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Blasts hit Chinese government buildings-a major escalation of asia conflict

pakistani muslims are hleping there chinise muslims nothing else

just wait very soon chinise intelgence agency will get that info

the same probelm which usa uk faced wiht pakistan now china will face
Bombings leave 2 dead, 6 injured in Fuzhou, China


Damaged vehicles at a blast site near the Linchuan district government building in Fuzhou, China. (Xinhua, Reuters / May 26, 2011)
By Barbara Demick Los Angeles Times

May 26, 2011, 8:10 a.m.
Reporting from Beijing —
Synchronized explosions that Chinese authorities initially tried to cover up killed at least two people and injured six Thursday in the southeastern Chinese city of Fuzhou. The unusual attack was apparently set off by a disgruntled farmer outside local government offices.

Chinese nervousness over the blasts was apparent from a ham-handed attempt to keep the story out of the news. Angry local reporters in Fuzhou complained that police confiscated their notebooks and cellphones and deleted photographs from cameras. An early report posted on the official Xinhua news site that attributed the attacks to the farmer was later removed from the website.

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Nevertheless, in an age when cellphone cameras and microblogs are challenging Chinese authorities' penchant for concealment, photographs appeared almost immediately on Twitter and other sites showing a gray smoke cloud billowing over the government district, a blackened car that had concealed a bomb and the body of a victim lying under a hedge outside a government building.

The three blasts took place minutes apart — the first at 9:18 a.m., when a car bomb exploded in a parking lot at the prosecutors office, the second at 9:29 a.m. at the local government office for the Linchuan district of Fuzhou, and at 9:45 a.m., another car bomb, outside the Drug Inspection Bureau office, according to a statement from local police.

"The police are trying their best to solve this case," the statement read.

A 4 p.m. news conference by local authorities to discuss the explosions was abruptly canceled and some journalists were told to stay the night at a nearby hotel.

The most serious of the explosions was outside the Linchuan district local office, the only blast not caused by a car bomb.

"I heard a loud bang. Our windows shook, although I didn't realize right away that it was a bomb. We've never seen anything like this before," said Sun Zhongkai, a printer whose shop is near the district government office. "What we've heard was that there was a local farmer who had a trial that the government didn't handle very well and now he is retaliating."

Police have not named a suspect. But whoever he is and whatever his motives, the bomber is quickly becoming something of a folk hero on the Internet.

"Well done my Brothers!" wrote one anonymous supporter, while another crowed, "Like the waves of the Yangtze River, one follows another. From China will emerge another Bin Laden."

The case bears a resemblance to that of Yang Jia, a 28-year-old unemployed man who was applauded after killing six police officers in a Shanghai suburb in 2008 in apparent retaliation for a beating he allegedly received from the police while being apprehended the year before for riding an unlicensed bicycle.

China has tight regulations on firearms but experiences a large number of bombings engineered using homemade explosives. Often incidents are triggered by land confiscations for real estate developments or grievances that have gone unaddressed by China's dysfunctional court system. Scholars also blame widening income disparities.

Sun Liping, a respected sociologist at Beijing's Tsinghua University, reported this year that there were 180,000 incidents in 2010, double the number from 2006.

"Our society is going through a period of great change, so it is not unexpected that there is a rise in individuals who take these kinds of extreme measures," another academic, Liu Shanying of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, said Thursday.

However, Shanying urged that people not speculate too much about the Fuzhou case until it is clear what happened.

Bombings leave 2 dead, 6 injured in Fuzhou, China - latimes.com
This is the 2nd bomb blast in few days.

The situation is very sad as in so much controlled nation like china where govt. decides how many child one family can have or govt. decides that one can practise religion or not.

And govt act and supress any rebels etc.
It appears that no place is safe from the terrorists.

something similar happen few days back in china

Still china supports maoism in nepal, mayanmar and India.

More than 40 injured in China bank blast

May 13, 2011

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More than 40 people were injured Friday after a disgruntled former employee ignited a petrol bomb at a bank in a Tibetan-inhabited region of northwest China, local authorities said.

The attack in Tianzhu county at 8:00 am (0000 GMT) sparked a fire at the Agriculture Credit Cooperative in Gansu province, according to a statement issued by the county government. Among the injured, 19 are in a serious state.

The former employee, identified as Yang Xianwen, 39, allegedly threw the bomb into a room at the cooperative while a morning meeting was underway, the Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County government statement said.
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"Some of the workers at the meeting suffered burns, others were injured after breaking windows and jumping to the roof of an adjacent three-storey building," it said.

Police in the county seat of Huazangsi township -- where the incident occurred -- were investigating the fire and seeking the whereabouts of Yang, who fled the scene, it said.

"In April 2011, Yang Xianwen... embezzled public funds and was fired from the credit cooperative," the government said.

"This incident left hatred in his heart. He started the fire out of revenge and fled the scene."

The official Xinhua news agency had initially said the blast caused "significant deaths and injuries" but later issued a report saying the fire had led to many injuries but no deaths.

About a third of the county's residents are Tibetans. The government statement said the chief suspect was Han Chinese, China's dominant ethnicity.

A travel agent near the scene of the incident told AFP it was unlikely the bombing was related to the local Tibetan population.

"I have not heard anything about this being linked to ethnic Tibetan problems," the agent, a Han Chinese who declined to be named, told AFP by phone. "It could have be due to a dispute at the bank."

Fire engines rushed to the scene early Friday morning but by midday the fire had been put out, she said.

Phones at the Tianzhu People's Hospital, where the injured were taken, went unanswered.

Tensions run deep in Tibetan areas of China, where many Tibetans accuse the government of trying to dilute their culture, and cite concern about what they view as increasing domination by China's majority Han ethnic group.

That tension erupted in violent demonstrations in March 2008 in Tibet's capital Lhasa, which then spread into neighbouring Tibetan areas of China, including Gansu.

More than 40 injured in China bank blast
India has more motive to do this than Pakistan. Or any of the other many nationalities in Asia right now.

But that's all speculation. It won't turn out to be Pakistan I'm pretty sure.
Dear Indians,

I know it would make your day to think that Pakistan had something to do with these bombs. You'd cream your pants thinking about how China and the Chinese are going to turn on Pakistan and stop its support in terms of weapons, political support, economic support etc. I know your gut instinct is to blame any and all acts of domestic terrorism on Pakistan but China is not India (surprise!). There is zero chance that Pakistanis had anything to do with this, because guess what? Jiangxi is here in China


and the demographics look like this

Han – 99.7%
She – 0.2%

(this is what the She minority looks like)

So the idea of a Pakistani walking about Jiangxi looking inconspicuous and planting a bomb is about as paranoid and crazy as you accuse others of being. So for once in your life shut your trap when you have no bloody clue what you are talking about.
India has more motive to do this than Pakistan. Or any of the other many nationalities in Asia right now.

But that's all speculation. It won't turn out to be Pakistan I'm pretty sure.

No you are not pretty sure, you are absolutely fcking 100% sure, it's not Pakistan.
No you are not pretty sure, you are absolutely fcking 100% sure, it's not Pakistan.

just wait few days well one of my frined in china police told me how badly they have fear towards pakistani ,afagani muslims terriost

just wait few days report will come out

then i will see china -pakistan song
just wait few days well one of my frined in china police told me how badly they have fear towards pakistani ,afagani muslims terriost

just wait few days report will come out

then i will see china -pakistan song

Abso-fcking-lute we will. I hadn't thought you people would be mentally this twisted and inflexible. Keep posting. Please.
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