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Bomb blast outside indian embassy in Kabul

I agree "what was said in private is speculation" however actions speak louder than words. When the terrorists (Khalid sheik Mohamed was just one) were released by the weak assed Indian government, did Pakistan take any action against them? Both you and Afghanistan have paid a heavy price for that decision. As far as the Bamiyan Buddahs, did the GOP ever make a statement that there will be no further relationships between us if you do these things. No.
If the GoP had made a statement to that effect then it would have also had to carry out the threat and cut off the relationship with the Taliban, and there was too much invested in them by that point to give it up over 'statues', and no great alternatives to them either.

The stability of Afghanistan is what the GoP was looking for, and dumping the Taliban would have done the opposite.

This is precisely my point. They had no resources, never completely independent of Pakistan, but showed them to be obstinate. That is just like some Indian saying " the Indian consulates "had no resources, no economy to speak of , however they showed themselves to be obstinate and non-pragmatic when it came to making compromises even when their benefactors asked them to do so. I am not going to buy this hogwash from any Indian, let alone you. The proof is that none of the benefactors publicly and transparently stop their funding. How could they? This was all done underhandedly.
The funds were largely from the Saudis and UAE, not Pakistan. Pakistan primarily provided the military advisers and networks for the Taliban to utilize the funds from the Arab states in combating the Norther Alliance. And while the Taliban did have to depend upon the resources provided by the three states in particular, it is also true that Pakistan was depending upon the Taliban to restore stability to Afghanistan, so there was leverage both ways.

Your comparison to the Embassies is nothing but a canard since the Taliban maintained their independence on various policy issues from Pakistan, and acted contrary to what Pakistan wanted them to do multiple times.

The benefactors did not stop their funding because the alternative was a return to the widespread chaos and civil war that preceded the rise of the Taliban - chaos that resulted in millions of refugees flooding into Pakistan, and Afghanistan serving as a haven for criminals, drugs and weapons impacting Pakistan. The alternative to supporting the Taliban was at the time far worse.

The Afghan Taliban will wither in six months if not for the support of the GOP. So please spare me the BS about the Taliban doing their own thing. If you the GOP wanted the Taliban gone stop providing them a safe haven. We can take care of the rest.
That is not the assessment of McChrystal, so spare me your BS of pinning all the blame for NATO failures in Afghanistan on Pakistan. While he expresses concern over the existence of havens in FATA, he also admits that the Afghan insurgency is largely local, not foreign driven.

Accept your failures and work to fix them instead of shifting blame, as you imply some Pakistanis do below.

This is where there crux of the argument comes down to. There is a saying "little knowledge is dangerous". I have heard enough members of this forum blame others for the problems in Pakistan. I am not going to say the Indian government is blameless, but other than accusations I have not seen proof. The Afghan Taliban want control of Afghanistan again. They cannot do it without the support of the GOP. The GOP wants the Indians out. No matter how much the GOP has whined, no one has given a crap. The only choice left is to..... I can put it in writing, this will not be the last attack on the Indian Embassy or the counselates.
Speculation again, all of it, and yet you cry foul about 'no evidence' when Pakistanis similarly point out motive for the Indians to be supporting terrorism in Pakistan. We want the Indians to minimize their presence, that does not mean we would like to do that in exchange for a return of the Taliban to complete power. Please read the comments of both Musharraf and the DG ISI (in his interview with Ignatius) in which both argue for a continued US presence in Afghanistan to stabilize the country, though they also argue for a different US approach.

You would not have the top Pakistani military leaders dispensing such advice were the goal to have the Taliban return to power.

The attack on the embassies will likely not be the last, just like attacks on NATO troops, or bombings in Pakistani marketplaces (like today) will not be the last.

Please, people have long memories every where. Do not give any superior memory skills to any group in particular. We as americans have even longer memories. Its just that we don't boast we do.
Its not about 'boasting', its about pointing out that the Indians have done and are doing plenty in Afghanistan to ear the Taliban's wrath. You should have focused on refuting my points on why the Taliban would see the Indians with hostility instead of going of on a tangent of 'long memories'.

