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Boost military to take on China: Australian adviser

These so-called "incidents" are no excuse for what he said. He's a leader, not a sports commentator.

These things are exactly how misunderstandings and conflicts happen.

Read the fking article. :rolleyes: :hint: it doesn't accuse him of being a commentator.
Read the fking article. :rolleyes: :hint: it doesn't accuse him of being a commentator.

Read my previous post. I never said that the article called him a commentator. It's that he's acting like one in a situation where he shouldn't.

And yes, I did read the article.
what so funny is he will ask the Americans to open some military basses in Australia.

I ask him who will pay for them we all no Americans are pretty much broke unless he will barrow the money from Chinese for Americans bases in Australia:blink::D:oops:.
What's with all these countries putting out articles that makes China an enemy? Then again, these are all countries in the US camp.

Since they are already marking China as an enemy- don't blame her for continuing to build up it's military because now, with all these countries pointing the gun at China there's nothing else it can do but buildup a massive army to deter any such attacks from these provocative nations.

It looks to me that all these western countries want to to gang up on China, again. I would love to see them try something stupid.
China is developing its capabilities whats wrong with Aussies doing the same?

are you that dense? the title of the article should have been a dead giveaway of the underlying theme.

it's not about defense or developing capabilities, it's about labeling China as an enemy. stuff like this is very dangerous. it's basically prepping the people for a future conflict, and China is the bad guy.

in a world where western nations still act as a gang to bully other countries is what makes China determined to become powerful. these people will only understand war and China should be ready to give them just that when they stop talking and start walking.
This might create frictions with NZ which is a strickly nuclear free country. (not even allowing nuclear vessels to dock at her port)

New Zealand is a truly tolerant and globalized society, unfortunately you must share a western coast with Aryan Australia. I went to the New Zealand building at the World Expo. I also skipped the Australian, South Korean, US and Japanese ones. The Maoi dance was very funny.
NZ is very much corruption free, I've been to Australia but didn't interact with the locals in depth. But everyone that's been to both countries seems to prefer NZ.

I wasn't aware that they sent a Haka group to the expo, how many times do they have to dance per day?
just some loony paranoid rightwing nutjob speaking. every country has a few. just ignore them.
I don't see anything wrong with the article. Australia has every right to spend whatsoever amount it thinks is necessary for its defence. Why does Australia thinks China might be a potential enemy? China is resource hungry country with 1.4 Billion people and Australia is a resource rich country with 25 million people. Its as simple as that. Why did Japs attack Australia in World war 2? Surely Australia was never hostile towards Japan yet it got attacked.

And some of you delusional beings here saying Australia will die if China stops buying its raw minerals you could not be any more wrong. Firstly mining is only 5.6% of the Australian GDP. Secondly China buying it from Australia, its not doing us any favors. Its buying from us cause it turns out be cheaper for them and lets face it not many other countries have as much mineral resource as Australia does. If China doesn't want it, Australia has a lot of other customers like Japan, Korea, South American countries and lets not forget India with its 1.3 Billion people, its resource requirements is only going to increase. So Australia is set if China decides to "boycott our minerals", not so sure about China:lol:

And people calling Australia , "aryan Australia","Racist Australian governments" and how New Zealand won't side with Australia and all that blah blah, you guys could not be any further from the reality.

Chinese here on this forum always boast about their weapons and fighter planes and naval fleet, always talk about taking out battle groups, their carrier killing missiles, heck some even talk about nuking countries:woot:. Without realizing the fact the so many people out on the internet read their opinions and get paranoid. These sort of articles are only a build up of that paranoia. I guess what am trying to say is, you can't portray yourself as a military superpower and expect other countries in your region to not get paranoid at the same time.
I guess what am trying to say is, you can't portray yourself as a military superpower and expect other countries in your region to not get paranoid at the same time.

china is not india, china never portrays itself as a super power, in every power ranking done by the government china places it self lower than at least 3-4 countries, it always stresses that it is a developing countries with millions of poor people surrounded by american navy and military bases, the Japanese navy and the russia to the north.
china is not india, china never portrays itself as a super power, in every power ranking done by the government china places it self lower than at least 3-4 countries, it always stresses that it is a developing countries with millions of poor people surrounded by american navy and military bases, the Japanese navy and the russia to the north.

I was not talking about the official Chinese stance, am talking about the Chinese netizens who have no other job but to do war mongering on the internet. Lots of people read such opinions and change their perceptions about China. Which in turn leads to paranoia and thats why we have articles like the one which is the subject of this thread.Chinese themselves are just as much to blame for this anti-China hysteria thats coming out of all sorts of "think-tanks" around the world.
Why aussie scared? Because they are white supremacists and ally of u.s,they can't accept the fact that other country are growing especially China.Wikileaks tell us all.
I was not talking about the official Chinese stance, am talking about the Chinese netizens who have no other job but to do war mongering on the internet. Lots of people read such opinions and change their perceptions about China. Which in turn leads to paranoia and thats why we have articles like the one which is the subject of this thread.Chinese themselves are just as much to blame for this anti-China hysteria thats coming out of all sorts of "think-tanks" around the world.

plenty of war mongers on the internet i agree, but really though its not just china, last i check the indian forums you guys are at least as bad as our warmongers if not worst. but of course china is a bigger threat to the west hence the highlights on china
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