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Boeing F-15E Radar Modernization Program to Enter Production


Apr 24, 2011
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Boeing has announced that the U.S. Air Force has granted the F-15E Radar Modernization Program (RMP) approval to begin low-rate initial production (LRIP) of the APG-82(V)1 radar system.

Boeing and radar supplier Raytheon also performed extensive flight tests to validate the design and development of the system. The RMP leverages prior radar development programs on F-15C and F/A-18E/F aircraft to significantly reduce cost and integration risk for this new radar.

"This is a great day for the F-15E and for the U.S. Air Force," said Maj. Brian Hartt, U.S. Air Force RMP program manager. "The F-15E RMP couples new technology with improved system reliability to position the F-15E for many more years of service to the warfighter."

The RMP development effort is undergoing an aggressive 14-month, 110-sortie flight test program at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., and Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. Boeing and Raytheon will perform data reduction analysis throughout the test phase to verify that the system performance meets the rigorous specifications that make the APG-82(V)1 radar state-of-the-art.

"The RMP is the latest modification under way for the F-15E fleet that the Air Force has identified in its Modernization Sustainment Plan," said Karen Butler, RMP program manager for Boeing.

"It will ensure the F-15E has the capability and performance the U.S. Air Force requires to achieve total air-to-air and air-to-ground dominance in the future. Achieving LRIP on schedule and on cost is a major milestone for the program and puts us a step closer to putting the system into the hands of the warfighter."

Production of the first LRIP lot of six units is scheduled to begin in October, followed by production of 10 units in LRIP 2 and 17 units in LRIP 3.

The RMP APG-82(V)1 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar will replace the F-15E strike fighter's current APG-70 Mechanically Scanned Array radar. The AESA provides improved radar reliability, maintainability and performance, as well as reduced support costs. When integrated into the F-15E weapons system, the AESA radar will significantly improve detection and tracking of enemy targets.

Other RMP elements include a wideband radome, modified environment control system, and modified radio frequency tunable filters, which allow the radar and electronic warfare system to operate simultaneously.

Source: Boeing F-15E Radar Modernization Program to Enter Production
Man, what a fine piece of machine with much technology development behind it.


The Eagle is magnificent. For some reason, it rarely makes these popular "Top Ten" lists, and I'm not sure why. With an upgraded AESA radar and the AIM-120, it will be the equal or superior to anything out there short of a new 5th gen bird. And right now, the only 5th gen fighter that is operational is the F-22.

No F-15 has ever lost an air to air fight. The current record stands at something like 100-0. Good to see these jets being upgraded.
The Eagle is magnificent. For some reason, it rarely makes these popular "Top Ten" lists, and I'm not sure why. With an upgraded AESA radar and the AIM-120, it will be the equal or superior to anything out there short of a new 5th gen bird. And right now, the only 5th gen fighter that is operational is the F-22.

No F-15 has ever lost an air to air fight. The current record stands at something like 100-0. Good to see these jets being upgraded.

You flew a Eagle as well eh?
F-15's remind me of this :cheesy:

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The Eagle is magnificent. For some reason, it rarely makes these popular "Top Ten" lists, and I'm not sure why. With an upgraded AESA radar and the AIM-120, it will be the equal or superior to anything out there short of a new 5th gen bird. And right now, the only 5th gen fighter that is operational is the F-22.

No F-15 has ever lost an air to air fight. The current record stands at something like 100-0. Good to see these jets being upgraded.

wasn't it shot down in the Jugoslav war and recently in Libya?
wasn't it shot down in the Jugoslav war and recently in Libya?
No. Two F-15E were shot down in first Gulf War 1991 though. He talked about air to air combats.
for an USAF Eagle what are the chances of jamming an aim 120 with HOJ lets say incoming from F-35?
for an USAF Eagle what are the chances of jamming an aim 120 with HOJ lets say incoming from F-35?

Depends. Classic noise jamming would obviously be ineffective. Range and velocity gate pulloff may or may not be effective (I'd expect that the Aim-120 is smart enough to not be fooled by it). A towed jammer decoy would certainly work against HOJ. Terrain bounce would work too if the F-15 was close enough to the ground. I don't think the F-15 jammer pods have wingtip antennas, so they probably aren't capable of crosseye angle deception jamming.

Of course, this is all based on publicly available research, as the actual details of the jammer modes aren't available. There could be something totally new that we don't know of.
For a while, the Eagle was the fastest climbing manned vehicle ever made. It could beat even a rocket like the Saturn V up to a certain altitude, like 10,000 feet. The Streak Eagle set all sorts of time-to-climb records before they were beaten by a Su-27, if I'm not mistaken.

If the F-22 was stripped & equipped for a record attempt, the thrust to weight would be close to 2:1. But the USAF and Lockheed aren't interested in doing this.
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