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Brace yourself Karachi, Taliban are coming: Flanking maneuver of Karachi underway.


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom

Brace yourself Karachi, Taliban are coming: Flanking maneuver of Karachi underway.
Taliban have surrounded the outer ring of Karachi, through a skilled warfare technique called the Flanking maneuver. Now, they can control the pressure points of the whole city waiting for the right time to fully grip the giant at its throat.
Recently on the 14th of February 2014, The Wall Street Journal; a highly reputed American English international daily newspaper, published an article with the title "Taliban Take Toll on Pakistan's Biggest City".

In this shocking article it was evidently reported that Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan, has started to fall in the hands of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan aka. TTP with 33 of Karachi's 178 UCs totally under their control and while the number is growing rapidly; they also presented a geographical map drawn with the help of institutions like CID and CPLC which highlights the areas under TTP control.

Looking closely at the map, with the basic understanding of political dimensions of Karachi, you might not be allowed think contrary to it, whilst finding out that the areas which are said to be now strongholds of TTP are on the outer ring of Karachi, such that they have Karachi surrounded form all sides. These are the ideal locations for TTP to start existing as they are Pushtun dominated areas where they can easily mingle in the local populations and also because that these are less developed country sides of Karachi, the two most important benefits any guerrilla group should have to establish its base as said by the master of Guerilla Warfare Che Guevara in his book Guerilla Warfare as published in 1961.

For those who have studied military science at some level or have remained involved in military strategy making (as I learned this designing AI for war games and having interacted with military men in my early years), will know that this is not just a coincidence but a very sharp and mature military technique known as, the Flanking maneuver.

So, what is flanking maneuver?
A flanking maneuver, aka "pinch" or flank attack, is an attack on the sides (or rear) of an enemy force, with the ultimate goal being to surround the enemy from two or more directions, cutting off their supply lines and their most likely path of retreat.

If a flanking maneuver succeeds, the opposing force would be surrounded from two or more directions, which significantly reduces the maneuverability of the outflanked force and its ability to defend itself. A psychological advantage may also be presented, as the confusion and threat from multiple directions is often problematic for morale. To quote a few examples of this technique being used during warfare are the following:

Israel-Palestine conflict:
A historical and slow pace example of how important and successful this strategy is to capture an existing nation or city can been seen through decades long Israel-Palestine conflict (see the map given below). Over time it can be seen how Israel staged its presence around Palestinian territory and how time by time it kept moving in and today it control almost 85% of the land and 100% total control.


Battle of Ajdabiya
A more recent example is of this is Ajdabiya, a town in northeastern Libya south of Benghazi. During the Libyan civil war, the city changed hands several times between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces. Libyan rebels appeared to have regained control indefinitely in late March after international airstrikes crippled Muammar Gaddafi's forces. However Gaddafi forces surprised those rebels on April 10 when taking advantage of the storm, which kept their forces position secret from the rebels, they moved themselves to the south and launched an attack on the rebels catching them off guard and driving them out.

TTP having adequate experience, skill and strategy, know the fact that as they are also not just some ordinary guerilla group but a managed and trained force in its ranks, their 10yrs long warfare against the Pakistan army and sharply executed attacks like on Mehran base and GHQ are just few of the many examples.

So what does it all means for Karachi?
If you are thinking that what I have written above is more of a fiction and a total outrage armed attack on Karachi from TTP is not possible, I may agree with you to a certain extent, which they will not launch armed infantry movement inside Karachi (but then again nobody can guarantee). But even without that they can use these positions to launch big impact daily guerrilla attacks anywhere in the city with minimum logistical overhead to cater. By positioning themselves on the whole outer ring anyplace in Karachi is within their 40Kilometers of range.

Moreover, they can cut the supply of the city for anything. They have strong presence in Hub area, which is the reservoir of water to Karachi, they predominantly control the areas of Sohrab Goth and Shah Laitf Town, Gulshan-E-Hadeed the two main entrance points of Karachi through Super and National highways respectively. They maintain a strong presence directly and indirectly through their proxy gangs in Saeedabad and Maripur areas the access point to the port of Karachi. So what's left? Coming to the Airport, which in our case hasn't been used much except for the commercial purposes for e.g. getting logistical supply for a city of millions?

Another article published in a international daily is by the title of Karachi residents live in fear as Pakistan Taliban gains strength, published in Washington Post on February 4 2014.

If it's so obvious why nobody else can foresee this?
Actually it's pretty clear, what I have written above are just pure facts, no theories. However everyone can see this but they don't want to believe it because of a psychological phenomenon called Cognitive Biasin which the subject intentionally tends to ignore something that though is clear in front of them but contrary to their earlier beliefs, we as human don't like to leave or change our beliefs as we have own them for years. And if while reading all above you felt a discomfort inside you and words like "this is funny", "ah! This is just a conspiracy", "fiction" than don't worry it's pretty normal things and it is calledCognitive Dissonance.

