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Bollywood's expanding reach

Bollywood is second rate and will never take off in the western world. People simply cannot understand how people end up in fields singing songs after a massive brawl.

Thats cos u end up seeing films, where all the alien attacks USA and how the US alone saves the world...
I think the bollywood theme u mentioned is better than that...
Last saw Ghost rider 2 and avengers,.... What a fuc*ing waste of money....
Götterdämmerung;2896451 said:
Why shouldn't I be amused. We live in a pluralistic society and we have all kinds of fringe groups. Fact is, none of the Bollywood movies have made into the big screen of Cinemaxx, GErmany's bigest cinema operator. Neither have any of them made into the art house movie scene. Bollywood movies appear either on festivals or in some off off stream movie theaters showing mostly African and Indian movies with a mainly ethnic audience.

Take J-pop as an example, Japanese pop culture has entered into Germany long before any other Asian cultures did and we do have a considerable fan club but they are still far away from being mainstream since no radio station plays J-pop. I remember in the early 1990s there was a hype of Japanese pop music with Pizzicato Five at the forefront and I collected all their CDs and went to all their concerts in my city. But after that hype, J-pop has become a fringe element again until the 2005 when a German boy-group by the name Tokyo Hotel copied the fashion of Japanese cosplay. Their music on the other hand has little to nothing to do with J-pop. All their songs are in German and they still caused some sleepless nights for many teenage girls in Europe.

The BBC article said Cinemaxx in Hanover shows Bollywood flicks. So who is lying? You or the BBC?
People with even an iota of brain will understand the difference b/n fantasy and reality.

Sure but they will also understand the difference between quality cinema and trash.

I don't watch Bollywood but I've read reviews and discussed with people who do. There has been a recent movie called 'Agent Vinod' which has been banned in Pakistan. Clearly a propaganda effort to continue to fool the masses in India. Bollywood reach will be most important in India to continue to brainwash the masses.
Well, I can assure you one thing; Bollywood is slowly losing ground in Pakistan :)

great development, if it is true. Hindi/Indian reigonal cinemas,Indian Channels must be banned from Pakistan and must be enforced. I don't sound offending, but, If Your people watch Our movies and they trying to mimick Our culture, it will create more confused people. So, a thumbs Up if Your claim is true. am not satirical here.
Sure but they will also understand the difference between quality cinema and trash.

I don't watch Bollywood but I've read reviews and discussed with people who do. There has been a recent movie called 'Agent Vinod' which has been banned in Pakistan. Clearly a propaganda effort to continue to fool the masses in India. Bollywood reach will be most important in India to continue to brainwash the masses.

ohh yes, song and dance sequences brainwash people, not government spokesperson who claim of massive victory in war despite signing unilateral surrenders. plz save it, don't lecture us about propaganda. And if you dislike indian movies dont watch it, period!

All the haters here, india is the second largest population and has a large non - resident community in every corner of the world, Even if we have zero non-indian viewers, still our domestic and overseas market is large enough for Bollywood to thrive and prosper. As the article says, " "It's colour, emotions and freedom which draws one to Bollywood.""
The BBC article said Cinemaxx in Hanover shows Bollywood flicks. So who is lying? You or the BBC?

Cinemaxx is the venue of the filmfestival, but Bollywood movies are not shown on their regular programme. I have made a quick search and could only find one result with the search word "Bollywood" Bollywood Filmfest | CinemaxX - Mehr als Kino and it seems that the festival changes the city every year in a (city) Cinemaxx theatre. In 2009 it was in Cinemaxx Stuttgart. You can go and check for yourself!
Sure but they will also understand the difference between quality cinema and trash.

However hard you deny the whole of Pakistan is mad after this 'trash'.

I don't watch Bollywood but I've read reviews and discussed with people who do. There has been a recent movie called 'Agent Vinod' which has been banned in Pakistan. Clearly a propaganda effort to continue to fool the masses in India.

Films were always a part of propoganda. Thats why every country worth its salt has their own film culture. Hollywood is the overbearing big brother, but that didn't stop countries like UK, France, Sweden etc to open up their own film studios. They still make excellent films for their masses. Its not our fault that Pakistan decided to kill off their cinema industry.

Bollywood reach will be most important in India to continue to brainwash the masses.

