, its just a tea stall, they can't even manufacture a bullet talking about missiles, height of BSing.

India should learn from Pakistan, see how developed they are. Do u know their kids design missiles and rockets with 180KM range !!! Do u know how far is that, FOuking 180KM !!! They also sold these design and now every titsy-bitsy country is saying that they were their original design. Wat a low lifers.

:pakistan::pakistan: No one can ever touch the excellence they have achieved.
Be wary of excuses

I want to make the point that we only know for certain the Brahmos missile test failed. The Indian government is probably trying to save face and may not necessarily be telling the truth about "only one subsystem failed."

Be wary of Indo-phobic fantasies.

The only way to prove it is to have a series of successful tests. I wouldn't trust any politician or general and their excuses.

From 2001-2005, its speculated there were atlest 9 test firiing of Brahmos and not a single test where failure happened.

India has conducted at least nine test firings of its PJ-10 supersonic “Brahmos”
ASCM (which it co-developed with Russia) since 2001 and has recently started serial production

Cruise Missile Proliferation

If only one subsystem failed then let's put in a new "fixed" subsystem and hold the test tomorrow. Why wait two months with no impending test?

So according to you, within in a single day, the test failure should be identified, resolved, analyzed, and also take the decsion for a retest plus make preparation for a retest ? :lol:

India is not in the middle of a war.
That's not a big new's i think it's india's old habit almost first five test of every missile must fail! LOL whole world know about india's nuclear n missile technology! GO INDIA GO keep failin...

There is not single Indian missile whose first five tests have failed.

hmm their regularly used systems are failing again and again and they don't know how to add new system to the missile...good

New systems mean improved systems here, but then again i wonder if you can comprehend that :lol:
every one knows the quality of indian missiles :rofl::rofl:

The Russians do know. Don't about about the others who's estimations are based on wet dreams about
pakistani missile strength, borrowed from north korea.

Yekaterina Kudashkina
May 1, 2012 14:51 Moscow Time

Interview with Gennady Yevstafiev, retired Lieutenant General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Mr. Yevstafiev, thank you so much for joining us now. So, the way I’m looking at various reactions of the successful Agni-V Indian intercontinental…
The first test launch was basically successful. It is a great achievement of the Indian research technology and we have to admit that India has become one of the major missile countries in this world. And it was developed for a number of years. Initially the idea was to develop Agni-III into number IV and number V, but then number IV somehow has not been tested yet and now we have Agni-V. This is a formidable missile with the range of, some people say it is 5000 kilometers, but I’m afraid they are misleading the public opinion because there are people who believe that it has a potential of 8000 kilometers. And of course the range of throw is a classified information but nevertheless between 5000 and 8000, this makes it intercontinental strategic missile.

The missile was coming under the Strategic Forces command. So, it is in a proper hands and it has been launched from a traditional place, there is a Wheeler Island where Defense Research and Development Organization of India has its sights. And it would take a number of test flights, not less than four or five, before a missile itself will become operational. Now it is a success but it is not yet operational and it will also take three or four years before they really develop what they say. They want to have at top of this missile MIRV system – Multiple Independently Targeted Vehicles with a number of, between two and ten, separately targeted nuclear bombs. And it will take some time, this technology is not yet ready.

And what we have of course it is a huge missile, it is almost 18 meters, and its diameter is 2 meters, it is really a robust and solid mechanism. It can carry about 1500 kilos of weight of load and it is enough to carry a vessel with a nuclear bomb or to have four or five MIRV bombs which could present a very serious difficulty for missile defense. And we have to give credit to Indians, they have mastered, which has taken more time in bigger countries like the United States and Russia, they right from the beginning have put the missile into a canister which is sealed and the missile could be kept for quite some time before it is being thrown out from a canister and after that it starts moving. Of course we know the Indians have serious successes in navigational systems, in GPS systems that’s why as far as guidance is concerned that’s quite a reliable thing because the standard of Indian electronics and space technology evokes respect.

So, having fired this missile Indians have stated by the firing test that they have joined the club of the great missile powers. Being the nuclear state they have declared that they have a very universal weapon for the future developments because of course they have their own threats perceptions and risks. And that’s why it has been done according to their view of developing situation. If you have a look on how far it can fly – it covers all China and it can come up to Europe. I wonder if these people in Europe, would they think about a threat from a third world country and what do they think about their missile defense system because it is much more developed than anything we have in Korea or in Iran for that matter.

Indian researcher Bahukutumbi Raman says that Agni-V is, like he put it, a Chinese centric missile. And he says that once it is put on operation, it can reach those parts of Eastern China on which its economic prosperity depends. Now, if that is really so? Are we going to see something like arms race between China and India?
The arms race between China and India is going on for the last 15-20 years. The range of Agni-V covers the whole of China, not only the areas on which the Chinese prosperity depends.

In terms of Indian perception of threats of course in the Indian General Headquarters, among the military China is the major threat and that’s why they have found now, say by 2015 they will have a reliable weapon to respond to Chinese threat. But on the other hand I think it will make the whole situation, as far as stability is concerned, more predictable and both sides, I would say, would be very cautious about playing with muscles.

But it is a certain warning to other countries around India, in the Indian Ocean and in other places that India has a potential and they have to deal with India very cautiously, they should not irritate India and it has Indian Ocean at her disposal because with this kind of missiles, they will have a number of them, they would control the whole area. And it happens, interestingly enough, it happens in times when Americans are trying to develop their assets and potential in Australia. And America is preparing for some sort of a showdown with China sooner or later. In this situation we have a new player, very important player who has got something to say.

