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Bomb attack on Kabul restaurant Kills 13: BBC


May 31, 2010
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United Kingdom
Suicide bomb attack on Kabul restaurant 'kills 13'

At least 13 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a restaurant popular with foreigners in the Afghan capital, police say.

Foreigners and Afghan are among the dead caused by the blast outside the Taverna du Liban in Kabul's Wazir Akbar Khan neighbourhood.

The area is home to a number of foreign embassies and organisations.

The attack happened on a Friday evening when the restaurant would have been busy with diners.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility, saying it had been deliberately targeting foreign officials.


Witnesses said a single loud blast was heard followed by about 20 minutes of gunfire.

Security forces were quickly on the scene, and the area was cordoned off.

Deputy Interior Minister Ayoub Salangi earlier said the suicide bomber died in the attack and two other men were shot and killed close to the restaurant.

"There were a number of people wounded, including drivers and people waiting outside and in neighbouring houses," he added.

The last remaining contingent of Nato forces are due to leave Afghanistan by the end of the year, having handed over security to Afghan forces.

Washington is pushing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to sign an agreement that would allow some US troops to stay behind this year's withdrawal.

The Taliban told the BBC's John Simpson earlier this week that it was now back in control of large areas of Afghanistan and would soon return to power.

Our correspondent says it is hard to believe the Taliban could make a comeback as things stand, but their takeover of Kabul in 1996 was unexpected, and they could be strengthened if a weak, corrupt president is elected in April.
Did this actually target foreign officials or not at all? And who's amongst them?
It is actually a developing story as of now.
The attackers are claiming that they were specifically targeting foreigners, but we will get the identities, probably in the next few days. It seems to be one of those bomb and gun attack.
May these pigs burn in hell!

The signature of the attack points to the handy work of the Haqqani network and its rats based in Waziristan.
I ask the Pakistanis that when you shelter these animals who come and murder Afghans in cold blood, how do you expect Afghans to ever forget this, mark my words that those who shelter these animals will pay in blood too!!!!
Sooner or later the same snake will bite you too!
It is actually a developing story as of now.
The attackers are claiming that they were specifically targeting foreigners, but we will get the identities, probably in the next few days. It seems to be one of those bomb and gun attack.

Thanks. Please update us on the details.
May these pigs burn in hell!

The signature of the attack points to the handy work of the Haqqani network and its rats based in Waziristan.
I ask the Pakistanis that when you shelter these animals who come and murder Afghans in cold blood, how do you expect Afghans to ever forget this, mark my words that those who shelter these animals will pay in blood too!!!!
Sooner or later the same snake will bite you too!

Dont talk rubbish the signature of the attack points to the afghan taliban present in Afghanistan taking out foreigners and people the consider their enemy
We hearing that one of the killed is confirmed as British. Their is also reports for Germans being present at the site. Also UN is still looking for four of it's personnel who are still unaccounted for.

May these pigs burn in hell!

The signature of the attack points to the handy work of the Haqqani network and its rats based in Waziristan.
I ask the Pakistanis that when you shelter these animals who come and murder Afghans in cold blood, how do you expect Afghans to ever forget this, mark my words that those who shelter these animals will pay in blood too!!!!
Sooner or later the same snake will bite you too!

Mate, you are genius. We don't have the full picture of how this attack was carried out. But you know who,how and why and are threatening Pakistan already with consequences.
Mate, you are genius. We don't have the full picture of how this attack was carried out. But you know who,how and why and are threatening Pakistan already with consequences.

Even Karzai going bald was probably because of some Pakistani Shampoo he used when he was staying here as our guest ! :o:

And still you insist, rora, that we need to improve our relations with them & that not all of them think like this ! :disagree:
May these pigs burn in hell!

The signature of the attack points to the handy work of the Haqqani network and its rats based in Waziristan.
I ask the Pakistanis that when you shelter these animals who come and murder Afghans in cold blood, how do you expect Afghans to ever forget this, mark my words that those who shelter these animals will pay in blood too!!!!
Sooner or later the same snake will bite you too!

You Afghans come here and talk shit only.

What hasn't Pakistan done for you? Can you be thankful for just once?

The TTP which is creating havoc in Pakistan is trained, housed and funded from Afghanistan. The weapons and explosives they use come from Afghanistan too. The SIMs used to send threats and used in kidnap for ransom also come from Afghanistan as the messages and calls sent from afghan numbers cant be apprehended.

Even in Islamabad which is so far away from Afghanistan, Afghan mobile SIMs and numbers are used to demand extortion money. You guys come and talk here as if Afghanistan is a paradise. It has been hell made hell by your own people, the warlords who are millionaires.
Even Karzai going bald was probably because of some Pakistani Shampoo he used when he was staying here as our guest ! :o:

And still you insist, rora, that we need to improve our relations with them & that not all of them think like this ! :disagree:

It's normally the idiots, who have the loudest mouths.
Keep in mind Afghanistan still has a very low literacy rate and the ones that we get online are normally the ones like this poster.

On a side note. Rora my hair line has started to thin as well, could there really be a shampoo conspiracy. I am worried.
This is a very popular location for NGO workers, this was a carefully planned and targeted attack, not something spontaneous.
It's normally the idiots, who have the loudest mouths.
Keep in mind Afghanistan still has a very low literacy rate and the ones that we get online are normally the ones like this poster.

All the more reason to conclude that they're even more susceptible to the same BS propaganda that every Afghan Leader from Zahir Shah to Daud Khan to Babrak to now Karzai has been spewing; Whenever in doubt - blame Pakistan !

All the more reason still to keep our distance from them; I wonder if we can finance the building & mining of the border between Afghanistan & Pakistan & we spread the costs incurred over a 10-15 year period to be compensated by the, currently non-existent, Transit Tax levied on the Afghans to use our Ports !

So @RescueRanger - Are your Afghan Friends as Anti-Pakistan as most other Afghans ? :unsure:
The death toll is now 14.
Including IMF's head of Afghanistan office. Wabel Abdallah
May these pigs burn in hell!

The signature of the attack points to the handy work of the Haqqani network and its rats based in Waziristan.
I ask the Pakistanis that when you shelter these animals who come and murder Afghans in cold blood, how do you expect Afghans to ever forget this, mark my words that those who shelter these animals will pay in blood too!!!!
Sooner or later the same snake will bite you too!

If past is precedent my dear, you Afghans will probably give them a seat at the power table.

It seems the HIG is poised to make a comeback, the vice-presedential candidate for Abdullah Abdullah is a HIG member. See my post here

I guess your shrieking at Pakistanis indicates a different set of standards must apply to Pakistanis than the ones do to Afghans.

Oh and lest we forget these killers of Afghans are Afghans and not Pakistanis.

Afghans have made their bed, they should lie in it.
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All the more reason to conclude that they're even more susceptible to the same BS propaganda that every Afghan Leader from Zahir Shah to Daud Khan to Babrak to now Karzai has been spewing; Whenever in doubt - blame Pakistan !

All the more reason still to keep our distance from them; I wonder if we can finance the building & mining of the border between Afghanistan & Pakistan & we spread the costs incurred over a 10-15 year period to be compensated by the, currently non-existent, Transit Tax levied on the Afghans to use our Ports !

So @RescueRanger - Are your Afghan Friends as Anti-Pakistan as most other Afghans ? :unsure:

Sir, rotten eggs are everywhere. Not all Afghans are Anti Pakistani, just the ill-informed and ungrateful types.

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