Sad to say then you have no idea of Indian film industry. Every Indian language has its own film industry and they have their own following. Coming to my state Kerala, we have a thriving film industry that excels in making films in limited budget due to the small population we have. In my personal opinion Bollywood only comes third in Kerala in viewership.
Sure but they will also understand the difference between quality cinema and trash.

I don't watch Bollywood but I've read reviews and discussed with people who do. There has been a recent movie called 'Agent Vinod' which has been banned in Pakistan. Clearly a propaganda effort to continue to fool the masses in India. Bollywood reach will be most important in India to continue to brainwash the masses.

Have you even watched the movie "Agent Vinod" before opening your BS outlet...... It shows how the War industry uses Front like Terrorist organisation to create tension between nations like India and Pakistan ..... it doesn't gives clean chit to ISI and Terror outfit...it just try to show what could be the other side of the coin ......

Now next time before you comment on anything make sure u know abt it.....otherwise your just an another ignorant mullah who goes on preaching without knowing and understanding....:hitwall:
However hard you deny the whole of Pakistan is mad after this 'trash'.

Pakistan is made after Bollywood? Now here's a novel thought. :))

Films were always a part of propoganda. Thats why every country worth its salt has their own film culture. Hollywood is the overbearing big brother, but that didn't stop countries like UK, France, Sweden etc to open up their own film studios. They still make excellent films for their masses. Its not our fault that Pakistan decided to kill off their cinema industry.

We live in an age of mass media where the internet plays a far bigger role than cinema when it comes to information. Pakistan doesn't need cinema which is actually a waste of time and waste of money.

Sad to say then you have no idea of Indian film industry. Every Indian language has its own film industry and they have their own following. Coming to my state Kerala, we have a thriving film industry that excels in making films in limited budget due to the small population we have. In my personal opinion Bollywood only comes third in Kerala in viewership.

Nothing sad about wasting 3 hours watching poor quality cinema.

Have you even watched the movie "Agent Vinod" before opening your BS outlet...... It shows how the War industry uses Front like Terrorist organisation to create tension between nations like India and Pakistan ..... it doesn't gives clean chit to ISI and Terror outfit...it just try to show what could be the other side of the coin ......

Now next time before you comment on anything make sure u know abt it.....otherwise your just an another ignorant mullah who goes on preaching without knowing and understanding....:hitwall:

I know people who have watched it. It was rightly banned in Pakistan because the main plot revolved around demonising Pakistan and the ISI. Pretty pathetic really. We both know RAW agents have been known to be incompetent. Vinod is just a dream right?
Pakistan is made after Bollywood? Now here's a novel thought. :))

Pakistanis are crazy for Bollywood.Accept it.

We live in an age of mass media where the internet plays a far bigger role than cinema when it comes to information. Pakistan doesn't need cinema which is actually a waste of time and waste of money.

Then why don't we shut down all newspapers, TVs, magazines etc along with cinemas as according to you everyone will get their info through internet. All I have to say is..Come down to the real world.

Nothing sad about wasting 3 hours watching poor quality cinema.

You are an exception, not a rule. Most of the people in the world enjoys watching films.
They sometimes play Bollywood movies on local TV Channels here in Hong Kong (with subtitles, not dubbing).
They sometimes play Bollywood movies on local TV Channels here in Hong Kong (with subtitles, not dubbing).

Subtitle rocks. I hate seeing Chinese films dubbed in English or other Indian languages.I feel that the originality is lost when dubbed.
Pakistanis are crazy for Bollywood.Accept it.

Some are, others are not. It's the same for Indians who love Pakistani music.

Then why don't we shut down all newspapers, TVs, magazines etc along with cinemas as according to you everyone will get their info through internet. All I have to say is..Come down to the real world.

The print media is dying. These other forms exist but the internet has become a game changer. It's very difficult for governments to control or propagate their versions now. This is the real world.

You are an exception, not a rule. Most of the people in the world enjoys watching films.

I love watching films from Hollywood, Korean, Japanese, Spanish etc but not Bollywood. In fact I purposely boycott Indian films and goods in protest of the occupation of Kashmir just as I boycott Israel goods.
Subtitle rocks. I hate seeing Chinese films dubbed in English or other Indian languages.I feel that the originality is lost when dubbed.

That is true. When you see a foreign film, you want to hear their language, not crappy language dubbing.

However, dubbed films are great if you trying to learn another language.

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