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Brace for two-front war, Indian Army told

Tch tch, words TT, words.

Dont tell me what to do, i dont like it. That's the politest that i can be.

What do you expect India to do? Dismantle the military and hand over territories to others as and when demanded? Hmnn NO.

Dont act smart.

Dont put words in my mouth. The only concern that i have is regarding the stupid, ill-timed and unnecessary statements and decisions by your govt/military. You can go kill us when you want once hostilities break, but dont practice baniyan concepts while you agreed to start the talks again and 'vowed' to 'behave!'

Any sane individual would call this move as an attempt to derail the already tense peace process between the two countries. Seriously, there was no need at all at this point of time for india to flex its muscles.

i mean you people have been monkeying around over this two front war since long now (and had been made fun of in past also), but what exactly was the need to 'create' a hype over your sorry state of defence when no one has fingered you in any way? Or may be there's some serious lack of coordination among your govt, military and foreign office..??

What your army is doing in the tribal territories its your own internal business. Its for Pakistan's better future, unless you consider the alternative scenario of Talibanization as best for Pakistan. PA needs as many boots on the ground and more as necessary to successfully carry out COIN ops against the Taliban in regions claimed as Pakistan's sovereign territories.
So india has nothing to do with WoT..right?

Dont blame us again if another Kasab make your SF kneel.

Seriously, whit what face could you tell us to counter terrorism while you show extreme de-linking with the phenomenon, despite the fact that you people are yourself plagued with it??

i mean, any nation in this world that has been, either directly or indirectly, been affected by terrorism has shown its support for Pakistan by one way or the other, but here we see, a country that has the most 'fertile' land for these scumbags to flourish (i say fertile because of the close vicinity and the natural inclination of these terrorists towards india) not only displays utter ignorance and unpromising attitude, but instead create hurdles and have always tried to make the process difficult for us. But guess what, who cares, you and the US can keep on telling us to shift troops from indian theater to the FATAian one, but it aint happening.

India's requirement is to be prepared for any eventualities. Last time we were caught napping and Kargil happened. We dont want any such thing to happen on any of our borders. Period. So as I said previously, better safe than sorry.
You talk as if india is the only country that 'prepare for eventualities'.

Dude, even humans do that.

Like i said, there's no need of going hysteric, your logic fall short of common sense and intellectual reasoning.

Anywaz, on a second note, india could have 'prepared for eventualities once the time was right, i mean are your policy makers so dumb that they cant see an open truth that Pakistan in no way can finger india while it has already committed its 0.14 million troops on its west?!

And then you say i question your intellect!

As for bullying around, I dont understand what all the crying wolf is all about. China is building its military with nary a concern as to what surrounding countries are worrying about. You all celebrate China's military expansion and territorial claims. Then what is your problem with India's military modernization? Its not like India is encroaching on any other countries' territories (those which YOU ALL consider "disputed" doesnt count).

Atleast China has never shown you an aggressive postures (except once when she sucked the 'little' army of yours in '62).

Apart for that, we dont see much indian centric development inside China. Seriously, in my personal China dont even consider you a belligerent, it has better enemies (the US or Russia) to think about. So dont over estimate yourself.
israel is enough,
and when russians will come who knows what can happen.now u can clearly understand.
firstly digest the indian toast.who knows u both may digest it or not.

Lolllzzz Israel. It should help it self than helping India. A country with paranoia.

Russia has already suffered a lot. They won't put themselves into another mess. :)
israel is enough,
and when russians will come who knows what can happen.now u can clearly understand.
firstly digest the indian toast.who knows u both may digest it or not.

Yeah, Israel is enough to make em wet their pants.
Dont tell me what to do, i dont like it. That's the politest that i can be.


Dont act smart.

Dont put words in my mouth. The only concern that i have is regarding the stupid, ill-timed and unnecessary statements and decisions by your govt/military. You can go kill us when you want once hostilities break, but dont practice baniyan concepts while you agreed to start the talks again and 'vowed' to 'behave!'

