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BMC: Kirpi MRAPs to be Delivered to Turkish Armed Forces until April 2013


Jan 10, 2012
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BMC: Kirpi MRAPs to be Delivered to Turkish Armed Forces until April 2013

Head of BMC Defence Industry Department Mr. Nadi Postoğlu briefed to Defence Turkey Magazine on BMC’s military products and their capabilities as well as the latest developments regarding the delivery of Kirpi MRAPs to TAF, the production of which is slowed down, and evaluated on BMC’s logistic network structuring and export activities.

Defence Turkey: First of all I would like to thank you for your time. Could you please inform us briefly on the studies being conducted within the BMC Defence Industry Department as well as your capabilities?

Our main projects as the Defence Industry Department are the Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicles, Tactical Wheeled Vehicles, Logistics Support Vehicles, Special Purpose Vehicles, Engines and Spare Parts. In order to elaborate, within the scope of Tactical Wheeled Vehicles we could mention the4x4, 6x6 and 8x8 vehicles with 2,5 Tons, 5 Tons, 10 Tons and 25 Tons ofnet carrying capacities. All these vehicles were produced and entered into the inventories of the Turkish Armed Forces and various armed forces of the world. Kirpi, which is the most reliable wheeled armoured vehicle of the Turkish Armed Forces and the modernization BTR 60 Armoured Vehicle which was performed in 1994 are our products under the scope of Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicles. Mainly the Aircraft Refuelersand ammunition carriers, water tankers, mobile repair vehicles and shelter vehicles are among our logistics support vehicles. In addition to these, Kirpi’s configured especially for the General Directorate of Security and the Riot Control Vehicles configured both for domestic and international markets could be mentioned in general.

The mass production of Tactical Vehicles was initiated after a long and intense development process comprising design, prototype production, qualification, reliability as well as maintainability tests corresponding to 400.000 km. In addition to these, Kirpi’s were subjected to mine, handmade explosive and ballistic tests. More than satisfactory results were achieved as a result of these tests and the vehicles are beyond the expectations of users.

As of today, nearly 3000 tactical vehicles and 5000 logistics vehicles are taking part in the inventory of TAF.

Defence Turkey: "Kirpi" 4x4 MRAPs that were procured for covering the demands of the Land Forces Command for the rapid and secure carrying and deployment of arms, equipment and personnel are successfully operating in the regions subject to terrorist activities. The delivery of these vehicles is still continuing. How many vehicles out of a total of 468 were delivered until now and when shall the deliveries planned to be concluded? Could you evaluate the process for us? Moreover, could we reach to a judgement that the MRAPs provided the full level of protection in the terrorist attacks in the operational region?

273 of the Kirpi’s have been delivered to date and the remaining 195 shall be accomplished until April 2013. We are informed that none of the personnel inside the Kirpi’s have been injured during the attacks in the operational regions and Kirpi’s protection capability and its reliability regarding safetyis of certain. The Army conducts all its deployment with the Kirpi’s and these vehicles provided a level of reliability far beyond the expectations.

Defence Turkey: In Eurosatory 2012 which is considered as one of the greatest land systems fair of the world, you unveiled the new version of Kirpi MRAP 6X6 for the first time along with Kirpi MRAP 4X4. What are the features of this new model distinctive from the 4x4 version? Could you explain the new distinctive featuresand capabilities together with the product development procedure? And also regarding this last question, which demands of the Land Forces Command would be covered with this recent model?

The latest 6x6 version of Kirpi with an increased carrying capacity shall provide a capability of exploration and disposal of the mines and also load carriage and if desired transportation of more soldiers.

This vehicle shall be able to meet the needs of applications requiring both higher level of reliability and carrying capacity. This project was realized in order to satisfy the requirements arisen in several projects.

Defence Turkey: Mr Postoğlu, besides the MRAP project, one of the projects as BMC you considermost significant is Multi-PurposeArmoured Vehicle BMC-Vuran, you unveiled this vehicle first at the IDEF 11 fair. Could you mention the advantages, innovations and capabilities of BMC-Vuran? In which international markets do you think this vehicle will be effective?

Vuran, provides the same level of protection with Kirpi, yet since it bears a better mobility capacity since it is smaller. Various weapon stations could be mounted on this vehicle and as one could understand from its name (Vuran means Shooter in Turkish) it shall be used for offensive purposes. At the same time as it is relatively small, it is advantageous for in-city usage. We have received significant demands from international markets.

They shall be produced suitable for the integration of several anti-tank systems and grenade throwing weapon systems.The significance of such vehicles has particularly increased in recent years especially at asymmetrical war environments. In addition to these, Vuran shall also meet the armoured vehicle requirements of police and gendarmerie.

They are designed with 245 HP engine and full automatic transmission with 6 forward gears and 1 reverse gear. The vehicle has the ability to drive in 4x4 or 4x2 according to the road conditions. It has a run-flat system which enables reliable moving away in case of blowout and a central tire inflation system (CTIS) in standard that allows cross country mobility. The axles are equipped with differential lock system and its steering system has integral power steering gear. The vehicle has helical springs and telescopic absorbed independent suspension.

Defence Turkey: According to the Strategic Plan of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries for 2012-2016, we observe that certain importance is attached on the Life Cycle Management and Performance Based Logistics topics. Does BMC have a road map on these issues? Could we get your comments related to these issues?

BMC provides important levels of cost advantages to Turkish Armed Forces considering in both purchasing and operation processes. We have been preferred with these advantages as BMC from the very first day we entered into the defence industry. We provide at least 30 years of life cycle warranty for our vehicles and within this period Turkish Armed Forces shall benefit from the after-sales support services provided by means of a widespread domestic service network. Our goal is to conduct the maintenance and repair activities even after the end of the warranty period and we shall sign a maintenance agreement with the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries on this issue.

Due to the variable personnel appointment in TAF and as a result of lack of retaining the experienced personnel at the same place and/or appointment, the required expertise cannot be achieved. Therefore this leads to recurring training investments. Special expertise is persistently needed since all vehicles today are equipped with advanced technology compared in the past.

With its After-Sales Services organization, BMC is able to respond promptly to the vehicles where they locate on provincial and even district basis through authorized service centres. Spare parts can promptly be delivered through its logistics system. BMC has the capability to give after-sales support services to its wide range of products over 300.000 and nearly 700 types of platforms within the country. TAF also derives benefit from these opportunities. Thus, TAF does not necessarily make investments on heavy maintenance and is able to make investment saving accordingly. The major approach in the world today is to outsource the repair-maintenance activities of armies to private sector. BMC is always ready to assume such undertaking.

Defence Turkey: BMC produces Tactical Wheeled Vehicles, Armoured Vehicles, Logistics Support and Special Vehicles and exports them to 72 countries. Besides, your products are manufactured in other countries with production licenses. How do you evaluate the current status of BMC in 2012 at the international markets? What are the exports figures and the cooperation you established in 2012?

We delivered Aircraft Bowser to Pakistani Air Forces in 2012 and they are deeply satisfied with our vehicles, we believe we could increase our export activities.

Defence Turkey: Mr. Nadi Postoğlu lastly would you like to extend a remark to Defence Turkey readers?

As a national and independent company we are ready to cover all the demands of the Turkish Armed Forces regarding the wheeled land vehicles.

Kirpi-Mrap Woodland camo.





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