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Blinken: China's early 'failure' on Covid cooperation helped speed pandemic


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Blinken: China's early 'failure' on Covid cooperation helped speed pandemic
"One result," the secretary of state told "Meet the Press," is that the virus "got out of hand faster and with, I think, much more egregious results than it might otherwise."


April 11, 2021, 1:53 PM BST / Updated April 11, 2021, 3:30 PM BST
By Ben Kamisar
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Antony Blinken criticized China's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in an interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," arguing that its "failure" to cooperate in the early stages of the virus led to the situation's getting "out of hand."
"I think China knows that in the early stages of Covid, it didn't do what it needed to do, which was to, in real time, give access to international experts, in real time to share information, in real time to provide real transparency," he said.

"One result of that failure," he said, is that the coronavirus "got out of hand faster and with, I think, much more egregious results than it might otherwise."
Blinken said the pandemic has underscored the need for a global approach, with a "stronger global health security system" to prevent future pandemics or mitigate them.
"That means making a real commitment to transparency — to information-sharing, to access for experts. It means strengthening the World Health Organization and reforming it so it can do that. And China has to play a part in that," he said.
The initial Covid-19 cases have been linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, China, but scientists still don't fully understand the origins of the virus. The World Health Organization said in a report last month that the virus probably started in bats and that it is "extremely unlikely" that the virus came from a laboratory leak.
The Trump administration harshly criticized China's response to the pandemic, and Blinken's argument for a global effort contrasts with the previous administration's approach. Often calling the virus the "China virus," former President Donald Trump moved to withdraw from the World Health Organization in the middle of last year, arguing that it was too "China-centric." The Biden administration reversed the move before it could take effect.
Blinken said that as the U.S. and other developed countries ramp up their Covid-19 vaccinations, the U.S. has a "significant responsibility" and will be a "world leader on helping make sure that the entire world gets vaccinated."
"Unless and until the vast majority of people in the world are vaccinated, it's still going to be a problem for us. Because as long as the virus is replicating somewhere, it could be mutating, and then it could be coming back to hit us," he said.

Full Blinken interview: 'We stand resolutely against' genocide in China
APRIL 11, 202114:55

Blinken's comments about China didn't end at the virus. He also warned it in regard to Taiwan, which has long been pressured by its Chinese neighbor. Asked about the U.S. posture on tensions there, Blinken said it would "be a serious mistake for anyone to try to change the existing status quo by force" and added that "we have a serious commitment to Taiwan being able to defend itself."

"This is a year or so before the Olympics. We're not focused on a boycott," he said. "What we are focused on is talking, consulting closely with our allies and partners, listening to them, listening to concerns."
Blinken reiterated his belief that China's treatment of its Uyghur minority amounts to attempted genocide, even as he acknowledged that there needs to be a careful balance.
"We need to be able to bring the world together in speaking with one voice in condemning what has taken place and what continues to take place. We need to take actually concrete actions to make sure, for example, that none of our companies are providing China with things that they can use to repress populations, including the Uyghur population," he said.
"But we also have to make sure that we are dealing with all of our interests. And what is the best way to effectively advance our interests and our values? And when it comes to China, we have to be able to deal with China on areas where those interests are implicated and require working with China, even as we stand resolutely against egregious violations of human rights or, in this case, acts of

Blame the Chinese
Blame Republic
Blame The White Supremacists
Blame the Red Necks
Blame Russians
Blame Muslim
Blame Arabs
Blame The Rest of World

Only our Democrats were right, and will be always right.

Our Democrats extremists are as innocent as babies.
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Blame the Chinese
Blame Republic
Blame The White Supremacists
Blame the Red Necks
Blame Russians
Blame Muslim
Blame Arabs
Blame The Rest of World

Only our Democrats were right, and will be always rights.

Our Democrats extremists are as innocent as babies.

China is responsible for COVID
ONLY China is responsible for COVID
No Country other than China is responsible for COVID
Blinken: China's early 'failure' on Covid cooperation helped speed pandemic
"One result," the secretary of state told "Meet the Press," is that the virus "got out of hand faster and with, I think, much more egregious results than it might otherwise."


April 11, 2021, 1:53 PM BST / Updated April 11, 2021, 3:30 PM BST
By Ben Kamisar
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Antony Blinken criticized China's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in an interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," arguing that its "failure" to cooperate in the early stages of the virus led to the situation's getting "out of hand."
"I think China knows that in the early stages of Covid, it didn't do what it needed to do, which was to, in real time, give access to international experts, in real time to share information, in real time to provide real transparency," he said.

