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Body Language !

In'namal Aamaal bin Niyaat'

Is he worshiping her instead of Allah or just showing love towards their leader?

Either ways if he was a "Muslim" he should have been hanged in public for doing that act only if the government officials knew that they are representing "Islamic" Republic of Pakistan.

In Pakistan you see a lot of things which are considered shirk but these things are practiced openly. Where are the so called "maulvees" from this picture and all the other shirk acts done in Pakistan openly? The rascal "maulvees" are busy looting and hijacking the religion and using it as they like.

And if someone tries to talk about these shirks in the society or debate with those rascal "malvees" he will be called .......
Either ways if he was a "Muslim" he should have been hanged in public for doing that act only if the government officials knew that they are representing "Islamic" Republic of Pakistan.

In Pakistan you see a lot of things which are considered shirk but these things are practiced openly. Where are the so called "maulvees" from this picture and all the other shirk acts done in Pakistan openly? The rascal "maulvees" are busy looting and hijacking the religion and using it as they like.

And if someone tries to talk about these shirks in the society or debate with those rascal "malvees" he will be called .......

how exactly is he doing shirk? how do you know that he is not doing a Tazeemi sajda? and where does it say that he should be hanged if someone is doing what you think is shirk?

All I know is that he is not doing a right thing, a bidet,
Either ways if he was a "Muslim" he should have been hanged in public for doing that act only if the government officials knew that they are representing "Islamic" Republic of Pakistan.

In Pakistan you see a lot of things which are considered shirk but these things are practiced openly. Where are the so called "maulvees" from this picture and all the other shirk acts done in Pakistan openly? The rascal "maulvees" are busy looting and hijacking the religion and using it as they like.

And if someone tries to talk about these shirks in the society or debate with those rascal "malvees" he will be called .......

even if he is doing shirk who are you or anybody to hang him in Public? By going with your logic, every statue worshiper should be hanged in public? The matter is between him and Allah. Leave him, if he is doing wrong, then he will get for that on the day of judgement (if you believe in that).
No sajda is allowed to other than Allah.

There is a hadith I do not remember the exact wordings of it but it means that had it been ordered to prostate to some one it would have been the wife prostrating to the husband.
No sajda is allowed to other than Allah.

There is a hadith I do not remember the exact wordings of it but it meant that had it been ordered to prostate to some one it would have been the wife prostrating to the husband.

Then what? read my post again brother, even if he is doing what is not allowed, should he be hanged? Like alcohol is also not allowed, but still people take that, do we need to hang everyone who is doing what is not allowed?

Sorry to say, but this is the mentality that everyone calls ourselves 'barbaric'.
Then what? read my post again brother, even if he is doing what is not allowed, should he be hanged? Like alcohol is also not allowed, but still people take that, do we need to hang everyone who is doing what is not allowed?

Sorry to say, but this is the mentality that everyone calls ourselves 'barbaric'.

I mentioned the word "Muslim" between inverted commas thinking that the one making the prostration is a Muslim of name at least. If a non Muslim does it, it is a different thing as they are following their own religion and/or traditions and they can do what ever they want to do as per their religion.

So you think he being a Muslim should not be given any punishment for doing a shirk. In this case aren't we allowing to spread the shirk more. What should be done with him then? Give him lessons in religion? Who will give them correct meaning of shirk and the correct version of Islam, the commercial "maulvees" in Pakistan?

If we just leave it, today we are seeing one case tomorrow we will see 10 and later 100s of such cases.

check the photoshop kamal: Ganja and the other dude on the right side ! :lol:
I mentioned the word "Muslim" between inverted commas thinking that the one making the prostration is a Muslim of name at least. If a non Muslim does it, it is a different thing as they are following their own religion and/or traditions and they can do what ever they want to do as per their religion.

So you think he being a Muslim should not be given any punishment for doing a shirk. In this case aren't we allowing to spread the shirk more. What should be done with him then? Give him lessons in religion? Who will give them correct meaning of shirk and the correct version of Islam, the commercial "maulvees" in Pakistan?

If we just leave it, today we are seeing one case tomorrow we will see 10 and later 100s of such cases.

Aray Bhatti Sb. Why do we always so eager for punishment for everything? The religion is a link between Allah and a Person. There are two things, one is Huqook ulaah and 2nd Huqooq alebad.

For Huqook ullah, only Allah has the right to give punishment. NO ONE Else has that right. When will we leave the ideology of killing everyone who does something which is not acceptable?

Life for a Life, but forgiving is better. Our mullah has preached us 'Life for a Life' only.
my young cousin (14 years) said to me yesturday about Army is "ye dar gaye hain haina .. ye darpook hain fauji dartay hain america say" i was like bacha bacha have same statement about Army and Govt.... its seriously ......


You are right---they found the footprints of the dragon in their backyard---they did not know when it came and left---that put the fear of god in their hearts souls----for the first time in their lives they felt vulnerable----now they are even afraid of their shadow.
They do not have brains in the first place for making right decision let alone acting courageously.

From the 170,000,000+ Pakistanis we do not have enough university graduates or higher degree holders or intellectual thinkers who can sit in the parliament or be elected as leaders of Pakistan?

Why don't you make all politicians to have a graduate degree to stand for election?

Look at Karzai, must be thinking, it is because of both of you, that I am president of a country.
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