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Boeing CH-47 reportedly wins the heavy lift helicopter tender over Mi 26T

Don't think we are buying it...or are we?

US has made it clear that there will be no ToT...now MoD and IA have to decide
what...its an excellent missile. the no. of missiles to be bought will be reduced,
or the contract will go to Israeli Spike ATGM if otherwise, which is just as capable
as FGM-148 and comes with 100% ToT, but IA/MoD hasn't decided anything as
The MI 26 is too expensive and too limited in its use due to its design flaws and lack of spares. The Chinook, when inducted in significant numbers will cut reaction times on the LAC (that's where they are headed no doubt).

The Russians have the majority of contracts, but due to the follwing they are slowly being edged out of certain areas:

Lack of spares (Migs, Mi 26, etc.)
Massive price gouging (Ammo, Gorshkov)
Massive delays (Gorshkov)
Not honouring contracts (T 90 TOT denial even after payment)

The Russians can do whatever they want, they always have, and that's why India is moving away from them.
gargoyles...hows that?

i was thinking something like Silent poison .. :cheesy:

The MI 26 is too expensive and too limited in its use due to its design flaws and lack of spares. The Chinook, when inducted in significant numbers will cut reaction times on the LAC (that's where they are headed no doubt).

The Russians have the majority of contracts, but due to the follwing they are slowly being edged out of certain areas:

Lack of spares (Migs, Mi 26, etc.)
Massive price gouging (Ammo, Gorshkov)
Massive delays (Gorshkov)
Not honouring contracts (T 90 TOT denial even after payment)

The Russians can do whatever they want, they always have, and that's why India is moving away from them.

Lack of Spares that i guess the main reason for India to go for CH-47F Chinook ... India is not gonna face that problem till 2030 at least ....
Why are so many saying Russians are goin to get annoyed and or or look elsewhere for customers? The Indian defence spending is large enough for multiple players to easily coexist. Ongoin def fe deals with Russia already amount to in excess of $50 BN in the next 8 years- this is FAR more than thaey will get from ANYONE else for sure. The Russians have no right to be angry at India hey should be angry at themselves as all these deals are open tenders and are conducted on a technical and life cycle basis. Hence it is only because the Russians can't deliver comparably capable machines at affordable prices that they keep losing out. They surely can not begrudge a customer looking for the best they can get? Yes Russia no longer has a monopoly on the Indian defence market but this should be a catalyst for them to produce better products not sell any old cr@p. if the oppose competition that is 100% on them- no fault can be laid at India's door as all it is doing is asking for the best.
IMO,we should maintain an operational squadron of minimum 6 Mi 26s.
The MI 26 is too expensive and too limited in its use due to its design flaws and lack of spares. The Chinook, when inducted in significant numbers will cut reaction times on the LAC (that's where they are headed no doubt).

The Russians have the majority of contracts, but due to the follwing they are slowly being edged out of certain areas:

Lack of spares (Migs, Mi 26, etc.)
Massive price gouging (Ammo, Gorshkov)
Massive delays (Gorshkov)
Not honouring contracts (T 90 TOT denial even after payment)

The Russians can do whatever they want, they always have, and that's why India is moving away from them.

Ansoluty they have only themselves to blame. They've screwed India over one too many times.
As long as we can ensure that parts are available and there's no threat of a sanction in the future, it is good.

Though I wanted the Mi-26T to win, if Chinook can assure supply to troops in eastern battle frontier then it is a welcome.
Ansoluty they have only themselves to blame. They've screwed India over one too many times.

:what: Ehm, who put sanctions on us that caused several aircrafts couldn't be operated during war times, that caused delays in defence developments, supplied us with faulty LGB kits and denied the right parts when we needed them the most?

So much for who screwed us the most, guys a bit more realism please and less blinding ourselfs!
The fact is, Russia is and will remain the supplier of the most capable defence systems in the highest numbers (MKI, FGFA, MTA, Brahmos, Nerpa SSN, Mi 17, T90, 10000 ATGMs), the US don't even come close to this only because we buy some of their goodies in special roles as an addition to increase our capabilities. We are just using the advantages of the present to get a more balanced mix, which remains mainly Russian / European.
Does anyone know what variant of the Chinooks that India is gonna get? There are multiple variants so am not sure what India is going for.

BTW the Mi 26 is actually much bigger and much more powerful than the Chinook. The Mi 26 has been used to rescue stranded Chinooks in Afghanistan.

1.This news is as expected, I've written that any number of times on this forum on different threads.
2.The Chinook is by far the most appropriate choice for the task at hand and will be the better performer esp in the North East.
3.While the Mi-26 is bigger (too big for some areas of ops), the Chinook is a much better optimised design for the tasks envisaged. Just as the features of the C-130J were fully apparent after their acquisition, in case of the Chinooks that will be graphically demonstrated pretty soon enough. Then the IAF and IA will jointly pitch for another tranche of aquisition.
4.Operational ability (In Air Availability) and Airlift Capability will go up exponentially. Heretofore the IAF was just trying to "make do" with their current fleet of Mi-26. Most importantly the Chinooks have much better "last-mile deliverability" than the Mi-26, not to mention superior survivability.
5.This decision does not impact the Russians too much. Firstly they knew it was coming, secondly they will still have their hands full (and their reputations on the line) trying to maintain the remaining Mi-26 machines with the IAF. At best, the IAF may consider some upgrade/life extension for them based on future experience. In any case the Russians have many ongoing projects with/and for the Indian.
6.Now we have to just await the LUH choice; i.e. the Fennec to make the cut. Just St.Anthony has to heed the collective prayers if the Indian Armed Forces.
Don't think we are buying it...or are we?

I dont think so. I am confused too. I found this

Rafael in $1b Indian anti-tank missile deal - Globes

"Defense News" reports that the Indian Army is about to order thousands of Spike anti-tank missiles and peripheral equipoment from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. in a $1 billion deal. Indian Ministry of Defence officials told the magazine that the order is for 321 launchers, 8,356 missiles, and 15 training simulators, and peripheral equipment.
I dont think so. I am confused too. I found this

Rafael in $1b Indian anti-tank missile deal - Globes

AFAIK, the Javelin is not yet a done deal. The cost issue is not absent totally, while the IA is enamored with the Javelins MoD is also reluctant to reach deep into its pockets to comply. In any case, that was being considered as a "niche" acquisition for the Strike Corps only. TOT and Local Manufacture was only being speculated about.

Apropos the Spike, it is still in serious contention; and with a local manufactue angle too. IMO, that decision is still on hold, till the possibility of the Nag man-portable version is confirmed. Anothe possibility is tha Rafael may be taken on board to refine that version of the Nag. The picture is not clear yet.
Ansoluty they have only themselves to blame. They've screwed India over one too many times.

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