"One result of that failure," he said, is that the coronavirus "got out of hand faster and with, I think, much more egregious results than it might otherwise."
Blinken said the pandemic has underscored the need for a global approach, with a "stronger global health security system" to prevent future pandemics or mitigate them.
"That means making a real commitment to transparency — to information-sharing, to access for experts. It means strengthening the World Health Organization and reforming it so it can do that. And China has to play a part in that," he said.
The initial Covid-19 cases have been linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, China, but scientists still don't fully understand the origins of the virus. The World Health Organization said in a report last month that the virus probably started in bats and that it is "extremely unlikely" that the virus came from a laboratory leak.
The Trump administration harshly criticized China's response to the pandemic, and Blinken's argument for a global effort contrasts with the previous administration's approach. Often calling the virus the "China virus," former President Donald Trump moved to withdraw from the World Health Organization in the middle of last year, arguing that it was too "China-centric." The Biden administration reversed the move before it could take effect.
Blinken said that as the U.S. and other developed countries ramp up their Covid-19 vaccinations, the U.S. has a "significant responsibility" and will be a "world leader on helping make sure that the entire world gets vaccinated."
"Unless and until the vast majority of people in the world are vaccinated, it's still going to be a problem for us. Because as long as the virus is replicating somewhere, it could be mutating, and then it could be coming back to hit us," he said.

Full Blinken interview: 'We stand resolutely against' genocide in China
APRIL 11, 202114:55

Blinken's comments about China didn't end at the virus. He also warned it in regard to Taiwan, which has long been pressured by its Chinese neighbor. Asked about the U.S. posture on tensions there, Blinken said it would "be a serious mistake for anyone to try to change the existing status quo by force" and added that "we have a serious commitment to Taiwan being able to defend itself."

"This is a year or so before the Olympics. We're not focused on a boycott," he said. "What we are focused on is talking, consulting closely with our allies and partners, listening to them, listening to concerns."
Blinken reiterated his belief that China's treatment of its Uyghur minority amounts to attempted genocide, even as he acknowledged that there needs to be a careful balance.
"We need to be able to bring the world together in speaking with one voice in condemning what has taken place and what continues to take place. We need to take actually concrete actions to make sure, for example, that none of our companies are providing China with things that they can use to repress populations, including the Uyghur population," he said.
"But we also have to make sure that we are dealing with all of our interests. And what is the best way to effectively advance our interests and our values? And when it comes to China, we have to be able to deal with China on areas where those interests are implicated and require working with China, even as we stand resolutely against egregious violations of human rights or, in this case, acts of

Typical, predictably worthless argument coming from America, that is dying from Cancer as a result of it's never ending Wars, it's Wall Street Parasites, it's Military Industrial Complex and of course not to forget, it's Cancerous Zionist Masters who rule America with impunity.

Blaming China for Covid is typical act of a dying Empire, built on the Blood & Bones of Native Americans and Africans, and thrived on the traitorous loyalty of Najdi-Dogs who lick the boots of Zionist Masters, depraved and spineless.

Anyone who has the capacity to use his/her brain, would have studied the American political strategy from the 1850s to 1990s. And in doing so would tell everyone that this is the typical hashed and rehashed garbage strategy of America decade after decade. It doesn't matter whether it was the Soviet Union, North Korea or Nazi Germany back then, or whether it is the new powers now. America's ultimate goal is to subjugate the rest of the planet, under it's rule. Whether it be through Economic Sanctions, Illegal-Brutal Wars, Regime Changes, or Bought-Off Regimes. The objective has always remained, total U.S Dominance over the world.

Of course, the intelligent ones know why that is, Zionist hegemonic plan for the Greater Israel objective.

Live in the state of ignorance, those who choose to follow the Triangle of Dajjal, Ya'juj and Ma'juj!!!
Yeah if China had only heeded "Taiwans warnings" asking questions never addressed to China but the WHO about Chinese media reports of the new practically immediately published virus findings in a population hub, weeks after its already been spread all over America as we know now, parts of Europe and places with many American tourists and if China had only used Twitter for their official publication instead of Chinese government sites and the official WHO channel, then Americas president would have definitely cancelled his dozen election campaign mass events, cancelled that whole disgusting spring breake mass clubbing culture and not denied the existence and severity of the virus for the next several months causing a massive failure of America to contain the spread of the pandemic for an entire year including sending thousands of infected Americans carrying the virus all over the world causing most of the infectisns in mutliple countries or something like that. 🙄

The sad thig is that there are millions of brainwashed Americans who actually end up believing this because they are just that ignorant and that much kept in the shadows about the plain truth and facts in their American disinformation bubble, not just because they would rather lie to themself than acknowledge their entire worldview and blnd faith of the system and country that just betrayed them is is crumbling before their eyes.
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i mean people should atleast put in some real effort before failing and blaming others
I mean the US has just "one case" in the late Jan, but million in a month..Them with the so called most prepared pandemic ranking can't detected shit with full knowledge/test kits of the virus, but expecting China to erased the virus under the dark?
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