Any sane individual would call this move as an attempt to derail the already tense peace process between the two countries. Seriously, there was no need at all at this point of time for india to flex its muscles.

i mean you people have been monkeying around over this two front war since long now (and had been made fun of in past also), but what exactly was the need to 'create' a hype over your sorry state of defence when no one has fingered you in any way? Or may be there's some serious lack of coordination among your govt, military and foreign office..??

So india has nothing to do with WoT..right?

Dont blame us again if another Kasab make your SF kneel.

Seriously, whit what face could you tell us to counter terrorism while you show extreme de-linking with the phenomenon, despite the fact that you people are yourself plagued with it??

i mean, any nation in this world that has been, either directly or indirectly, been affected by terrorism has shown its support for Pakistan by one way or the other, but here we see, a country that has the most 'fertile' land for these scumbags to flourish (i say fertile because of the close vicinity and the natural inclination of these terrorists towards india) not only displays utter ignorance and unpromising attitude, but instead create hurdles and have always tried to make the process difficult for us. But guess what, who cares, you and the US can keep on telling us to shift troops from indian theater to the FATAian one, but it aint happening.

You talk as if india is the only country that 'prepare for eventualities'.

Dude, even humans do that.

Like i said, there's no need of going hysteric, your logic fall short of common sense and intellectual reasoning.

Anywaz, on a second note, india could have 'prepared for eventualities once the time was right, i mean are your policy makers so dumb that they cant see an open truth that Pakistan in no way can finger india while it has already committed its 0.14 million troops on its west?!

And then you say i question your intellect!

Atleast China has never shown you an aggressive postures (except once when she sucked the 'little' army of yours in '62).

Apart for that, we dont see much indian centric development inside China. Seriously, in my personal China dont even consider you a belligerent, it has better enemies (the US or Russia) to think about. So dont over estimate yourself.

whatever china thinks abt india,china will remain a no 1 enemy 4 india.
regarding to u.s ,u.s tech is far developed than chinese one.if u.s is concerned abt china,only reason is they know in future it will be threat to u.s and it's dominant policies,so grab him at the beginning.thats y u.s is focussing to create india as an proxy against china.and they have already started this.first step was nuclear deal
and russians,chinese are not enemy to each other.
Lolllzzz Israel. It should help it self than helping India. A country with paranoia.

Russia has already suffered a lot. They won't put themselves into another mess. :)

i dont know y israel shud help itself,it's an powerful nation in the whole region.israel is surviving the whole mid east,even u cant digest afgh.even i couldnt understand what ruskies suffered during 1971 war.they were with india.
whatever china thinks abt india,china will remain a no 1 enemy 4 india.
Yeah, a self-proclaimed enemy. we all know, india is guud at that.

regarding to u.s ,u.s tech is far developed than chinese one.if u.s is concerned abt china,only reason is they know in future it will be threat to u.s and it's dominant policies,so grab him at the beginning.
thats y u.s is focussing to create india as an proxy against china.and they have already started this.first step was nuclear deal
One, we all know what the US wants from india, why all the karamnawazi over you people. We know that the US has chosen india as a counter-weight to China, but seriously there is no need of going paranoiac over this. Hey! there are better things that you could do and still convey China your itch...

BTW, ever heard of; Shah say agay Shah ka chaila..

Anywaz, i know that the US has been feeding you to 'bully' the chinks, but never knew that you were ready to be used as a proxy against them. Thanks for the enlightenment.

and russians,chinese are not enemy to each other.


There's something known as; hypothetical!
Doesn't make any sense. With Chinese GDP twice the size of Indian, they can put in more budget for defense than India can. Plus Containing Pakistan alone won't be enough, especially land forces and the aquisitions of modern Fighers until 2015.

I mean this is not Mirage/F-7 India would be looking. I think India should not make these statements of a two front war, or if they want, make it in secret. This will give China-Pakistan more room for defense spending and excuse for Instability.

Keep in mind that it wasn't Pakistan threatening to do pre-emptive strikes after Mumbai attacks, but the Sonia Gandhi and PM themselves. I don't see why Pakistan would want to start a war, but if India does, then it should be ready to deal with the outcome.
Lots of red herrings, false starts and downright jingoistic chest thumping from both sides. All largely misguided.

