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Book Recommendation: Radar and Laser Cross Section Engineering, Second Edition

If I put myself to it, I would write a better tutorial of fourier and laplace transforms than available in usual textbooks. Students should be able to imagine the concepts in their minds, not just perform operations on paper.

Agreed. All of these are elements of stealth. In terms of achieving these goals, which one do you think is easier to achieve for PAC?
As for now I think active cancellation is the most probable option..something in line with the French SPECTRA or the Russian KHIBINY systems.. plus stealth ram, and I am talking about the JF-17 block 3 here.. after that, much more advanced systems will be implemented in the coming Pakistani national stealth program in line with the Chinese J-31 and J-20 technologies..
Confirmed. Sec 7.2 Target Shaping 7.2.1 Shaping Philosophy

Shaping is considered by many to be the first line of RCS control. It refers to the tilting and contouring of surfaces to direct scattered energy away from high-priority "quiet zones". This leads to the unconventional platform shapes that have become associated with the term stealth. Shaping is a wideband approach to RCS reduction, in that an angle of reflection is independent of frequency, i.e., Snell's law is satisfied at all frequencies. However, in practice it is usually applied to electrically large, flat surfaces for the primary purpose of preventing the specular " flash" from hitting the radar. In this case, it is best to keep large surfaces as flat and smooth as possible so that the specular flash is confined to a very narrow angular region.

@war&peace @The SC @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Khafee @Oscar
More tidbits. Another method of reducing RCS is by using a plasma. The plasma - or ionic material - creates a boundary layer which absorbs incoming EM waves.

It has been reported that plasma techniques have been used in the design of stealthy Russian cruise missiles.

From the internet, it seems like Plasma effects were observed while tracking Sputnik satellite

@Dazzler @The Deterrent could these effects be used to reduce the RCS of our RV? Basically, aim it so it travels mostly in the ionosphere and the naturally generated plasma shields it from detection. Thoughts?

While trying to track Sputnik it was noticed that its electromagnetic scattering properties were different from what was expected for a conductive sphere. This was due to the satellite traveling inside of a plasma shell.While Sputnik was flying at high velocity through the ionosphere it was surrounded by a naturally-occurring plasma shell and because of it there were two separate radar reflections: the first from the surface of the satellite itself and the second from the plasma shell. If one of the reflections is greater the other one will not contribute much to the overall effect. When the two reflections have the same order of magnitude and are out of phase relative to each other cancellation occurs and the RCS becomes null. The aircraft becomes invisible to radar.
This is knowledge which anyone interested in modern fighter jets should have.

The word radar was originally coined from the phrase radio detection and ranging. Since its invention during World War II, radar ha splayed a crucial role in both military an civilian systems. In the civilian sector, radar is used for various aspects of navigation such as terrain avoidance, air traffic control, weather avoidance, and altimeters. In addition to these functions, radars on military platforms, such as planes, ships, satellites, must perform reconnaissance, surveillance, and attack roles. Military missions that encounter an adversary's radar are most effectively performed when detection is avoided. Consequently, the reduction of radar cross section (RCS) has received high priority in the design of all new platforms.

Since the revelation of the stealth technology to the public in the early 1970s, the term stealth has been associated with invisible to radar. In fact, radar is only one of several sensors that is considered in the design of a low-observable (LO) platform. Others include infrared (IR), optical (visible), and acoustic (sound) sensors. It is also important that a low-observable target have low emissions. For example, a stealthy platform may be undetectable to an enemy radar but, if a standard high-power search radar is operating on the platform, the search radar is likely to be detected by the enemy's electronic support measures (ESM).

Stealthy targets are not completely invisible to radar, as is often implied by the popular media. To be undetectable, it is only necessary that a target's RCS be low enough for its echo return to be below the detection threshold of the radar. Radar cross section reduction has evolved as a countermeasure against radars and, conversely, more sensitive radars have evolved to detect lower RCS targets. A point of diminishing return is quickly reached with regard to RCS reduction, however. After the strong scattering sources on a complex target are eliminated, the remaining RCS is due primarily to a large number of small scatterers. Treating these scatterers is much more difficult, and it eventually becomes a question of cost: Is an RCS reduction of a few percent worth an additional $2 million?

The financial aspect of low observability has caused a re-examination of the "stealth philosophy". In the early days of stealth, heavy emphasis was placed on reducing RCS, even if it cam eat the expense of other operational and performance parameters. The modern view of low observability is focused more on achieving an optimum balance between a whole host of performance measures, of which RCS is only one among equals. They include such things as IR and acoustic signatures, cost and maintainability, operational limitations, and the incorporation of electronic warfare (EW) techniques.
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