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Blind Faith - documentary on blasphemy in Pakistan

^^^ I dont know what that has to do with debate never the less. I write few lines which should not be considered commentary or anytthing.

It contains different meaning when refered to Allah, different when reffered to malaika and different when reffered towards common Believers.

For Allah it means sending Mercy, For Malaika making Dua for the prophet and For Muslims Both Dua and Praise of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Hmm, to glorify/praise the Prophet.

The very common phrase (Al-salat ala al-nabi and al-tasleem) derives from the verse you mentioned, 33:56:

"God and His angels ‘Yussalloon ala al Nabi’, O you believers you shall ‘Sallu alayhi’ and ‘Sallemu tasliema’."

Muhammad is described in this verse as "nabi" (prophet). The words yusallon or salloo or yusallee or salat are all derived from the root word wasala, the noun being wasl, or making contact. The word salloo, therefore, means to keep in contact with the Prophet, to join him, to be with him, and to support him with all our strength. Of course, this could be done only when he was alive. Hence the use of the word nabi.

Because the believers observe the salat prayers five times daily, they are in contact with their Creator, and their Creator is in contact with them. This is why we see that God and His angels do the same thing for the believers and not just to the prophet, in Verse 33:43, which clearly states that God and His angels support (Yussallee) all the righteous believers:

[33:43]"He is the one who 'Yussallee alaikom' (for the believers) and His angels, to deliver you out of darkness into the light"

and further:

[2:157]"These (the believers) have deserved ‘Sallawat’ from their Lord and mercy, they are the guided ones."

The matter does not end there, in Surah 9 we find God commanding the prophet to do the same for the believers :

[9:103]"Take from their money a charity to purify them and sanctify them, and ‘Salli alaihom’ for your ‘Sallawat’ reassures them. God is Hearer, Omniscient."

Now if this verb ‘Yussalli’ is done by Allah to the believers, also by the prophet to the believers, how can one say that it is an exclusive honor bestowed by God on the prophet?

To verify that look at the use of the word ‘Sallat’ in the Quran. We find that the word ‘Sallat’ has been mentioned in the Quran in two different contexts :

a- The ‘Sallat’ for Allah, which is an act of worship, as used in the following verse :

"I am God; there is no other God beside Me, Thus you shall worship me and observe the ‘Salat’ to commemorate Me." 20:14

b- The ‘Sallat’ of the prophet on the believers or of the believers on the prophet as mentioned in previous verses(9:103 & 2:157).

The difference between the two uses of the same word all depends on the letter or the word that comes immediately after the word ‘Salat’.

The word ‘Salat’ is either followed by the Arabic letter ‘L’ which means (to, for) as in:

"……..observe the ‘Salat’ to commemorate Me." (Sura 20, verse 14)

This first use, means the act of prayer, which is done exclusively for God.

The word ‘Salat’ can also be followed by the Arabic word ‘Ala’ which means (on) as in all the previous verses.

Now, if ‘Salat for’ means the act of worship of God, what is the meaning of the word ‘Salat on’ as the one done for the prophet or the believers?

Going back to (Sura 33, verse 56), and since the two verbs (Yussalloon and Salloo) are used in the same verse, without any insinuation of a change in meaning, then by logic they must have the same meaning.

Consequently, when God informs us that He and the angels (Yussalloon ala al Nabi), then in the same sentence commands us to do the same, we must understand that it is of the same meaning.

What is the meaning of (Sallat ala al Nabi) that can be done by God and by the believers equally? The same thing that is done by God must be done by the believers obviously, as per the previous example.

The only meaning for the words ‘Sallat ala al Nabi’ that is found in the Quran and that can apply to God, His angels and to the believers alike, is to ‘support the prophet’. God and His angels indeed support the prophet and by the same token God commands the believers to support His prophet:

1- God supports His prophet :

[48:1] We have bestowed upon you (O Messenger) a great victory.

[48:2] Whereby GOD forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path.

[48:3] Additionally, GOD will support you with an unwavering support.