Nothing new about this. In all wars post 1962, India has had to factor in the Chinese angle during all the Indo - Pak conflicts. Somehow, tensions on the borders with our northern neighbor always rose dramatically during any armed conflict with the neighbor on the west. In the past, the Army and the Air force had to make their own arrangements without any official recognition of the problem by the government. This necessitated that a substantial number of field formations and supporting logistics units and allied assets remained tied down on a defensive role in the north east and the north to cater for any misadventure by China in support of Pakistan. This resulted in a lowering of the combat ratio vis-a-vis Pakistan which could concentrate all its forces against India. Likewise, a numbers of fighter squadrons and connected assets of the Air Force remained uncommitted in the conflict with Pakistan. After 1990, this problem was felt more acutely as the counter balancing influence of USSR vanished.

All that has changed now is that finally the govt has realized that the problem exists and has committed to provide the means to overcome the problem.

This is no way imply that India plans to attack both the neighbors. It simply gives us the means to acquire the ability to handle a war on both the fronts in a more efficient manner.
i dont know y israel shud help itself,it's an powerful nation in the whole region.israel is surviving the whole mid east,even u cant digest afgh.even i couldnt understand what ruskies suffered during 1971 war.they were with india.

Israel is a country which is suffering with some psychological and mental trauma. It should help itself to cure it.

Russians have already been beaten bad they won't put themselves in another trouble.

Yeah, a self-proclaimed enemy. we all know, india is guud at that.


One, we all know what the US wants from india, why all the karamnawazi over you people. We know that the US has chosen india as a counter-weight to China, but seriously there is no need of going paranoiac over this. Hey! there are better things that you could do and still convey China your itch...

BTW, ever heard of; Shah say agay Shah ka chaila..

Anywaz, i know that the US has been feeding you to 'bully' the chinks, but never knew that you were ready to be used as a proxy against them. Thanks for the enlightenment.


There's something known as; hypothetical!

Shah say agay Shah ka chaila..
i heard abt this but in this region india and u.s have same objectives.this makes the clear.
and also regarding to this chela statement,i want to say when india was with russia b4 2000 or early ,u.s made pak as his chela to cover india frm the day after 1947.so if u.s is not in ur side,it does mean that u will forget the history.

and regarding to russia,china .i wanted to say they r not enemy like india pak.
Yeah, Israel is enough to make em wet their pants.

Yeah we saw their elite in action onboard the ship... I’m scared alright, and don’t draw comparisons between Pakistan and Arabs… They needed our guys to flush out the Iranian’s from the Kaba… Hopeless bunch of hedonistic loafers.
Dont tell me what to do, i dont like it. That's the politest that i can be.
Dont put words in my mouth. The only concern that i have is regarding the stupid, ill-timed and unnecessary statements and decisions by your govt/military. You can go kill us when you want once hostilities break, but dont practice baniyan concepts while you agreed to start the talks again and 'vowed' to 'behave!'
Interesting choice of words there. It is YOUR country which is the source of terrorism and a major 'headache' to other countries. It is your country's past policies which lead to the state in which YOUR country finds itself now. It was YOUR country (rather the mighty military) which precipitated the Kargil conflict. It was "non-state actors" from YOUR country who are responsible for the Mumbai massacre. Its people in YOUR country who under the guise of 'freedom of speech' spew hatred towards India and Non-Muslims, even against your own country men!! And you tell me that India "vowed to behave"? The nerve! Lol.
Any sane individual would call this move as an attempt to derail the already tense peace process between the two countries. Seriously, there was no need at all at this point of time for india to flex its muscles.
On this I do agree with you. Even I am surprised by the timing. But blame the transparent process that is Indian democracy. Everything's out in the open.
i mean you people have been monkeying around over this two front war since long now (and had been made fun of in past also), but what exactly was the need to 'create' a hype over your sorry state of defence when no one has fingered you in any way? Or may be there's some serious lack of coordination among your govt, military and foreign office..??
Monkeying around? Another interesting choice of words!
If you call ideas being floated around for public scrutiny 'monkeying around' then, my friend, you have no idea how a democracy works. This hype is deemed necessary by Indian govt. to keep your 'establishment' on its toes. Last time we trusted Pakistani bonhomie, we found intruders and your military personnel squatting on our territory. Not gonna happen again, and hence this, what you consider 'hype'. Anyway, what has that got to do with Indian govt-military co-ordination? Indian military forces are under the control of their political masters, not the other way around. Be thankful for everyone's sake in the region, that it is so.

