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BNP-Jamaat backed candidates win majority in upazila polls

I am really glad they have taken part. This is excellent for overall stability. It is good for BD that power is being devolved and shared a bit.

You are a funny fellow. You think this will stabilize the country and BNP-Jamat will allow Bharti slave Hasina free ride to complete the tenure. You must be out of your mind.

BNP basically waiting international community to force Bharti Bhandi Hasina to conduct a free and fair election under CTG within this year. If Bhandi Hasnia doesn't comply then she will get what she deserved.

If JI and BNP entered the elections in a civilised way they might have got some seats in parliament too.

Why should they take chance of getting some seats when fact is they would get most seat if election take place under neutral CTG.
And even more funny thing is Ershad Jatiya party which india and Awami league paid and bought got ONLY 1 seat. I would not be surprised if indians looking for money back.
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