But not everyone functions in this manner, all thanks to God there are visionary leaders with guts enough to foresee and tell their followers about the upcoming havocs. Gladly Karachi happened to have one leader like this who warned Karachiites about the "Talibanization of Karachi" six 6 years ago, yes, 6 years. But nobody was ready to digest the idea and laughed at it and ridiculed the statements.

See what Mr. Altaf Hussain had to say 6 years back in October 2008 while addressing a gathering in Clifton Gardens Karachi, this is a historical speech as this was the first time ever Taliban presence in Karachi were even mentioned.

October 31, 2008: Talibanization of Karachi has been started - Altaf Hussain

"You will not believe me but what I am about to tell you now is complete truth. Karachi has been surrounded by militants or I must say military trained Talibans who are against the educated and peaceful people of Pakistan and especially they are against the Karachiites." - [Mr. Altaf Hussian while speaking to a gathering in Clifton Karachi on 31st of October 2008]

Not only this, he even mentioned and warned about the Talibanization and growing influence of Alqaeda in Karachi University, Dow University and other institutions and this is shockingly also proved to be true now: Presence of Al-Qaeda's organized network in Karachi University has been revealed.

But at that time the Sindh government and other political parties, journalists laughed at this statement and ignore and rejected his concerns which now can be a termed as a blunder, intentional or unintentional:

November 19, 2008:No evidence of Talibanization in Karachi: Dr Zulfikar Ali Mirza
November 19, 2008:No Talibanisation in Karachi: Bilour
December 12, 2008:No evidence of Talibanization found in Karachi: President Zardari

But slowly and lately everybody started to realize that Altaf Hussain's concerns were true:

November 2012:All signs indicate that the coastal city has been invaded by the Taliban
April 4, 2013:Occupation 101: Manghopir - how it became a no-go area
April 4, 2013:Karachi talibanisation: Four dead in blast outside Rangers complex
April 7, 2013:Talibanisation of Karachi
May 4, 2013:MQM warned against the Talibanisation of Karachi - Awaam ke Saamney
January 23, 2014:Molana Tanvir-Ul-Haq Thanvi Calls On MQM Leader Altaf Hussain and hailed Altaf Hussain for being the first one to inform about the Talibanisation of Karachi
February 04, 2014:Karachi residents live in fear as Pakistan Taliban gains strength
February 16, 2014:final war with terrorists would be fought here - And latest is that the Chair Person of PPP the party which totally rejected these conerns before.

So what's coming next?
Currently government of Pakistan is currently holding negotiation with TTP, however, it seems on our television screens that talks are moving ahead in a right direction, but in real these talks are destined to fail, because no matter what and how much you put on table, ideological differences cannot be removed and TTP is ideologically an enemy to the state of Pakistan.

When the talks will fail and an army operation will be launched in Waziristan against TTP and co. factions, TTP will use Karachi as a scape goat to put the knife on Pakistan's jugular vein and black mail the government with its demand; TTP would not need to control Karachi completely for these. The difference can be made even with frequent attacks, which can paralyze the financial hub and with this strategy they can seriously cripple the financial power of the city which, in days will be reflected in Islamabad.

A than the proposal on table would be like this:


Operation against TTP in Karachi
Yes, that will be the only option left than but the question is who will do that? The Police is not the capable, logistically or morally and TTP has made this sure by taking out the bravest cop of Karachi who gave TTP a hard time, the Late Chaudry Aslam, in a suicide attack a month ago and then also launching attacks like Razzakabad police station.

Rangers have shown some results with few targeted activities, but this is when TTP is silent and defensive and things will be different when TTP will be the one launching offensives. What remains is the Army; an Army that will already be busy on always-open eastern front, the critical operation in Wazististan and the ongoing operation and Baluchistan. Calling it to handle the urban war terrain of Karachi would be a very tough call.

Civilian Rebellion against TTP - the Armageddon to be fought in Karachi.
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), the most open and thriving opponent of TTP and extremism, while also being the biggest stake holder in Karachi, would not sit at rest with all this, just praying for their city to fall into their hands. As Sheikh Rasheed put this into words, at the end it will be MQM that will standup and fight for this city and the country.


They will surely retaliate; the inevitable question is how far they can succeed? They are currently facing damage as they claim a state supported biased operation against them which is getting their workers extra judicially killed, and will they be able to raise enough power and logistics to fight against a managed armed rebellion.​

There is no doubt that the final war, the Armageddon of this 10 yearlong conflict of Pakistan against TPP will be fought in this city, there will be blood, there will pain and at the end their will be a bright morning or a dark night. Let's keep praying for the earlier.
laskars & TTP alias MQM thugs have been instructed by supreme-master indians to start a spree of terrorist activities in Karachi.
MQM terrorists have been told to use pretend to be islamic extremists and after terrorist event call media & pretend to be TTP or some lashkar and accept responsibility of that activity under that name.