Anyway, the military thinktanks come up with ideas and the political establishment decides what the military can and cannot do. Unlike in Pakistan where the military dictates what the "democratically elected" govt has to do.
So india has nothing to do with WoT..right?

Dont blame us again if another Kasab make your SF kneel.
You are cleaning the mess in YOUR house. A mess created by your own 'establishment'. Dont blame others if you are unable to clean up the mess. It just shows your capabilities.
Seriously, whit what face could you tell us to counter terrorism while you show extreme de-linking with the phenomenon, despite the fact that you people are yourself plagued with it??
No one is trying to delink the intricate links between Pakistan and the Taliban. Taliban is YOUR existential problem. India's problem are the terrorists that Pakistani establishment supports in the garb of "moral support for freedom fighters in Kashmir".
India has an interest in trying to keep Pakistan from moving a majority of its troops to the west. Post 2003, when Mush did an about turn, it has helped decrease border violations and incursions by militants, thanks to your forces.
i mean, any nation in this world that has been, either directly or indirectly, been affected by terrorism has shown its support for Pakistan by one way or the other, but here we see, a country that has the most 'fertile' land for these scumbags to flourish (i say fertile because of the close vicinity and the natural inclination of these terrorists towards india) not only displays utter ignorance and unpromising attitude, but instead create hurdles and have always tried to make the process difficult for us. But guess what, who cares, you and the US can keep on telling us to shift troops from indian theater to the FATAian one, but it aint happening.
Nice one. Pakistan is responsible for creating Taliban, and now you want all the support from other countries to help you fight it? Its like negotiating with a gun held to one's own head! Kudos.
Through all this, everyone can still see that Pakistan's only concern is India and Kashmir and not anything else. Its a darn pity.
You talk as if india is the only country that 'prepare for eventualities'.
I did not say its the only country, but its among the FEW countries which do. Can you count yourselves in that group? Look around you.
Anywaz, on a second note, india could have 'prepared for eventualities once the time was right, i mean are your policy makers so dumb that they cant see an open truth that Pakistan in no way can finger india while it has already committed its 0.14 million troops on its west?!
Pakistan cannot finger India, presently a given fact. However, that cannot be said of some 'rouge elements' in your establishment. And that is the beef!
Atleast China has never shown you an aggressive postures (except once when she sucked the 'little' army of yours in '62).
You conveniently forget Chinese conflicts with Russia, Vietnam, claims over Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands, disputes with Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. You also forget that China tried to capture territories in 1987. Hey but that is NOT hegemony, its only exercising control over territories which China claims, right? And then you cry injustice when India tries to do it?
Apart for that, we dont see much indian centric development inside China. Seriously, in my personal China dont even consider you a belligerent, it has better enemies (the US or Russia) to think about. So dont over estimate yourself.
Better enemies? Lol. You just made my day.

And you are welcome.
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A war, if started by India with China and Pakistan, no one in their right state of mind is going to come in to help India. Yes intervene, UN ceasefire, but don't expect Russians to come. I mean what will they come in with and how far they are? China and Pakistan, allies and Two enemies of India.

Doesn't it sound dangerous to deal with both of them with war rather than nice diplomacy?
Yarra enough of war, lets talk peace. Life is too short for such nonsensical talk.
I'm very suspicious. The Russians use stationary but overlapping-fire gun emplacements to deter the Chinese: worn-out but dug-in tanks connected to bunkers. You only need one or two of these per kilometer.

Mobile troops not only comprise more manpower but have offensive capabilities. This could be a recipe for escalation, not keeping the peace.
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