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Bollywood film L.A.C. - Behind the scenes

So let's get this straight here. The biggest military superpower ever to have existed got booted out of Afghanistan and complains how they are not capable of taking on the Chinese military yet two random indians can subdue and defeat a Chinese battalion?........... :disagree:...........who needs superpowers and global hyper powers when 2 random indians can do a better job. Perhaps the americans should hire them too......:disagree:
If you think the Bollywood version is unprofessional, wait till you see the Telugu version:
@4.20 the pajeet pulled an indian flag out of his a** and planted it his fellow pajeet:omghaha::rofl:
For average Indian IQ ,bollywood is reality,that's the most their mind can comprehend.
well fortunately for us the average iq indians make up almost 95% of the population:yahoo:
do you have the "0n screen" cinema release?
These aren't mainstream movies and wont have a cinema release. Most of these actors are soap opera / TV Drama actors and aren't big draws for the cinema.
These aren't mainstream movies and wont have a cinema release. Most of these actors are soap opera / TV Drama actors and aren't big draws for the cinema.

They will have a HUGE following in india as it shows the reality of india defeating a superpower and bringing it to it's knees.
They will have a HUGE following in india as it shows the reality of india defeating a superpower and bringing it to it's knees.

If I wasn't on PDF, I wouldn't even have known of its existence. I haven't received any kind of recommendation on YouTube. You can try typing "LAC" on YouTube and see there are no results related to this movie which gives you a general idea of the interest shown by the people.
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