2- The angels commanded by God to support the prophet :

[3:124] You told the believers, "Is it not enough that your Lord supports you with three thousand angels, sent down?"

3- Believers commanded to support the prophet of God :

[59:8] (You shall give) to the needy who immigrated. They were evicted from their homes and deprived of their properties, because they sought GOD's grace and pleasure, and because they supported GOD and His messenger. They are the truthful.

It is clear from these verses that God commands believers to do three things regarding His prophet :

1- To believe in him.

2- To support him.

3- To obey and follow his message (the Quran).

Thus the correct meaning of the words ‘Sallat ala al Nabi’ is to support the prophet. Since the prophet is now dead and no longer with us then it is not possible to support him personally. The support now is directed to his message which is the Quran.

Now, what is the meaning of the word ‘Taslleem’ as in ‘Wa sallemoo tasliema’ (in verse 33:56)?

The word ‘Taslleem’ is found in only three verses in the Quran, and in all three verses it means to recognize and endorse:

[4:65] Never indeed, by your Lord; they are not believers unless they come to you to judge in their disputes, then find no hesitation in their hearts whatsoever in accepting your judgment. They must submit a total submission.
‘Yessallemoo Taslleema’

[33:22] When the true believers saw the parties (ready to attack), they said, "This is what GOD and His messenger have promised us, and GOD and His messenger are truthful." This (dangerous situation) only strengthened their faith and augmented their submission. (Tasleem)

[33:56] "God and His angels ‘Yessalloo ala al Nabi’ (support him). O you who believe you shall ‘Salloo alayhee’ (support him) and Sallemoo Taslleema , ( fully recognize him and accept him as the messenger of God)."

The correct meaning of verse 56 of Sura 33 is thus:

[33:56] GOD and His angels help and support the prophet. O you who believe, you shall help and support him, and regard him as he should be regarded.

This accurate and precise meaning is asserted and authenticated in 7:157

[7:157] "...... Those who believe in him (prophet) , respect him, support him, and follow the light that came with him are the successful ones."

This verse includes all that God commanded us to do for the prophet:

1- To believe in him, which corresponds to (Sallemoo Tasleema) in 33:56

2- To support him which correspond to (Salloo Alayhee) in the same verse.

3- To obey him (to follow the message that was revealed to him, which is the Quran).

This is what God commands any people to do for their prophet, whether they are the people of Moses, Jesus or Muhammad.
The Pakistanis I have met in USA and Europe have been either completely irreligious or have been quite religious. Heck, even within a family.But they have all been tolerant irrespective of how religious they were. That is what surprises me - the average Pakistani seems tolerant so why not oppose a law which goes against his or her nature? It is a paradox.
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Again not a single hadith is mentioned in your whole article why are you so alergic of ahadith. The meaning of the verse will be what prophet taught sahaba or what sahaba understood from the Prophet (s.a.w) not what a person claims after 14 centuries of Prophet's passing and rejects the whole ummah.

For Every one reading this should be a clear testimony these guys they are not even willing to Praise Prophet Muhammad.
I am just amazed no wonder you have so much problems with this law.

We say salat on prophet as Allah ordered and as Prophet himself Taught and as the Ummah is doing since the time of Prophet himself.

Wal-hamdulillah ala zalik.
I cant bring something from quran which is not there. Khalid Zaheer is a well known Hadees rejecter so I dont care what a so called scholar says about a subject which is unanimous among the ummah from 1400 years and now all of a sudden this guy got the "real" meaning of Quran.

Khalid Zaheer denies he is a Hadees rejecter, that is why you need to read his view instead of shooting in the dark.
Again not a single hadith is mentioned in your whole article why are you so alergic of ahadith. The meaning of the verse will be what prophet taught sahaba or what sahaba understood from the Prophet (s.a.w) not what a person claims after 14 centuries of Prophet's passing and rejects the whole ummah.

For Every one reading this should be a clear testimony these guys they are not even willing to Praise Prophet Muhammad.
I am just amazed no wonder you have so much problems with this law.