Can you provide me any concrete evidence that any ones on "India's payroll". If you can do so I will bury the Indians myself. When was the last time in in any of you posts that you tried to restrain any of your countrymen. They have throw accusations for as long as i have read these posts. The only one i can give credit for is "Muse"
Free forum - should I ban every Indian here and 'restrain them' because I disagree with most of the positions they take? And whether I restrain someone or not is irrelevant to the discussion.

If you choose to accuse the Pakistanis of complicity in these bombings without any evidence, then why should the accusations of Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan not be taken seriously, whether there is evidence supporting that position or not?

You cannot have it both ways - say no evidence exists to show Indian complicity in terrorism in Pakistan, yet condemn Pakistan despite a similar lack of evidence.

The Pakistani Taliban (The bad Taliban, lets start start differentiating between the good Taliban, the afghan taliban who made a second attempt on the Indian embassy, and the bad Taliban, as your countrymen do) were perfectly willing to walk into any house in any village they seemingly had control over, take the house over, kill the men rape the women, do whatever it took to control the area. The GOP under Musharaf was so scared they tried to appease them. I had a really bad impression of Zardari from the comments in this forum, however he is the one who has taken the boldest steps so far. Why not attack the WFP? The Pakistani Taliban never gave a crap about its own people, why should it now.
Unlike the Americans, this war is against our own countrymen, and for that reason it is hard for non-Pakistanis to understand why the GoP under Musharraf did not just go in guns blazing and bomb them to smithereens. There was little political support for that option, there was little public support for that option (both in mainstream Pakistan and the Tribal belt), and with the Taliban not yet having gone on the rampage with suicide bombings and what not, there was a very high risk of turning the ideological movement into a Pashtun insurgency.

The threat was underestimated, no doubt about that, but there were strong reasons to try 'dialog and peace deals' at that time, to try and resolve the problem without getting stuck in a full scale military campaign.

What is against "their ideology" to blow up the Indian Embassy. Lets not twist anything to help anyone. It is my understanding that the Afghan Taliban want the occupiers out of their country. I understand, how come they have'nt tried to blow any of their embassies.

Ask them - how is the World Food Program in Pakistan or the shoppers in a marketplace helping 'occupy and defeat' the Taliban? Using your logic the only entity that gains from the last few attacks against non-military and non-government targets in Pakistan is India.

The TTP has not been around since 2001. Sell this bunch of hog wash to someone else. You let the poison into your country, you let it fester, now the gangerene is starting to build up.
The groups comprising the TTP rose to power after 2001, in response to the US invasion and the subsequent radicalization of the tribal belt. Remember that the major Taliban commander that preceded Baitullah Mehsud was Abdullah Mehsud, who was released from Guantanamo.

Spare me, I have to think long and hard to give you a serious reply. I have to figure how to convince the Indians who have spent 1.2 billion dollars of their money to support the terrorist regime who f***ed them. If you have any constructive answers, please help!!!
The Algerians had to eventually make peace with the GIA, the Iraqis had to take the Sunni insurgency and the Shia militias on board - Afghanistan will have to compromise as well, with those who are willing. And if no one is willing, well, then what is happening in Pakistan happens, but you need a viable Afghan state with a strong and functioning military to take the Pakistani approach ...

The end goal is peace and stability in Afghanistan, not whether the Indians like a potential power-sharing agreement that includes the various actors in Afghanistan. Tell the Indians that.
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The Afghan Taliban will wither in six months if not for the support of the GOP. So please spare me the BS about the Taliban doing their own thing. If you the GOP wanted the Taliban gone stop providing them a safe haven. We can take care of the rest.

Ya the Taliban are being supported but not only through Pakistan . Courtesy your Russian Counter Parts and many more.....
Its simple you guys have been lowered up into this Hell which was created Zbigniew Brzezinski during the First Afghan War.
You raised up the pooch for hunting down others and once you achieved your aims , you left it on its own wondering in the midst of EVIL , And Now you claim that its we who are supporting ....I give a DAMN to this BS .

here we go

ISI behind attack on Indian embassy: Afghan envoy to US

WASHINGTON: Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI was behind the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul which killed 17 people and wounded more than
60 others, Afghan envoy to the US has claimed.

"Yes, we do," Afghan Ambassador to the US Said T Jawad told the PBS news channel in an interview when asked if he was pointing the figure at Pakistan for the suicide bombing that took place on Thursday.