MQM terrorists have admitted multiple times that they are trained in india. and to causing "FaSaaad".


Confession Videos of MQM terrorists:

Ajmal Pahari's video

Another MQM Terrorist's confession

ShahNawazKhan, a terrorist of MQM

M.Shahrukh Khan's confession

More on MQM

MQM firing on TV channel office

Umer Mehmood exposing MQM

Mubashir Luqman on MQM using weapons from lost containers
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It seems that Talibans are master strategist. Pakistan need to put its best to counter Taliban. Pakistan will need more than the traditional way of fighting talibans. Pakistan Should not Hazitate to take help of country like Israel, US and India who have a rich experience in fighting against terrorism.
MQM is under pressure from arrests of their criminals in ongoing operation so they are trying this propaganda and are giving the message "look man TTP is bigger threat and smart enemy with flanking manevers, please shift focus from me to the taliban, ignore our crimes and we would gladly make the bori bund lashain out of taliban"
MQM is under pressure from arrests of their criminals in ongoing operation so they are trying this propaganda and are giving the message "look man TTP is bigger threat and smart enemy with flanking manevers, please shift focus from me to the taliban, ignore our crimes and we would gladly make the bori bund lashain out of taliban"
You are right, that indeed is the case. However, this does not mean that TTP (alias JI/JUI) threat to Karachi (and to rest of Pakistan for that matter) is unreal or should be ignored. It is easy to take out criminals, but not the criminals with an ideology, and not any ideology but the religious fanatic ideology.

MQM is a threat, but unlike TTP (alias JI/JUI), it is not a threat to Pakistani way of life (they don't blast off schools, don't force women to live a slave's life, don't stop women to see doctors, don't ask people to change their appearances, don't behead opponents and play football with their heads etc). Hence, if GoP has to work with MQM to eliminate TTP (alias JI/JUI), she should go for it. MQM is pretty much contained to urban Sindh, and not crawling like poisonous scorpions in the whole country like TTP (alias JI/JUI). MQM can be dealt relatively easily at later point of time.
It seems that Talibans are master strategist. Pakistan need to put its best to counter Taliban. Pakistan will need more than the traditional way of fighting talibans. Pakistan Should not Hazitate to take help of country like Israel, US and India who have a rich experience in fighting against terrorism.
Taliban in af-pak are deadly from another angle. Their chain of command is from bottom to top, i.e like the pashtun society their movement is also de-centralized...every local commander is independent in making plans and stretagies against security forces...the men under him in the shape of small pockets/groups are given full freedom to make their own stretagies and plans against enemy. In this manner when a commander or even chief (in case of TTP) is killed, it doesnt disrupt the movement as it is supposed to be. Their foot soldiers are not fodder, they become dangerous with each experience, one of them become commander or even chief at some stage.....the more war is prolonged in afghanistan and pakistan, the more deadly taliban would become.
There is false alarm in karachi, taliban would never try to occupy karachi or any big city as long as there is Pak army. Without pak army, taliban can easily capture not only karachi but also rural sindh and punjab within few years. The only people taliban wont mess with, are baloch.....

You are right, that indeed is the case. However, this does not mean that TTP (alias JI/JUI) threat to Karachi (and to rest of Pakistan for that matter) is unreal or should be ignored. It is easy to take out criminals, but not the criminals with an ideology, and not any ideology but the religious fanatic ideology.

MQM is a threat, but unlike TTP (alias JI/JUI), it is not a threat to Pakistani way of life (they don't blast
Help of MQM is not needed. TTP in karachi is not that much of a threat militarily.You just need good intel to track down taliban hideout and arrest them through police and rangers.
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Karachi is a cash cow, for Taliban and for MQM.

Both of them have huge financial interests in that city ( drugs, land mafia, gun running etc ).

None of them are going to let it go very easily;

This piece upon which the thread is based is from no credible source;
rather directly from MQM's propaganda machine.

@darkinsky is a known paid puppet for MQM.
Taliban in af-pak are deadly from another angle. Their chain of command is from bottom to top, i.e like the pashtun society their movement is also de-centralized...every local commander is independent in making plans and stretagies against security forces...the men under him in the shape of small pockets/groups are given full freedom to make their own stretagies and plans against enemy. In this manner when a commander or even chief (in case of TTP) is killed, it doesnt disrupt the movement as it is supposed to be. Their foot soldiers are not fodder, they become dangerous with each experience, one of them become commander or even chief at some stage.....the more war is prolonged in afghanistan and pakistan, the more deadly taliban would become.
None of this would deter us, the Pakistanis to take these foreign fanatics head on. They might be dangerous, but soon they will learn that they have put their head on the block. This scum is trying hard to push Pakistanis up against the wall, and when you do that, even a kitten retaliates, and retaliates hard. It will be utterly naive to think that Pakistanis will get deterred by their heinous terroristic ways, and let them control the fate of Pakistan. It is not going to happen, please pass this message on to your terrorist friends.