We say salat on prophet as Allah ordered and as Prophet himself Taught and as the Ummah is doing since the time of Prophet himself.

Wal-hamdulillah ala zalik.

Verse 33:56 has been perfectly explained using the Quran alone, yet you choose not to heed it.
Hadith is not the word of God, it is pure conjecture.
Any reader of Hadith books will find in them so many contradictions to make the above conclusion easily.

You are accepting hadith as a religious source, which is the real blasphemy.

God says that Quran is COMPLETE, PERFECT, & FULLY DETAILED, and that you shall not seek any other source:

"We did not leave anything out of this book, then all will be gathered before their Lord (for judgment). Those who do not believe our verses are deaf and dumb; in total darkness. God sends astray whomever He wills, and directs whomever He wills in the right path." (6:38-39)

"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? (6:114)

"The word of your Lord is COMPLETE in truth & justice." (6:115)

"Shall I seek OTHER THAN GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is the hearer, the omniscient. Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will take you away from the path of God. That is because they follow CONJECTURE, and they fail to think." (6:114-116)

Muhammad was forbidden from uttering any religious instructions other than the quran:

"This (Quran) is the utterance of an honorable messenger. It is not the utterance of a poet; rarely do you believe. Nor is it the utterance of a soothsayer; rarely do you take heed. A revelation from the Lord of the universe. HAD HE EVER UTTERED ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS UTTERANCES (attributed to us), we would have punished him severely, then we would have stopped the revelation to him (fired him). None of you could have protected him against us." (69:4047)

These very clear verses teach us that Muhammad was forbidden from uttering any religious teachings beside Quran.
Muhammad was ordered to deliver QURAN ALONE, without the least alteration, and never to "fabricate" anything else:

"When our verses are recited for them, those who do not expect to meet us would say, 'Bring a Quran other than this, or change it.' Say (O Muhammad), 'I cannot change it on my own initiative. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of a terrible day.' ...Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God, or rejects His revelations? The guilty never succeed. Yet, they idolize beside God those who possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and say, 'These are our intercessors with God.' ...such is idolworship." (10:15-18)

Furthermore, we are told that the acceptance of any other source for religious guidance equals the setting up of OTHER GODS BESIDE GOD:

"Say (O Muhammad), 'Whose testimony is greater?' Say, 'God is the witness between me and you that THIS QURAN was given to me to preach it to you, and to whomever it reaches.' However, you certainly bear witness that you set up other gods beside God (by upholding other sources beside Quran). Say, 'I will never do what you are doing; I disown your idolworship.'" (6:19)

It's obvious you haven't read the sahih hadith books yourself and hence constantly refer to it to prove your point and to 'interpret' the Quran, rather than focusing on the Quran itself to understand the Quran, which is what you should be doing.

Read the WORD of GOD first before blindly following what your parents have dished out to you.:disagree:
Verse 33:56 has been perfectly explained using the Quran alone, yet you choose not to heed it.
I just wanted the readers to know that those who normally say that the blasphemy laws are not islamic have to resort to reject hadith and your post confirms my point.
Hadith is not the word of God, it is pure conjecture.
Any reader of Hadith books will find in them so many contradictions to make the above conclusion easily.

Only those who have no idea about the science of hadith will say this. Hadith is not just books but a complete subject and the so called contradictions are worked out by scholars.
You are accepting hadith as a religious source, which is the real blasphemy.

All those who take the line out side the common understanding of the ummah have to call the complete ummah starting from the sahaba and umahat ul momeenen and ahl-e-bait blasphemer. That is what you have actually said because the whole ummah has always considered hadith as a source of the Islam.

