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Bleak future: Pakistan placed in same league as Mali, Niger

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Bleak future: Pakistan placed in same league as Mali, Niger
By Our Correspondent
Published: January 30, 2014

With a staggering 5.4 million children out-of-school, Pakistan is likely to miss the Education For All (EFA) target that was set to be achieved by 2015, according to EFA Global Monitoring Report released on Wednesday.

Projecting a grim future, the report states that if the country moved at current pace the adult literacy rate (15 and above) by the year 2015 will be 60 per cent of which female at 47 per cent and male 72 per cent. Besides, the adult illiteracy rate by 2015 also seems to be estimated at an appalling 51 million of which 65% will be females.

The report reveals that if Pakistan were to halve the inequality in access to education to the level of Vietnam, it would increase its economic growth by 1.7 percentage points.

Alarmingly, Pakistan is ‘very far’ from meeting the 2015 deadline and ranks among nations like Mali, Niger and Lesotho in the countries list away from achieving the education goal, the report further states.

Highlighting the dismal progress in education sector, the report states that around 59 per cent of women would remain disproportionately affected by illiteracy by 2015.

According to the report, in total, 37 countries are losing at least half the amount spent on primary education because children are not learning. By contrast, the report shows that ensuring equal, quality education for all can generate huge economic rewards, increasing a country’s gross domestic product per capita by 23 per cent over 40 years.

Commenting on the issue State Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education Balighur Rehman said that Pakistan would be unable to achieve the EFA goals within the deadline. However, the government was taking measures like National Plan of Action to include all the out-of-school children with special focus on girls of rural areas.

Spending on education

The report suggested that if the government increased its tax revenue to 14 per cent of GDP by 2015 and allocated one-fifth of this to education it could raise sufficient funds to get all of Pakistan’s children and adolescents into school.

Disparity among provinces

In Balochistan, only 45 per cent of children could solve a two-digit subtraction, compared with 73 per cent in wealthier Punjab. Only around one-quarter of girls from poor households in the impoverished province achieved basic numeracy skills, while boys from rich households in the province fared much better, approaching the average in Punjab.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 30th, 2014.
5.4 million is not too much in a population of 300 million.is it?
5.4 million is not too much in a population of 300 million.is it?

5.4 million just for children below 15 years of age but the most baffling factor I found here is the whooping 25% difference between adult male and female literacy rate with males accounting for 72% while female just 47%.
Lets keep fighting other people's wars and it should stay the same!

In fact Pakistan's "own war" is harming it much more and for a much longer duration than the "other people's wars", at least other people's wars are also bringing huge amount of monetary aid and equipment.

And not to forget that Pakistan was always in the "other people's wars", previously strategically on that side, and now reluctantly on this side for last one decade.

The present condition is a result of many wrong strategic decisions taken in last 50 years or so.
okay and America imprisons 3 million Americans a year and spends as much on that as they couldve on educating some of those people and putting them through college

whats your point

and yes - we are in dire need of education reforms and its unfortunate we've been forced to steal out of social programs and other programs (not to mention floods which did number on our funding priorities) to fight a war that will hopefully end sooner than later

illiteracy is a problem in the entire region not just Pakistan; but of course they want to focus just on Pakistan to promote the negative perception around the globe....
Just today in the news here, they showed about Pakistan's "ghost schools".

Foreign countries give a lot of aid to Pakistan for education, but the money gets eaten up by corrupt officials along the way and the "schools" are barely built. Only three walls, not even a fourth. No furniture, no teachers, no students, nothing.

They interviewed some Sindh government idiot who expressed "concern" about the corruption...

Pakistan ranked 2nd with largest number of children out of school - thenews.com.pk
what the **** is this shit man, saddens the heart to see my country in this state, saddens me more to see Indians and other nationals making fun of my country, fucking depressing.......:hitwall:
Worst part is, someone who can only write his name is also considered literate -I saw a Pakistani show on it....so the actual "literacy" rate is lower.
Take ppl's initiative. Take on every local corrupt officials. Start from bottom if you can't take on big sharks.
It's our responsibility If our kids are not going to school because somebody ate money intended for school. Stood up and F**** those B*******. Enough of blaming politicians and system. Before 1947 we stood up and took what ever was ours.. pPeople are doing same right now from Syria to Egypt. We south Asians are worst of human breeds.
Ghost schools are there from last 10-20 years. Every knows it .. how many filed legal complains about it or even tried.
Sick it.. don't complain here go and stand in front of education minister .. rock his world unless he make sure every kids goes to school.
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