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Border love row


Nov 5, 2009
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Border love row: Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda says she posted messages of Pak journo Mehr on his Twitter handle

NEW DELHI: Shashi Tharoor, junior minister for HR, found himself at the centre of an unseemly controversy Wednesday evening after intimate messages, supposedly sent to him by a Pakistani woman journalist, were posted on his widely followed, verified Twitter account.

Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar claimed on Twitter that she was posting from her husband's account, intimate private messages sent to him by Lahore-based journalist Mehr Tarar, to show the world "how she is stalking my husband". Pushkar confirmed to ET that she had posted the messages on Tharoor's Twitter account and her Twitter account had not been hacked.

"Our accounts have not been hacked and I have been sending out these tweets. I cannot tolerate this. This is a Pakistani woman who is an ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) agent, and she is stalking my husband. And you know how men are.

I Sent Out These Tweets: Sunanda

"Our accounts have not been hacked and I have been sending out these tweets. I cannot tolerate this. This is a Pakistani woman who is an ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) agent, and she is stalking my husband. And you know how men are. He is flattered by the attention. I took upon myself the crimes of this man during IPL (Indian Premier League). I will not allow this to be done to me. I just can't tolerate this. I have nothing more to say," she said, speaking on the phone.

Tharoor posted on Twitter and told ET on the phone that his account has been hacked. He said he wasn't aware that his wife had tweeted anything. "What you are saying is mystifying to me. Let me get to the bottom of this," he said, and excused himself saying he needed to attend a meeting. He did not respond to a text message asking if he wanted to respond to his wife's subsequent quote to this newspaper.

"Sorry folks, my Twitter account has been hacked and will be temporarily deactivated. Bear with me while we solve this," he posted on Twitter. But his account remained active at the time of writing.

Tharoor, a former United Nations diplomat and the Lok Sabha MP from Thiruvananthapuram, is one of the most followed Indian politicians on Twitter, with more than two million followers.

Tharoor resigned in 2010 as junior minister for external affairs after Indian Premier League's then chairman Lalit Modi alleged that Tharoor's friend Sunanda Pushkar had been gifted sweat equity in a consortium that was bidding to become the Kerala team in the twenty-over Cricket tournament. Tharoor said at the time that his support to the consortium bidding for the Kochi franchise was purely as a mentor and he did not benefit from it financially. Tharoor and Pushkar married subsequently.

Tarar, the Pakistani journalist, distanced herself from the controversy. "Okay. What's going on? Who's tweeting to me? I had an 'affair' with Shashi Tharoor and he's tweeting to me??? How does that work?" she tweeted.

"I know Shashi Tharoor and respect him greatly. Have tweeted/written about it openly. Feel awful about what is being tweeted," she wrote.

Border love row: Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda says she posted messages of Pak journo Mehr on his Twitter handle - The Economic Times

Accusing Tharoor of ‘affair’, Sunanda says will seek ‘divorce’
Union Minister Shashi Tharoor’s wife Sunanda Tharoor Wednesday alleged that her husband was having an “extra-marital affair” with a Pakistan-based journalist and that she would “seek divorce”.

Sunanda Tharoor was speaking to The Indian Express shortly after the minister claimed his Twitter account had been hacked. His claim came after purported controversial tweets were posted from his account and were believed to be addressed to the Pakistan-based journalist.

“Sorry folks, my @Twitter account has been hacked & will be temporarily deactivated. Bear with me while we solve this,” the minister tweeted.

His purported tweets, however, caused his wife to react to them with tweets of her own. In one of them, she said the Pakistani journalist was “stalking” her husband.

“I completely stand by my tweets, I 100 per cent stand by that,” Sunanda Tharoor later told The Indian Express. “That woman pursued and pursued him…men are stupid anyways…for all you know she is a Pakistani agent. Where’s love, where’s loyalty in this world…I am so distraught.”

Sunanda Tharoor said she felt “destroyed as a wife and a woman” over her husband’s “rip-roaring affair” with the Pakistani journalist which she claimed had been going on since April last year.

Sunanda Tharoor also claimed there have been a series of Blackberry Messenger exchanges between her husband and the Pakistani journalist in which, among other things, the possibilities of his divorce with her have also been discussed.

Asked what her next move would be, Sunanda Tharoor said she would seek a divorce from Shashi Tharoor. The Congress minister of state for human resource development and MP from Thiruvananthapuram married the Dubai-based entrepreneur in August 2010.

Shashi Tharoor did not respond to several calls and messages from The Indian Express seeking his comment.

The minister, who has more than 20 lakh followers on Twitter, was in trouble in 2009 after he tweeted that he would travel “cattle class” in solidarity with all our “holy cows” when the Congress was trying to enforce austerity.

Accusing Tharoor of ‘affair’, Sunanda says will seek ‘divorce’ | The Indian Express
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