O you that have eemaan, obey Allah and obey the Rasul and those given the authority to command from among you.)” (Holy Qur’an 4:59)

Muhammad was forbidden from uttering any religious instructions other than the quran:

"This (Quran) is the utterance of an honorable messenger. It is not the utterance of a poet; rarely do you believe. Nor is it the utterance of a soothsayer; rarely do you take heed. A revelation from the Lord of the universe. HAD HE EVER UTTERED ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS UTTERANCES (attributed to us), we would have punished him severely, then we would have stopped the revelation to him (fired him). None of you could have protected him against us." (69:4047)

These very clear verses teach us that Muhammad was forbidden from uttering any religious teachings beside Quran.
Muhammad was ordered to deliver QURAN ALONE, without the least alteration, and never to "fabricate" anything else:

"When our verses are recited for them, those who do not expect to meet us would say, 'Bring a Quran other than this, or change it.' Say (O Muhammad), 'I cannot change it on my own initiative. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of a terrible day.' ...Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God, or rejects His revelations? The guilty never succeed. Yet, they idolize beside God those who possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and say, 'These are our intercessors with God.' ...such is idolworship." (10:15-18)

These versed just say that Prophet (s.a.w) is not inventing Quran but it is from Allah. Not what you are claiming.

These very clear verses teach us that Muhammad was forbidden from uttering any religious teachings beside Quran.
Muhammad was ordered to deliver QURAN ALONE, without the least alteration, and never to "fabricate" anything else:

"When our verses are recited for them, those who do not expect to meet us would say, 'Bring a Quran other than this, or change it.' Say (O Muhammad), 'I cannot change it on my own initiative. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of a terrible day.' ...Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God, or rejects His revelations? The guilty never succeed. Yet, they idolize beside God those who possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and say, 'These are our intercessors with God.' ...such is idolworship." (10:15-18)

There is no such thing in the Ayat which you are claiming.

Say (O Muhammad), 'Whose testimony is greater?' Say, 'God is the witness between me and you that THIS QURAN was given to me to preach it to you, and to whomever it reaches.' However, you certainly bear witness that you set up other gods beside God (by upholding other sources beside Quran). Say, 'I will never do what you are doing; I disown your idolworship.'" (6:19)

Please dont put your own brackets in the text of Quran. Ayat have no such thing which you are claiming.

It's obvious you haven't read the sahih hadith books yourself and hence constantly refer to it to prove your point and to 'interpret' the Quran, rather than focusing on the Quran itself to understand the Quran, which is what you should be doing.

I am no scholar or expert but I have read Quran and hadith.
The only purpose of sending prophet with the book is so that he can teach the book properly to his followers and that is exactly why hadith and sunnah of the prophet is the source of Islam.

The meaning of Quran will be what prophet told and what sahaba understood who had Arabic as their mother tongue not a person who after 1400 years comes up with assumptions contradicting every one who was before him and that also on the very basic tenets of Islam.

what your parents have dished out to you

calm down
@ greatsequence

Brother leave this guy alone not even worth replying too.those who dnt wana believe will never believe no matter what one says and will always come out with arguements for the sake of arguements.Faith is always blind hence its called faith.Its not a science that needs to be proven.We are happy with our faith.
I just wanted the readers to know that those who normally say that the blasphemy laws are not islamic have to resort to reject hadith and your post confirms my point.

Just to get your views on hadith, how serious do you take the following hadith which is both in Muslim and Bukhari?

Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine)."

(Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234)

Should we now start drinking camel urine as per hadith?
I just wanted the readers to know that those who normally say that the blasphemy laws are not islamic have to resort to reject hadith and your post confirms my

I have a feeling the last one here may become relevant soonish..

Just to get your views on hadith, how serious do you take the following hadith which is both in Muslim and Bukhari?

Should we now start drinking camel urine as per hadith?

Man you need to get some knowledge about Islam. Urine is unanimously "najis" among the ummah and it is forbidden to utilize it. If a person like me who has very little knowledge knows about it then the scholars must know better.

Some people were sick and it is possible that this was the only known cure at the time and prophet suggested them to do the above. In desperate times even pig and alcohal is allowed we all know that. There was no point pasting that hadees here.
I have a feeling the last one here may become relevant soonish..


This refers to those so called "scholars" who give justifications for the blasphemers and reject the whole of ummah starting from the time of sahaba.

Anyway I am happy that atleast these ahadith have restored your imaan on hadith.
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