"We are pointing the finger at the Pakistan intelligence agency, based on the evidence on the ground and similar attack taking place in Afghanistan," Jawad said.

While the Karzai government was quick to point figure towards foreign players in the attack on the Indian embassy early this week, this is for the first time that a top Afghan official has blamed the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI for the terror strike.

The Afghan government has also blamed the ISI in the July 2008 attack on the Indian Embassy which claimed 60 lives.

The Afghan Ambassador also supported the report of General Stanley McChrystal, Commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, which recommends some 40,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.

This is necessary to secure the country, Jawad said. He said Afghanistan would like to have a clear commitment to success from the Obama administration, which is currently, reassign its strategy for the country.

ISI behind attack on Indian embassy: Afghan envoy to US - India - The Times of India
Afghan message to India: do not be deterred

Siddharth Varadarajan

Kabul, New Delhi to tell U.S. that Pakistan cannot have veto on bilateral ties

New Delhi: Afghanistan has told India at the highest level that the most fitting response to last week’s terrorist attack on its embassy compound in Kabul would be for the Indian government to step up its ongoing efforts to strengthen the development and security capabilities of the Afghan authorities through infrastructure projects, police and human resource training.

The Obama administration told Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last month that it did not see India’s assistance in Afghanistan as a source of “regional tension” — a charge laid recently by the seniormost U.S. military officer there in a confidential report. Nevertheless, Indian and Afghan officials recognise the need for both countries to tell the American side that Pakistan cannot have a veto over the kind of relationship Kabul wishes to build with New Delhi.

U.S. Under Secretary of State William Burns will be in Delhi for routine foreign office consultations on October 16 and India’s views on the matter will be conveyed to him.
ISI hand suspected

Though the Indian side has been careful not to accuse any group or country of being behind Wednesday’s suicide attack, Afghan officials have pointed the finger at Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate. Asked for their view of the Afghan assessment, senior Indian officials told The Hindu that New Delhi was waiting to see what Afghan investigators and the intelligence agencies of other friendly countries were able to turn up. The bomb itself, involving 150 kilos of plastic explosives, was highly sophisticated and more powerful than the device which was used in the July 2008 attack on the embassy.

Closed-circuit television had captured clear images of the Toyota vehicle used by the terrorist.

Although the Taliban officially claimed responsibility for the attack on October 8 by posting a statement in Pashto on its website (shahamat.org), the statement was subsequently deleted from the site.

Why the Taliban or their advisers would have second thoughts about this claim is a question Afghan and Indian investigators are likely to be asking themselves.

Of some concern to Indian and Afghan officials was the ease with which the vehicle was able to enter the high security street, where the Indian chancery is located. Other important offices such as the Afghan Interior Ministry are also located there. Afghan agencies are now likely to examine the possibility of the Taliban or Gulbuddin Hikmatyar’s Hizb-e-Islami infiltrating a section of the Kabul security establishment.

Although India has no intention whatsoever of getting involved in Afghanistan militarily, officials here say India and like-minded countries in the region need to prepare themselves for the day that the U.S. withdraws from the country. In practical terms, this means working to strengthen the capabilities of the Afghan security forces — something U.S. President Barack Obama’s AfPak policy neglects — as well as greater consultation and cooperation with Afghanistan’s neighbours like Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and Russia and China.

The officials said India’s participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting on Afghanistan in March and Dr. Singh’s decision to attend the SCO summit in Yekaterinburg in June had to be seen in this wider context.
As long as India will have 16 General Consular in Afghanistan.
There will be more (Afghan-Indian) join threats, propaganda, attacks to come. As usual blame will go to Pakistan!:hitwall:
As long as India will have 16 General Consular in Afghanistan.
There will be more (Afghan-Indian) join threats, propaganda, attacks to come. As usual blame will go to Pakistan!:hitwall:

Are you kidding me ?? It's a 7 year old thread for fcuks sake !
You are a true idiot is all !
Its very sad to know that how an "Senior Member" get frustrated over my simple comments, and loose your temperament :disagree::disagree::disagree:
How dare you call me idiot? You are an totally bloody bastard poor frustrated guy!
Its very sad to know that how an "Senior Member" get frustrated over my simple comments :disagree::disagree::disagree:
How dare you call me idiot? You bloody bastard poor frustrated guy!
Umm..You're an idiot.

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