And is the player going to take sides in that situation?
No, I don’t think India will take any sides in this because Indian policy is very mature. Indians know the border of their national interests and they won’t go a step over this border. They know the Chinese points of aim, so to say, which they should not step on. But in a long run I think it would play well in containing the United States.

Containing the United States?
Yes, in the long run, especially if China and India would agree among themselves and would really divide the spheres of interests, it could be a very serious reminder to the United States that they have to behave in this area because they are not the only one country which possesses this kind of formidable arsenal of weapons.

But interestingly enough India has close cooperation with the United States in nuclear matters. So, do you think that could be a leverage for the United States to apply some pressure to India?
No, I don’t think so. You know, the agreement with Bush Administration signed with India about scientific cooperation, but mainly in a nuclear field, in 2007 is of the particular interest to the United States because they know the Indians have a huge energy program which is based mostly on, due to rather poor energy resources, it is based mostly on the development of the nuclear industry. We benefit from this idea of Indians develop nuclear industry, Kudankulam which we are going to convert into something very spectacular.

But the Indian request is huge because Indians are planning within 20-25 years to build about 50 nuclear energy reactors and American industry which is not producing nuclear reactors now for the use in the United States, they have stopped producing them to the United States industry, they badly need some market for the advanced technologies in that. By the way, French are in the same boat, though of course French industry is of a much smaller size. That’s why the fight for Indian market in nuclear technology is basically a commercial fight for the share of Indian market. But the market is going to be so big that for the next 15 years there will be enough space for everybody to work on this market.

Mind you that Indians are very serious customers and they demand a lot of set benefits when they sign agreements and these set benefits would of course sponsor the Indian industry in developing their own technologies. And sooner or later they will produce more than 50% of what they need for themselves.

And now of course the final question based on your assessment. Just how good are the chances, the way you see, that eventually India and China might come to terms? Because now we’ve got more than half a century standing conflict between the two. And on the other hand there are so many forces which would be trying to prevent the two countries reaching any kind of agreement.

That’s true. And for example America very cautiously but they do have the share of really provoking the rift between the two countries, but very carefully. They don’t want to be caught red handed.

This is very difficult to predict but both countries are quite mature in their diplomacy and foreign policy. Both countries understand the level of their pretensions over the influence in this world and that’s why unless there is something very special, and very special in this case might be Pakistan which is an ally of China. But Indians are cautious with Pakistan, they don’t want to take upon themselves the burden of handling the affairs of this almost fail state and they really don’t mind the Chinese working there and having their share of influence in Pakistan.

But on the other hand there is no serious problem of fighting for resources up to now between China and India because China is trying to master the situation in the Pacific Ocean zone, and especially on those islands like Paracel or on other kinds of isles, and these are the priorities for the Chinese. They don’t show much their flag in the Indian Ocean. From time to time they come but just to show that there is the Chinese Fleet and so on. But they understand and they see that the Indian Ocean is the zone of influence of India, and they don’t provoke India for all kinds of responses.

The same thing with India, it is quite far from this Pacific Ocean area. It has a lot of things to do around the Indian Ocean and that’s why they are not a competitor for Chinese in the area. Whereas the United States, Japan, maybe even Indonesia, Vietnam, these countries are more anti-Chinese in a sense that they are afraid of Chinese, they don’t want to have the increased Chinese influence. And that brings me to some sort of a hope that understanding this Chinese and Indians, especially in times of possible Chinese-American tensions, they would keep quite good relationships among themselves.

Well, let’s hope so. Though there is the painful issue of Tibet.
Tibet of course is a point of disagreement but with the course, the way things develop, Indians will soon be deprived of their hope to have something in Tibet which would be more favourable to their heart then what is now. Chinese are moving there slowly but I would say resolutely and I don’t think Tibet is having some chance of independence.

And what about the new port which the Chinese are building in Pakistan?
Pakistan is a different thing. And Pakistan basically strategically is surviving on the strategic partner agreement with China. But times change. I believe that Pakistan in many respects is a fail state. And Indians do understand this and they don’t want to touch Pakistan in terms of military invasion.

But still, are the Chinese interested in getting the port and getting access into the Indian Ocean ultimately?
Not now. Time will come but now they have different priorities. I think they have a priority of China Sea oil resources and in the surrounding countries. In American opposition to this, they have the priority of Taiwan, deciding the future of Taiwan in some way which would be acceptable and they are very flexible on the way how to decide. So, for the next 15-29 China has enough to do in this area and if it is not going to provoke anybody on the other side of their borders, and they would prefer to have some sort of détente with India, this will work.

Mr. Yevstafiev thank you so much. Our guest speaker was Gennady Yevstafiev, retired Lieutenant General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Arms race between India & China? | The Voice of Russia
Cum'on buddy don't cry aesa hota ha! haro gy nhe to app logo ko dunya lindian's kesy kehy ge? lolz
Cum'on buddy don't cry aesa hota ha! haro gy nhe to app logo ko dunya lindian's kesy kehy ge? lolz

Your countrymen are the ones crying here. Indians don't ponder over things for too long.

I know your countrymen,,,some gun-trotters damaged a Saab-2000 AWACS with RPG and you
went crying over 70 pages of forum:smokin: That thread is still going.
Your countrymen are the ones crying here. Indians don't ponder over things for too long.

I know your countrymen,,,some gun-trotters damaged a Saab-2000 AWACS with RPG and you
went crying over 70 pages of forum:smokin: That thread is still going.

HUH we are just discussing about our security measure's n givin there suggestion's that how can we make it better! we don't cry like india as u guy's do on ur mumbai attack n start blaming pakistan lol Our soldier's just kill these terrorists in 2 hour's n your whole mumbai police ranger's can even finish that in two day's lmfao! what u r talkin here han!??? think before u speak lily..
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