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Born in India, will die in India

Born in India, will die in India
Huge turnout at peaceful rally in Kerala against CAA

By K.M. Rakesh in Bangalore
  • Published 2.01.20, 3:41 AM
  • Updated 2.01.20, 3:41 AM
  • 3 mins read

The rally against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and the NRC winds its way through Kochi in Kerala on Wednesday.(PTI picture)

Muslim organisations, supported by people of other faiths and members of the civil society, on Wednesday closed ranks in Kerala to stage one of the biggest rallies in the country since the citizenship-related protests began.

The sweep and breadth of the crowd and the peaceful conduct prompted a senior Supreme Court lawyer to suggest that such non-violent political processes were the best alternative under the circumstances instead of every politician rushing to the court to challenge the changes to the citizenship law.

Organisers estimated that around 5 lakh people participated in the event held in Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala.

The protesters flooded Kochi from across the state and began assembling in a stadium from 1pm before they began their long march to Marine Drive, about 5km away.

The extent of the response was such that when the convention began at Marine Drive a little before 6pm, some of the protesters were still leaving the stadium. An hour later, less than half of them could find a place in the overcrowded Marine Drive where several religious leaders and politicians from all parties had assembled to address the gathering.

The convention gave a call for a long-term agitation until the Centre withdrew the amendment and ensured that no discriminatory legislation would be implemented.

“I think this is the biggest rally by a united front of all Muslim organisations in Kerala. The speciality is the support from all other communities, political parties and intellectuals,” said Ebrahim Kunju, a former minister and one of the organisers.

The organisers had deployed thousands of volunteers to make sure the protesters maintained discipline and peace. The marchers carried placards with pictures of Mahatma Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

Inaugurating the rally, Indian Union Muslim League state president Panakkad Syed Hyderali Shihab Thangal told the gathering: “We are born in India and we will die in India since every Indian citizen has the right to do that.”

“Every like-minded Indian citizen will make sure that the Centre withdraws the citizenship act. This is a law that divides people on communal lines. We must not allow that,” the hugely popular leader said.

Sunni leader Kanthapuram Aboobacker Musaliar declared that the long march and the rally were only the beginning of a series of protests. He kept urging the gathering to maintain discipline but never lose any opportunity to question anything against the Constitution.

Aboobacker said: “We are a disciplined people. Without taking the law into our hands, and by staying within the parameters of the law we have the right to question everything.

“The only thing we are asking the Centre is what its problem is in allowing people to live peacefully based on the rights enshrined in the Constitution. Indian Muslims have never worked against the Indian ethos of unity in diversity. Tell me if there is a Muslim among those who killed Mahatma Gandhi and two Prime Ministers,” he said.

“We had the Babri Masjid judgment in which the Supreme Court found evidence about a mosque being demolished but then gave that land to build a temple. We kept quiet and urged all Muslims to maintain law and order,” he said.

“But this one is not like that. The CAA and the NRC discriminate against Muslims, and we will not take it lying down,” said Aboobacker.

Senior Supreme Court lawyer Kaleeswaram Raj, who was not at the rally, later told The Telegraph that “peaceful protests” would be the best option under the circumstances.

“I don’t agree with every political leader approaching the court against the CAA or any such legislation. There is no alternative to peaceful protests where people’s voice is heard. This is how political process differs from adjudicative process,” said Raj.

“We can’t follow America where they go to the court for everything. For example, lobbying is fine in America, but it won’t have the same results in India. But countries like France and Germany are good examples of how protests would work. But again the focus should be on peaceful protests,” he added.

The day was marked by similar protests in Kozhikode in north Kerala where a long march was held and a human chain formed in Kunnamangalam panchayat in the same district.


Sanu ke
Indian democracy gives us that liberty and right to fight for our rights.

You have every right to be lynched of free will but when you do get lynched, government should treat it as a crime.

How many cases of lynchings been delivered justice in India?

Rape is cultural by virtue of Indian democracy too given the strange number of more than one aggressor identified.
Are you dumb? Or are you acting like one? Can't you see the happenings around you? Can a daily wager, a poor beggar etc have enough documents to prove that they were born in India?

