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Jan 21, 2013
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December 23, 2013 | Sara Carter

Pakistan’s most dangerous terrorist organization, the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP), has promised it will attack New York and Washington, D.C., in an act of revenge with suicide fighters, according to a newly released video obtained by TheBlaze.

The group also claims responsibility for the most deadly attack in CIA history and the failed bombing of New York’s Times Square.

The video pays tributes to slain commander Qari Hussain Ahmed, also known as Qari Hussain Mehsud — known for his suicide squads. He was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2010.

It also has a map of the United States with animated bombs dropping and exploding and warns that fighters who have already been trained have infiltrated NATO countries to continue TTP’s global jihad mission.

“Very soon, our jihad…is reaching New York and Washington; our fidayees will very soon enter NATO countries,” it quotes Hussain Ahmed as saying.


A screen shot from the video showing bombs exploding on the United States. While the explosions are not in the areas of D.C. and New York, the video does specifically threaten those areas. (Source: video screen shot)

Throughout the video, hooded fighters are shown training in isolated mountains and villages carrying automatic weapons and pistols while also conducting physical combat training. A voice in the background promises revenge for the martyrs.

According to a translation sanctioned by TheBlaze, the terrorist group urges Muslims everywhere to join jihad.

“[W]hatever skills you have, whether you be a Muslim living in a NATO country, or Muslims living in Iraq, New York, or Washington, we invite them to study Islam, recite the Koran, look at its orders, then come to the mujahideen and we will train you, stand in our ranks,” it says.

“After taking training from us, reach every corner of the world, open a front in your region, rise up, the ranks are there, leaders are there; and under the leadership of our Emir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid the mujahideen or the entire world are agreed and united, you too rise up for the establishment of caliphate.”

“I urge you to think – begin jihad against NATO countries, Americans and their allies in their own cities, in their own regions,” it adds. “Whatever skills you may have, whether he be an engineer, into electronics, chemical expert, or of intellectual and logical skills, we invite them to think….”

The video goes beyond just recruiting and promising attacks. The TTP also claim they successfully planned the attacks on a CIA base inside Camp Chapman in Khost, eastern Afghanistan that left seven CIA officers dead in 2009. It also admits to ordering the failed attack in Times Square, New York, and shows Faisal Shahzad, the convicted bomber, saying goodbye to Qari Hussain Ahmed after hugging him.


Former TTP Leader Qari Hussain Ahmed sitting (right) is accompanied by Mufti Abuzar in this photo obtained as a screen shot from the newly released terrorist video obtained by TheBlaze.

According to the FBI Shahzad trained in bomb making in Pakistan and this video is direct evidence of his close ties with the TTP, a U.S. Intelligence official told TheBlaze.

This is the first major video released from the TTP since Mehsud’s death in November.

TheBlaze obtained the one-hour-and-five-minute video on Friday from a Pakistani citizen living in Peshawar, who has asked to remain anonymous for fear of his life. It was also obtained by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Saturday, said executive director of MEMRI Steve Stalinsky. Stalinsky sent the translation to TheBlaze.

Jihadi websites began posting the video late Sunday night. TheBlaze waited to publish the story until a complete translation could be provided.


A military unit trained by Qari Hussain Ahmed in Pakistan’s lawless borderlands.

The video was produced by the Umar Media, which is the media company of the TTP.

The video opens with a verse from the Koran which says,”among the faithful are many who have made true of their promise made to Allah; so many of them fulfilled their promise (got martyred) and there are many who are waiting [to do so]; and they haven’t change their promise (Chapter Al-Ahzab, Verse 23),” according to the MEMRI translation.

Hussain Ahmed is described with such titles as the teacher of Islam’s martyrdom seekers, great commander, epoch-making personality, mountain of steadfastness, and one of the founding leaders of the TTP, the translation states. They also refer to Yasin Baba, Hussain Ahmed’s father, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in South Waziristan.

TheBlaze has learned the FBI is aware of the video. We reached out to the agency and are awaiting a response.

But a U.S. official contacted by TheBlaze downplayed the group’s ability to carry out the plot.

“TTP aspires to conduct attacks against the West, but the group is much more capable of striking local targets in Pakistan, where TTP is principally focused,” the official said. “However, if a Western passport holder — someone like Times Square bomber Faisal Shazhad – were to approach the group and offer his services, the TTP probably wouldn’t turn him away.”

That official also said the group is fracturing.

“TTP is increasingly factionalized, and the appointment of Mullah Fazlullah – the first non-Mehsud clan leader to command the group – may accelerate this trend,” the official said.

You can view the video below that has now been posted on YouTube:

Blaze Exclusive: Pakistani Terror Group Threatens Deadly Attacks on New York, Washington, D.C. | Video | TheBlaze.com
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Sick mofos, I hope there's not one more international incident because of these goat herders and goat f***ers and Pakistan faces an Afghanistan or Iraq like war situation.
If these rats successfully do something like this then next afghanistan is pakistan
Will they go there to carry out the attacks wearing the dresses shown in photos?
As NATO leaves, US will try to press Pakistan to move away from China.

But Pak Army is no rag tag army. Its time PA just kill TTP once in for all.
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As NATO leaves, US will try to press Pakistan to move away from China.

As NATO draws down

US is working with Pakistan to increase Pakistani role in the region.

strengthening Pakistani role means more stability in afghanistan.

If these rats successfully do something like this then next afghanistan is pakistan
Please STOP dreaming in broad daylight ... Pakistan is Neither Afg nor Pak Army is Taliban( Who with their Rag tag weapons have managed to defeat almost the whole world ) . So as much as you would like this to Happen .. US on he other hand is not that Stupid.

I usually don waste my time with eh likes of you .. but this time i had to make an exception.


As NATO draws down

US is working with Pakistan to increase Pakistani role in the region.

strengthening Pakistani role means more stability in afghanistan.


I honestly dont know whether to Laugh or feel sad , about this comment of yours .
Do you think Pakistan should help them?

Let me explain my stance on this using a simple example.

-- one should not start a fire in his neighbor's house.
-- One should actively work to extinguish the fire burning his neighbor's house.


The answer has nothing to do with fancy shmancy moral and strategic arguments (it can if you want to try).

It is a matter of self preservation.

Kind of much more primitive motivation.

Hope this explains.


Faujhistorian said:
As NATO draws down

US is working with Pakistan to increase Pakistani role in the region.

strengthening Pakistani role means more stability in afghanistan.


I honestly dont know whether to Laugh or feel sad , about this comment of yours .

Please let us know.

What I say has already been expressed many times by @CENTCOM

There is no doubt (based on closely observed analysis of condition on the ground) that USA is more than willing to and indeed working with Pakistani army.

You may not accept this reality because of the leftist Islamsit media propaganda.

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Let me explain my stance on this using a simple example.

-- one should not start a fire in his neighbor's house.
-- One should actively work to extinguish the fire burning his neighbor's house.


The answer has nothing to do with fancy shmancy moral and strategic arguments (it can if you want to try).

It is a matter of self preservation.

Kind of much more primitive motivation.

Hope this explains.

Got it but ,a question remains.
If your neighbor(or some members of the house) tries to burn down your house at evry little given chance,why would/should you help him?
TTP is tryinh to puch above its weight...... USA will screw TTP Up an down if it do any mistake on USA soil ....
Blaze is a very shady website which is usually based around being Israeli apologists.

This typical scare tactic has been seen before many times and Blaze wishes people fall prey to them so they could continue to isolate American Muslims and keep them in a state of fear from one another.

Also this group is very shadowy as well and mysteriously play into interests of the war machine. This isn't anything genuine.
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