There is false alarm in karachi, taliban would never try to occupy karachi or any big city as long as there is Pak army. Without pak army, taliban can easily capture not only karachi but also rural sindh and punjab within few years. The only people taliban wont mess with, are baloch.....
There is no false alarm. You dont mess up with Balochs, good for you. But you are seriously underestimating the courage and velor of Punjabis, Sindhis, and other ethnicities. This is no surprise to me because you are not aware of the history of people living in lands now called Pakistan.
Taliban in af-pak are deadly from another angle. Their chain of command is from bottom to top, i.e like the pashtun society their movement is also de-centralized...every local commander is independent in making plans and stretagies against security forces...the men under him in the shape of small pockets/groups are given full freedom to make their own stretagies and plans against enemy. In this manner when a commander or even chief (in case of TTP) is killed, it doesnt disrupt the movement as it is supposed to be. Their foot soldiers are not fodder, they become dangerous with each experience, one of them become commander or even chief at some stage.....the more war is prolonged in afghanistan and pakistan, the more deadly taliban would become.
There is false alarm in karachi, taliban would never try to occupy karachi or any big city as long as there is Pak army. Without pak army, taliban can easily capture not only karachi but also rural sindh and punjab within few years. The only people taliban wont mess with, are baloch.....

Very interesting. i did not know that. How Pakistan Army should deal with Taliban? What are your views?
MQM is angry that another group of ethnic thugs have muscled in on their territory.
TTP just wants a piece of the action.
Bilawal is counting his billions and issuing comical tweets -- from behind several layers of security -- knowing he doesn't have to actually do anything to back up his words.

Meanwhile, Nawaaz Sharif continues to act more like Governor of Punjab than PM of Pakistan.

Situation normal -- just another day in Pakistan...
MQM is angry that another group of ethnic thugs have muscled in on their territory.
TTP just wants a piece of the action.
Bilawal is counting his billions and issuing comical tweets -- from behind several layers of security -- knowing he doesn't have to actually do anything to back up his words.

Meanwhile, Nawaaz Sharif continues to act more like Governor of Punjab than PM of Pakistan.

Situation normal -- just another day in Pakistan...

uploading stupidity in PDF think tank

TTP should capture Pak.
then wage jehad against india sounds perfect isnt it??? its like telling me that people from Nagaland will capture whole of INDIA what a stupid comment by u..

Taliban in af-pak are deadly from another angle. Their chain of command is from bottom to top, i.e like the pashtun society their movement is also de-centralized...every local commander is independent in making plans and stretagies against security forces...the men under him in the shape of small pockets/groups are given full freedom to make their own stretagies and plans against enemy. In this manner when a commander or even chief (in case of TTP) is killed, it doesnt disrupt the movement as it is supposed to be. Their foot soldiers are not fodder, they become dangerous with each experience, one of them become commander or even chief at some stage.....the more war is prolonged in afghanistan and pakistan, the more deadly taliban would become.
There is false alarm in karachi, taliban would never try to occupy karachi or any big city as long as there is Pak army. Without pak army, taliban can easily capture not only karachi but also rural sindh and punjab within few years. The only people taliban wont mess with, are baloch.....

Help of MQM is not needed. TTP in karachi is not that much of a threat militarily.You just need good intel to track down taliban hideout and arrest them through police and rangers.
hahahahaha let them come to punjab punjabi gandasa and kulhara is waiting for them these naswari will be bori packed back to waziristan mountains never dare to mess with us we know how to make friends and how to make enemies these talibasard are playing with fire there is no place for these dumb **** in Pakistan and not even in Punjab
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This article in the OP is sensationalism at its best!

Taliban have surrounded the outer ring of Karachi, through a skilled warfare technique called the Flanking maneuver.
Bullshit! A flanking maneuver is from a flank. If the TTP have surrounded Karachi, it's called an Envelopment
maneuver. This leads to Investment which later turns into an attack from different directions at a time and place of the attackers choosing.

These terms do not apply to insurgency operations. These terms are related to maneuvers by mechanised forces.
Still Both MQM and TTP share the Idea of stopping Operation in Karachi,Both consider Ranger Operation as a threat to their existence and ironically Rangers and Police came under Suicide attacks after arrest of MQM member and Huge media campaign against LEA's by MQM...

Connect the dots yourself...
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