Whenever you are ready to argue rationally, i am ready to argue with you.
Do you know what are the paperwork needed as a part of CAA to prove citizenship?
Again, do not reply for the sake of argument..There are multiple docs or references that can be provided to prove your citizenship.And if any one can not produce anything, then they need to provide reference of 2 citizens or something like that sort of reference to prove your citizenship.

Again, if this is not even enough then protest against the government or propose any formula that will prevent illegals from primarily BD to settle here rather than blindly protesting for the sake of protesting against Modi
Whenever you are ready to argue rationally, i am ready to argue with you.
Do you know what are the paperwork needed as a part of CAA to prove citizenship?
Again, do not reply for the sake of argument..There are multiple docs or references that can be provided to prove your citizenship.And if any one can not produce anything, then they need to provide reference of 2 citizens or something like that sort of reference to prove your citizenship.

Again, if this is not even enough then protest against the government or propose any formula that will prevent illegals from primarily BD to settle here rather than blindly protesting for the sake of protesting against Modi

Please provide references for the highlighted section. I believe that provision exists only in WhatsApp University.

Here are the requirements to prove citizenship in India (note that this is likely to be different than the NRC)


most "learned" hindu indians support bjp/modi/rss regime. I know...I work with em.

100 % True. All my school friends and classmates, save one, have all gone over to the dark side. These are all people with high education and credentials, and holding high positions in India/US/UK. All are rabidly anti-Muslim and believe all the lies being spread by WhatsApp, as long as it is anti-Muslim.
Please provide references for the highlighted section. I believe that provision exists only in WhatsApp University.

Here are the requirements to prove citizenship in India (note that this is likely to be different than the NRC)


Most of the people will fall into this.

By Birth (Section 3): i. Every person born in India on or after the 26.01.1950 but before 01.07.1987 is a citizen of India by birth irrespective of the nationality of his/her parents. ii. Every person born in India between 01.07.1987 to 02.12.2004 is a citizen of India provided either of his/her parents is a citizen of India at the time of his/ her birth. iii. Every person born in India on or after 03.12.2004, shall be citizen of India provided both of his/her parents are citizens of India or one of whose parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal migrant at the time of his/ her birth
Are you dumb? Or are you acting like one? Can't you see the happenings around you? Can a daily wager, a poor beggar etc have enough documents to prove that they were born in India?

People should watch this before making wild assumptions.

Too bad! for you Pakistanis.

Muslims of India have decided that they would only carry India flags in these rallies.
Ya...I have noticed that...these traitor Muslims always used to support pak..they never had any love for India...now when they perceive that they are going to be aliens in their own country, the realisation of the value of this land dawned on them.

most "learned" hindu indians support bjp/modi/rss regime. I know...I work with em.
Exactly true...there is no other leader in the entire history of independent India who is as popular as Modi..because he fights for Hindus.. he is not pseudo secular..he doesn't appease Muslims...he is willing to bomb enemy nations if they harm us..why wouldn't we love him? He will be our PM as long as he is alive...
Ya...I have noticed that...these traitor Muslims always used to support pak..they never had any love for India...now when they perceive that they are going to be aliens in their own country, the realisation of the value of this land dawned on them.

What do you mean by traitor Muslims?

There are traitors irrespective of their religion. Majority of the people who have been caught spying have been in fact Hindus.
What do you mean by traitor Muslims?

There are traitors irrespective of their religion. Majority of the people who have been caught spying have been in fact Hindus.
All the Muslims given a chance want India to be turned into Islamic state...Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not compatible with India.. All those people should be converted back to hinduism
most "learned" hindu indians support bjp/modi/rss regime. I know...I work with em.
True. Very few want India to remain secular these days. Religious belief has become politicized in India. Fear that Hinduism would lose its majority has been exploited by parties in the right. It has reached to a point where all else has become secondary!

One irony though is that all these people who have immigrated to the west would like west to remain secular. But they do not wish the same for the subcontinent :disagree:

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